Redhawk Caldera A day in the life of a try-hard
I'm Free to be The Greatest here Tonight
317 Posts
Ooc — Marie
All Welcome 
@Shrike, maybe? 
Something like this ^^

Trick had returned to the Caldera, two big hares wagging from left to right as he walked. It wasn't much, but he hoped enough to let the pups grow big and strong. He was planning on finding a den today, getting a little sick of sleeping out in the open. Yes, maybe he was a little late, but better late than never. He had spent most of his days hunting for the pack, seeing that Grace wasn't really doing her job all that well. He carried the critters to the water place, placing them neatly next to each other on a clean bit of land. His eyes landed on a tree, roots big and strong, perfect for a roof. he made a soft "hmmm" sound, then walked over to the area and checked how close it was to the water.

Just his luck; he'd have to dig a stream if he wanted fresh water near enough to satisfy him. Oh well, he supposed there were worse things. He shrugged, going back to pick up his food and return to the tree. He began digging, and digging, his small paws going fast but  not big enough to make a lot of difference. After 10 or so minutes, he was already exhausted, and he wasn't even halfway yet.

The Gods hate me... He grunted, digging a little slower than before. seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, but after around 2 hours of hard work he had a den to be proud of. It was big enough to fit both him and a whole lot of herbs, the dents on the roots perfect to place them on. Not bad Tricky boy... He said to himself and threw his or someone else's dinner in the hole he had created. He then went to the water, which was around 5 wolf lengths away and began digging there. He didn't know if this was against the rules, but if so they would've had to tell him sooner. This was his place now, and if they weren't okay with it, he had that excuse. No-one had told him shizzle yet, the only thing he knew was that there was a little girl missing by the name Lucy, and that she was most likely stolen by a black wolf with red eyes.

After another hour, the sun already beginning to disappear to prepare for another day, he had created a small stream that led to his den. Sure, it made the ground and all a bit yecky, but he was near water so a bath was never far away. Sweaty and dirty he looked at his work, and then let out a howl, calling for all who wanted to see him creation and begin a late evening conversation. 
·Wylie refers to himself as Trick. 
· Shakespearean, normal English and a pirate impression.
~Adopt Avalon!~
[Image: Caregiver_zpsbqqkmcip.gif] ~1~ [Image: naturalist_zps22vypiui.gif] ~2~
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Shrike still v much welcome :D

Eljay was worried sick for little Lucy, and of course for daddy who'd gone looking for her. He wished nothing more than to see his little sister returned home once more, scared that she might be hurt somewhere. And what if daddy nor Lucy would make the trip back? Eljay wasn't so sure he was ready to be the man of the house and care for everyone all the time, and the thought of losing daddy made his chest feel constricted. He tried to hunt to keep mommy fed in the meantime, but even though he'd made it his trade it was still so difficult.

"Oh, hamburgers!" Eljay murmured, his voice quavering, as his teeth snapped shut around the frays of a rabbit's hairs and he fell to the ground, watching his prey escape. He let out a long sigh and felt panic rise up within him, but pressed it away and closed his eyes to regain his composure.

When he looked round to see if anyone'd been watching — luckily no one had — he heard a voice and ears perked up. The voice didn't come familiar to Eljay and so he followed it. It was when he came nearer that he heard the howl. At first Eljay pressed himself to the ground, wondering if the wolf'd noticed him and didn't want him near, calling other wolves to rid of him, but then when he actually listened to the message he realised that it was an invitation and he rose to his feet.

With a neutral, slightly submissive posture Eljay approached the stranger and with a nervous tone to his voice he said, "Uhm, hi... I'm Eljay." He felt awkward, never enjoying meeting new wolves all that much, but he reminded himself that Nadie and Mazi had been nice too, even if they'd left. Hopefully this guy was friendly, too.
I'm Free to be The Greatest here Tonight
317 Posts
Ooc — Marie
He panted, his stomach growling for some precious nourishment. He had done good today- he had deserved a snack. Sure, giving everything to the pack was rather noble -and he had done so before at The Keep- it was also foolish. Trick was almost never hungry, so he found that if he ate it truly was just because he didn't want to die. With a soft grunt he pulled one of the plump rabbits out from his den, digging his teeth in just before a male entered the scene.

Trick had not met this boy yet, but he had the same coloration than some others he had seen in the Caldera. Perhaps a sibling? Coincidence? Trick was far too tired to think about it at the moment, and so nodded respectively at the younger boy. Trick smiled around his rabbit, quickly letting it go and turning around to dip his muzzle in the water. When the nasty blood was gone from his spotless coat, he sat down again near his rabbit, bright green eyes taking in Eljay. It's a pleasure to meet you, Eljay. I'm Trick Likoto, though only Trick will do just fine. He said in a cheerier voice than normal. It was probably the fact that he had finally found a den that was worth his efforts.

