Stone Circle and put it all back together again in the quiet of my private collection
Swiftcurrent Creek
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Master Medic
Arlette shifted closer to her brother as he agreed to tell her. Her ears popped up, though only briefly as they weren't completely upright yet. Arlette gave him a beaming smile when he started. She listened curiously. Somehow the end of the sentences seemed similar! Her brother continued. Arlette's gaze also moved to her big brother as Merrit seemed eager to please him. "A rhymee!" Arlette tipped her head. "It sounded nice!"

Then again, she didn't understand the difficulty of it but she would always be supportive of her brother. She nudged him and then licked over his cheek. She then glanced at Ezra to see how he was responding. It was always interesting how adults reacted. Often they seemed extremely pleased other times they were disapproving of what one did.