Sunbeam Lair ❝i am exhausted, i am exhausted— pillar of white in a blackout of knives.
wearing my dream like a diadem in some better land.
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Master Ranger
The ‘rabid snow fox’ wanted to lob a snarling, girlish seethe of “No, YOU get!” just before vertigo caught up to the both of them; as it was though, she staggered as the rogue flinched and swayed, himself. So her paltry threat instead slurred out as “ffshNaw-yOUGRHT” while stumbling off to the side in a clumsy and clattering side-trot. Regardless of the licheny Lair whirling about her, Aurëwen continued to snip and goad the ruffled male before her.

Her breathing was ragged, wheezed, as she growled, ”G-get your ass over he-here sso...” lifting a quivering paw, as if to step forward, ”Ssso I can kcik your aSS! I’ll kickf your ass to... to ze moutniand,” and promptly staggered and kissed the good green moss face-first. Little did either of them — she, at least — know that, while they recovered, the pair now held a very, very concerned audience from afar.

rEeEeE’s for @Goosie
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RE: ❝i am exhausted, i am exhausted— pillar of white in a blackout of knives. - by Andraste - April 20, 2019, 10:32 AM