With a look that said; "Oh yeah!" like he had forgotten something he went to the opening of his new sleeping place, pulling out the other rabbit with a swish of his fluffy tail. He went back, forelimbs almost shivering at moving again after digging so long and nosed the rabbit to young man. Are you hungry?
·Wylie refers to himself as Trick. 
· Shakespearean, normal English and a pirate impression.
~Adopt Avalon!~
[Image: Caregiver_zpsbqqkmcip.gif] ~1~ [Image: naturalist_zps22vypiui.gif] ~2~
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay wasn't sure if he liked the fact that this guy immediately sprang to his feet to greet him and was very chatty so far, or if he felt overwhelmed. Maybe it was a little bit of both, for being overwhelmed was still better than an awkward silence. Trick was a funny name, Eljay thought, but of course he didn't say that, because it'd be pretty rude — and there was something pretty in the funny-ness of the name, too, for at least it was unique.

Instead, he said, "Oh, uhm, hi Trick. That's a..." But he trailed off halfway through because he wasn't sure how to compliment Trick on his unique name without sounding like he thought it was a rubbish name. He ended up saying nothing, trailing off as if that was just the end of his sentence, then looked at Trick as he asked if Eljay was hungry,

Eljay wondered if this was a ruse, a trick maybe, like the ones that Nightjar used to play on him; asking him if he wanted something, only to tell him he couldn't have it later. "Oh, well — a little, I guess. I need to fetch something for mommy later..." He sounded as unpleased as he was with this; he wasn't that good at hunting even though he tried a lot, and it was stressful to think of being unable to provide for mommy, especially with daddy still away.
I'm Free to be The Greatest here Tonight
317 Posts
Ooc — Marie
A toothy grin was given at the boy, and Trick didn't know why he was so happy. At The Keep he had had his own place as well, but that hadn't turned him into a softhearted little pussy. He was mostly at the Caldera to survive the winter and maybe rise to power, and yet his time here had made him care for these wolves. This was really bad- this was the worst thing. If he cared, they could use it against him. His grin slowly disappeared together with the half finished sentence Eljay was uttering. He had to be careful with caring.

That's a what? He asked in his honey sweet voice. He knew his name-his fake one- was an unusual one, but nothing too crazy to comment on. Warbone and Grace weren't exactly normal names either, and never had he said a thing about them. Actually he found Wylie is weirder name than the one he was currently sporting. 

It wasn't a trick, despite his name- he just wanted to be kind. Oh God, this friendship thing really wasn't good for his morals. He placed his behind on the ground near his own meal then, gaze flicking between the boy and the rabbit he had placed before him. Then you can have it- I'm not a real eater anyway. He couldn't help but lower his ears as he heard the un-pleased tone of voice. You don't sound very happy about doing that for your mother- why not? He asked carefully. 
·Wylie refers to himself as Trick. 
· Shakespearean, normal English and a pirate impression.
~Adopt Avalon!~
[Image: Caregiver_zpsbqqkmcip.gif] ~1~ [Image: naturalist_zps22vypiui.gif] ~2~
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Unfortunately, Trick asked him about his trailed off sentence, and Eljay murmured, "Oh, uhm, nothing, really. It's a nice name." He smiled uncomfortably, deciding to twist his earlier thoughts a little to make them seem more adaptable; he wasn't sure what words he could use besides these.

"You're not much of an eater..?" Eljay asked awkwardly, finding this unusual. Maybe he just wasn't hungry right now, though...? "Thanks! Oh, uh... I'm just not very good at hunting, I guess." He didn't like how it took forever to catch anything — he hated failing, and hunting required a lot of fails before he'd get it right. Maybe he would just take this home to mommy, but he also didn't want to seem rude to Trick by taking the offered food home rather than eat it himself, like suggested.
I'm Free to be The Greatest here Tonight
317 Posts
Ooc — Marie
Trick squinted slightly at Eljay's words. He had the feeling the boy was lying to him. He knew wolves, he had met quite a few of them, and his broken up sentence didn't seem the normal structure for a compliment since he doubted Eljay had romantic feelings for him. He decided to take it easy on the young one- it had meant no offense. It's rather unusual, isn't it? He said with a small grin. That should make it easier on Eljay and learn him that it was totally okay to speak your mind.

