Emberwood i cry a lot, but i am so productive - it's an art
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
i LOVE her <3 unfortunately i need to close lilitu out

She only caught, like, one of three words from the mongrel's mouth. She tried her best, but the speech was unintelligible, and she grabbed bits and pieces, here and there. 

A giant that had wrecked the woman's mouth. That was the gist of it. And perhaps that giant still lurked nearby.

Lilitu felt sorry for the woman, but at the same time, irritated.

It wasn't the other's fault. Her ticking clock had her on edge; had her measuring her interactions in quantity rather than quality.

Wow, that's. . .a lot, she finally replied, grimacing. Look, thanks, and I'm sorry I gotta go—but I gotta go.

She offered her best approximation of a smile before moving past the burly creature, feeling bad all the way as she did so. In any other circumstance, she'd happily hear out the rest of this convoluted story.

But she was dying, and time was running out.
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RE: i cry a lot, but i am so productive - it's an art - by Lilitu - August 25, 2024, 05:44 PM