Sunset Valley rabies awareness pro-am fun run race for the cure
423 Posts
Ooc — mercury
The matter-of-fact way the woman spoke about all this sent a chill down her spine, and upon request to dig, she did so. Lilitu was more than happy to bury the poor dead wolf—though wondering how close she could get without catching said. . .disease.

How do you know what she had? she asked, glancing at the other wolf through the spray of dirt as she worked. Her breath was coming shorter, but that was only due to exertion. And, perhaps, her heavy heart weighed her down as well; she hadn't had much experience with death.

Not in front of her face, at least.
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RE: rabies awareness pro-am fun run race for the cure - by Lilitu - June 19, 2024, 11:44 PM