I only eat when I need to- I have never needed much food on my travels to keep my small frame moving. He said with a slight shrug. Though he did eat herbs to keep away the hunger on most travels. Perhaps he even liked the greens and berries more than actual meat- but they were all necessary for a nice and balanced meal. You're  Finley's, aren't you? Lagan's big brother? He asked for clarification, since the little fluffball had mentioned Eljay. 
·Wylie refers to himself as Trick. 
· Shakespearean, normal English and a pirate impression.
~Adopt Avalon!~
[Image: Caregiver_zpsbqqkmcip.gif] ~1~ [Image: naturalist_zps22vypiui.gif] ~2~
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
"Uhm, yeah," Eljay said with an uneasy smile. "I don't think I ever met anyone with a name that's also a word. Uh, except for animal names." Aunt Fox and Uncle P had children with animal names, but apart from that Eljay didn't recall meeting anyone with a name like 'trick'. He wondered silently if the boy also was tricky, or liked to play tricks on others, but didn't dare ask in case such a question would be offensive.

Eljay was envious that Trick seemed to not need a lot of food — he always seemed to be lacking. Eljay wished he'd get to a point where he'd feel he was contributing rather than just taking, but it still seemed far away now. When Trick asked about mommy, Eljay nodded, surprised that Trick had already met Lagan and mommy. Maybe he'd been out looking for food then, too. "Uhm, yeah. Lagan's my baby brother." He loved his siblings a lot, more than anything in the world except for mommy and daddy. His face fell a little as he then thought of poor lost little Lucy, and daddy who was out looking for her...
I'm Free to be The Greatest here Tonight
317 Posts
Ooc — Marie
Two friends of mine are called Grace and Warbone- it's not that uncommon. Trick said in a non-"I know everything" sort of way. Though Trick is not my birth name. He added with a shrug, not bothering revealing what it really was. When he had told Grace, she totally flipped. But Wylie sounded so dumb and unimportant. He much rather be Trick- lord of the... whatever he was a lord of now. Wait, he had a den. Lord of the Den it was! He laughed to himself in a low tone that did not much resemble laughing at all.

I met him and Uncle P a few days ago. Trick explained. Lagan seems rather fond of you. He said with a grin, remembering how the child had almost demanded for Peregrine to call Eljay's name too. It had been cute, he found, and worth mentioning. Some day, Eljay might teach Lagan things his parents won't- or Trick could do it. He didn't mind spending time with young souls; they were the future and he'd do anything to teach them as much as possible. Do you have plans to travel around Teekon? He asked out of the blue. 
·Wylie refers to himself as Trick. 
· Shakespearean, normal English and a pirate impression.
~Adopt Avalon!~
[Image: Caregiver_zpsbqqkmcip.gif] ~1~ [Image: naturalist_zps22vypiui.gif] ~2~
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
"Oh," Eljay mumbled when he was proven wrong, and he looked away, feel really stupid for not knowing that. He only knew wolves called like animals or random letters mashed together, not like actual other words. He hoped Trick wasn't offended, and licked his lips in submissive gesture while he looked at his paws.

A fond smile rested on his face when Trick mentioned Lagan's love for him, one that made it obvious the love was returned. Yet just as he was about to return Trick asked if he was looking to travel the wilds, causing Eljay's face to turn into one of horror, as if Trick'd just told him his toes would fall off within the week. "What? No! I... N-no, I... Did Uncle P say anything?" He was reminded of his fear of a while back to be asked to leave the pack, considering his age, but was still terrified to go outside of Redhawk Caldera's boundaries.
I'm Free to be The Greatest here Tonight
317 Posts
Ooc — Marie
Trick observed the young one's every move- assuming he had been a wise guy. He wasn't trying to make Eljay feel bad. Don't feel bad- if it helps, you can call me Wylie. He said, his eyes pointed at the ground as he nervously moved some dirt around. Why he had said it just wouldn't make sense in his head- he was trying to make the boy feel better. Never had he wanted to do anything like it- he thought he still didn't want to do such a sweet thing. And yet here he was; in a pack with friends, working his butt off to mean anything to the Caldera. This was not the way he had imagined his future as a yearling. He was a God- he was higher than them all and was destined to rule, or so he had thought.

The conflicting feelings inside his heart distracted him from picking up any other emotion that was shown by Eljay, instead only looking at the ground until the other's voice rang again. He looked up in shock- had he offended him or something? Nothing at all- I was just wondering. He said quickly.
·Wylie refers to himself as Trick. 
· Shakespearean, normal English and a pirate impression.
~Adopt Avalon!~
[Image: Caregiver_zpsbqqkmcip.gif] ~1~ [Image: naturalist_zps22vypiui.gif] ~2~
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Had he not been so distracted by the mention of him travelling the wilds, Eljay might've felt bad about making Trick nervous in some form. Yet all that happened so far was overshadowed by the fear of being cast out to fend for himself, to not be allowed to be around his parents anymore. What would he do? He'd never survive out on his own in the wilds.

