Blackfeather Woods from above
454 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
All Welcome 
With that whacko pack (far, far) behind him, Kaertok set his sights on the more inland areas of the Teekon Wilds. He could not tell you which mountain he had been born on, but he knew that he had been born on one, and he had lived most of his life along various slopes. Having spent a day or two exploring them, though, he realized they were not well-populated. That brought him here, to the borders of another pack where he might make his home... provided they didn't turn out to be like the last one.

As he neared, a murder of crows stirred and cawed and lifted into the sky. Malrok's eyes watched them make their way deeper into the forest. He was well outside the marked borders, and he was about to call out for somebody to greet him when something from within the forest caught his eye...
330 Posts
Ooc — siv
Her usual haunt was around the borders, slinking between the shade the trees provided. Normally she did not find much of interest. Save for a few prey scents here and there. Yet today offered a new scent. A stranger near the lands of Blackfeather Woods. So she walked on the tip of her paws towards the source.

Another pale figure. Yet it was obvious to her that this was not Maegi, Mou or even that other gal she had met once before. She knew this face was not one of their own.

Hello. She called out softly, her tail tentatively swaying behind her lithe form. Perhaps someone who was more...well versed with words would join them.
454 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
It was difficult to see the stranger, given her color and the setting sun. She spoke a greeting, and he was able to (mostly) pick out her silhouette from the shadows. It still tended to get lost now and again, and his eyes struggled to keep her in focus, but he did his best.

Hello, he echoed back. What is this place?
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Ramsay took his time slaking his thirst before responding to the border call. He'd been mid-drink when Kaertok's voice stirred the ravens overhead, and chose to finish before straightening and heading for the borders. His approach was proud and stern, as it always was. He kept his stunted figure held high, his bob of a tail lifted as much as it could be, and his face was arranged into a cool mask of contemplation.

He very nearly missed Jakoul in the shadows as he arrived, and not only because she was as dark as the deepest woods. She was small compared to the hefty white male standing at their borders. Ramsay was certain that Wintersbane would stand above this man, if he was still present, but there was something about Malrok that just seemed to loom. For his part, Ramsay knew nothing of the severe culture of Tartok or what kind of wolves it churned out; he only knew an intimidating male when he saw one, because most of Blackfeather's denizens were the opposite.

No less dangerous... but not physically intimidating like this guy. Blackfeather Woods, he quietly supplied the answer, pricking his ears and settling his dark gaze on Kaertok's face. What can we do for you?
330 Posts
Ooc — siv
feel free to skip me if needed <3

It was an unfamiliar figure that drew near her from their side of the border. Unique in their build and looks, like Nona but not. She was not entirely aware that this was Ramsay (who Maegi had briefly informed her of) who stood not far from her but she knew from their posture and air that they were higher ranked. So she fell silent and let them do the speaking. Which was likely for the best, ranking or not.
454 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Yet another inky black wolf approached, and Kaertok dryly wondered if they only admitted the darkest amongst their ranks. If that was the case, they would have no use for him. There was something decidedly off about the second wolf's appearance, though Kaertok couldn't quite place it. Maybe it was just the angle, and he averted his eyes and tried not to stare too long.

My name is Kaertok. What do you seek in a recruit? he asked. If it didn't describe him at all, Kaertok would take himself elsewhere. But if it did, perhaps this place might do him well. He certainly wanted to vet this pack a bit better than he had the last one. No shaky leadership with zero foundation.
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What do you seek in a recruit was a question that Ramsay didn't often here. Wolves were quick to come to the borders of packs reeling off what they were able to provide, but few asked what the needs of the pack were. And, come to think of it, Ramsay didn't really know himself. His leadership realm was concerned with things outside the pack: the position and status of enemies, the strengthening of the borders, surveying their surroundings. This was more Titmouse's specialty, but Titmouse wasn't here.

Discernment, he decided, and the desire to improve the pack by your deeds. What do you seek in a pack? There was only so much that Ramsay was willing to divulge; the less outsiders knew about them, the better. They had a reputation already due to the misdeeds of former masters of the woods. Keeping their affairs to themselves was the only way to survive.
454 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Discernment was something Kaertok had lacked during his short stay on the beach, but it had been a good learning experience. That had only been a small blip in his life, so he liked to think that yes, in general, he possessed discernment. The second one was an obvious one, yet again something he had failed to do with the coastal pack. Once again, he did not blame himself for that. That pack was doomed, as far as he could tell.

The question asked was one Kaertok had thought long and hard about, so the answer came easily. A strong, smart leader. Pack mates who work well together. The coastal pack had been none of those things, and Kaertok knew he didn't want a repeat of that.
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Hm, Ramsay mused as Kaertok revealed his criteria. He would argue that all of Blackfeather Woods' leaders were intelligent enough, and he boasted some brawn. The pack itself felt more like a collection of individuals than an established group at present, though that was something they all sought to change with time. Would it be a problem? Probably, but Ramsay would not lie to an interested party. He would like about many a thing, but this was not one of them.

This group is somewhat newly settled, he said, but the leaders' history with these woods is extensive. You will find strength and smarts both in our council, but we wolves of the woods are still getting used to one another's company. Perhaps you can help with that. Ramsay guessed that Kaertok must have come from such a place if it was high on his list of requirements for a pack. Having lived primarily in discord himself, the dwarf didn't know much about working together, but he was willing to take cues from someone who did to make the woods stronger.
454 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Something about what the odd-looking wolf said didn't quite add up. How can you have history with this place, yet still be newly settled? he asked. It sounded like a roundabout way of trying to say something he would have much rather heard straight-forward. He had been brought up to not skirt around the issue, and to make things as clear as possible. He refused to get involved in anything until his questions were answered. And if this Blackfeather Woods pack did not want to deal those out, he would gladly seek shelter elsewhere.
319 Posts
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I was born here, Ramsay answered, my sister and I. The pack that used to live here left some time ago but we returned and created the pack anew. And that about summed up how much he was willing to share about Blackfeather Woods, both the past and present versions. The less that other wolves knew about the pack's past, the less likely they were to make amends for the things that pack had done. Ramsay believed fully that they should not be held accountable for the actions of their predecessors, but he knew that wasn't realistic.

If Kaertok wanted to know more, he would learn it as a member of the pack. Otherwise, the Morta had nothing more to say. His gaze was soft on the other wolf's face, awaiting a verdict. A strong wolf like him could benefit the pack greatly, but the decision was his, not Ramsay's.
Thread titles are quotes from H.P. Lovecraft.
454 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Kaertok ingested what the odd-looking wolf said, mulling over whether or not it would be worth it to join this pack. In the end, he decided against it... at least for now. He was seeking an established back, not one that had just regenerated, and this one would not do, despite the current leaders' connection to the land. I wish you luck, Kaertok said, then turned away to leave.
319 Posts
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The only indication Ramsay gave that he was annoyed to have his time wasted was a single flicker of his ear. Farewell, he said, and watched as Kaertok left. The man would find that there were only so many chances in life, and Ramsay was apt to give most wolves only one. Kaertok would have made a good addition to the pack, but if Blackfeather Woods wasn't good enough for him now, then he wasn't good enough for them either. Licking his chops, the dwarf turned and slipped back into the darkness.
Thread titles are quotes from H.P. Lovecraft.