While trying to control his breathing he looked at Trick, who seemed to only have been wondering. Had Uncle P asked him? Was it really supposed to be a hint of sorts? "Are you sure?" Eljay asked, looking at Trick with pleading eyes. "I... I-it's okay if I gotta go," though his body language screamed how very muchly it was not, "'cause that's what yearlings're supposed to do, I just, just want to know what Uncle P or Aunt Fox said about it."
I'm Free to be The Greatest here Tonight
317 Posts
Ooc — Marie
He truly had no idea what the boy was getting at. Trick retraced his steps but never had anyone mentioned Eljay having to leave. He found it rather odd; if the boy wanted to stay, why not let him? As long as he hunted and defended, Trick could see no problem with letting the yearling stay home with his family. Not every bird left its nest, and they could always stay longer. Trick shook his head- slowly with big movements.

They said nothing. He said, surprised of how honest he had been since joining the Caldera. And, by the way, not all yearlings leave their pack. You can take as long as you like- if it were up to me. He said with a slight wink, hoping to calm the almost-no-child-anymore.
·Wylie refers to himself as Trick. 
· Shakespearean, normal English and a pirate impression.
~Adopt Avalon!~
[Image: Caregiver_zpsbqqkmcip.gif] ~1~ [Image: naturalist_zps22vypiui.gif] ~2~
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay felt a little relieved, though he hoped that Trick was telling the truth. He smiled awkwardly as he tried to diffuse the panic rising in his heart and calm down his breathing so that he would feel normal again, but it was really hard. "Okay, yeah, good, thank you," he murmured and shot Trick an awkward smile, fear still showing in his ever-expressive eyes, while he tried to act normal and not look like a total fool.

He knew he wasn't normal, and that normally yearlings'd leave their packs when they were a certain age... But he had no idea how the leaders felt. Maybe he ought to talk to mommy and daddy about it, and his aunt and uncle, just to try and figure it out without literally saying it. It was worth a shot.
I'm Free to be The Greatest here Tonight
317 Posts
Ooc — Marie
With a name like "Trick" he knew he didn't come over completely trustworthy. It was quite the opposite- he almost never told the truth in his even younger years. Lying and scheming was what he was best at, but the Caldera was special for him. Never would he lie about something as stupid as a parent wanting their child to leave. Still, exploring the world is a rather amazing experience- even if it's just a little over the borders. He said with a longing of what was once a free wolf with no rules or boundaries. You don't have to leave the pack entirely for exploring. Want me to take you along sometime? I can teach you to hunt better? He asked carefully.
·Wylie refers to himself as Trick. 
· Shakespearean, normal English and a pirate impression.
~Adopt Avalon!~
[Image: Caregiver_zpsbqqkmcip.gif] ~1~ [Image: naturalist_zps22vypiui.gif] ~2~
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Trick kept saying he should just do it as if it was this really easy thing to do, and Eljay felt his breathing tighten as he felt more and more crowded by this. He wanted to shout that he just didn't want to, and that mommy had gotten hurt when she had gone out of Redhawk Caldera, but found himself unable to express his fear and frustration. So instead of saying what he wanted to, Eljay just grew a little smaller in demeanour and murmured: "Uh, n-no, that's okay." And hoped that his polite rejection of exploring with Trick would be received. He was going to stay in Redhawk Caldera forever.
I'm Free to be The Greatest here Tonight
317 Posts
Ooc — Marie
Sorry for the shortness! D:

O-Okay. Trick voiced softly, disappointment clear in his tone. He would've looked forward to teaching a young soul something about hunting, even if he wasn't that good himself. He cleared his throat, setting his gaze on the home he had just build. He pointed at it with a head shake, trying to change the subject somehow. How do you like it? Just finished building it. He said with a slight smile.
·Wylie refers to himself as Trick. 
· Shakespearean, normal English and a pirate impression.
~Adopt Avalon!~
[Image: Caregiver_zpsbqqkmcip.gif] ~1~ [Image: naturalist_zps22vypiui.gif] ~2~
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
"Sorry," Eljay mumbled in response to the disappointment that weighed heavily on him. "I just don't like leaving the Caldera." He looked away, feeling like a coward and a fool, and knowing he was both. But he was just different from other wolves, and though he hated being a burden, he didn't have the strength and courage to not be.

Asked about the den, he looked at it and was quick to nod, clearly eager to change the subject away from his disappointment. "It's - it looks great," he said. Eljay had helped dig dens, but had never dug his own den; he'd always stayed with his parents, so he had only ever helped them form theirs when the pups came around. He licked his lips submissively and said, "Do you have experience making dens?"
I'm Free to be The Greatest here Tonight
317 Posts
Ooc — Marie
It's quite alright- I know how one could grow to love their home so much. He lied. He had only acted like he loved his home so very dearly, but in reality he was not one made for love or compassion. He was learning though, and the Caldera seemed a good place to do so. Silently he wished to know what had hit him and why he was still here, but those questioned were always left unanswered.

His face lit up as the younger man seemed to approve of his new home- his tail wagging and brushing some leafs off the ground. His muzzle lifted in proud, glad to hear he had dome something good- had made something that was not as dark as his soul had been for so long. I actually don't- I slept mostly on ridges or soft grass in my younger years. He laughed.
·Wylie refers to himself as Trick. 
· Shakespearean, normal English and a pirate impression.
~Adopt Avalon!~
[Image: Caregiver_zpsbqqkmcip.gif] ~1~ [Image: naturalist_zps22vypiui.gif] ~2~
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay curiously asked, "Did you love your previous home a lot too? Why'd you leave it?" Because it sounded like Trick had experienced what Eljay felt for Redhawk... In a sense. Eljay didn't ever dream of leaving his home, however, so it was still very different, probably.

As Trick said that he had often slept in non-den-places Eljay nodded, understanding. He often slept in the grass at the rendezvous site, too; the pups no longer needed the constant shelter now. He only went inside when the weather was really bad or there were other threats.
I'm Free to be The Greatest here Tonight
317 Posts
Ooc — Marie
H A H, no, the Keep was not a place that was dear to me. Mean wolves that didn't appreciate all that I had done. He chuckled softly, yet sadly. He was saddened by the fact that all he had done had not been enough to impress them- how suddenly his beloved alpha had left them without a warning, leaving that bitch in charge. Even Fox was a better leader than his former female one, and Fox was absolutely not the brightest Christmas light in the tree! I had a cave full of herbs and sticks with neat, little cobwebs and no one even came to me for healing business. I guess I left because I felt underappreciated. Plus my alpha was a fuuuuuu-.... He held the awful language on his tongue, careful not to let it drip out of his muzzle. -not such a nice lady. He finished awkwardly.
·Wylie refers to himself as Trick. 
· Shakespearean, normal English and a pirate impression.
~Adopt Avalon!~
[Image: Caregiver_zpsbqqkmcip.gif] ~1~ [Image: naturalist_zps22vypiui.gif] ~2~
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay guessed 'the keep' was Trick's previous home or something like that. He smiled awkwardly as he listened to the story, though he wondered why no one would come to Trick if they were in need of healing. Were there other healers in the pack instead? Then, Eljay hadn't known many healers. Just Sebastian, really, and he had only met him once. Not many wolves came to him for expertise, either, but then, maybe it was because he wasn't good at a whole lot of things. Puppywatching just sort of went automatically, they didn't need to come to him for it.

"Weren't your parents sad you left?" he asked then, thinking of how even with terrible leaders, he wouldn't really like being all alone somewhere else. It seemed awfully scary to leave home for whatever reason, to Eljay. Maybe they'd come along, though, if it was such a bad place to live.
I'm Free to be The Greatest here Tonight
317 Posts
Ooc — Marie
Feel free to post again and/or archive <3 This was a fun thread :)

My parents died shortly after I was born... He sighed sadly, though was quick to hide how much he had wished to spent time with his real family. He quite literally shook it off of him, and lifted himself off the ground. It was about time he got back to work. Or perhaps he was avoiding any more questions about his past. Whether it was the ladder or not, it was obvious he was somewhat done with the conversation- not with Eljay, of course. The boy was quite alright.

Well, I still have a lot cut out for me if I want to finish this all. He cleared his throat awkwardly. It was exquisite meeting you, Eljay.
·Wylie refers to himself as Trick. 
· Shakespearean, normal English and a pirate impression.
~Adopt Avalon!~
[Image: Caregiver_zpsbqqkmcip.gif] ~1~ [Image: naturalist_zps22vypiui.gif] ~2~
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
"Oh!" Eljay said with a frown when Trick admitted his parents were long dead. He couldn't imagine what that'd be like. He wasn't sure he could even go on living if it were the case. "I, uhm... S-sorry," he mumbled awkwardly. He was grateful when Trick then wrapped up their meeting so that he didn't need to linger in awkwardness much longer.

"I, uhm... Bye," he called after Trick and then quickly went on his way again, glad to be away from the situation for the moment.