Hideaway Strath do unto others, what has been done to you.
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vero held herself low to the ground, her crimson gaze focussed ahead of her and hear tall dark ears cupped forward. she slunk low to the earth, feeling the tall grasses of the riverside tickle her chest and belly. the fat rabbit she stalked had yet to detect her presence, but as soon as she deemed herself near enough she took off into a sprint. 

the rabbit's eyes widened in terror as it took flight, the lanky black wolf hot at its heels. the inevitable death happened as Vero clenched her jaws around the animal's thick throat, fangs peircing flesh and the pressure of her jaws suffocating the life from the rabbit. it had been an easy hunt; easier than any she had attempted in previous weeks. 

her task accomplished, Verochka approached the shore of the winding river and settled down on her haunches to enjoy her meal.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Phox had only returned home two nights ago, but now he was back on his feet, heading out for the Firebirds. He was looking forward to seeing Niamh, even if she had turned back on her promise. Maybe he would even see Elwood or Finley, although he assumed they'd be busy with their children, so maybe not. In any case, it needed to be done, and he wanted to be the one to do it. He wasn't even sure if they knew of his departure from the plateau.

A crashing through the woods diverted his attention, and soon Phox was on high alert, rushing after the sounds with the thought that it might be a predatory beast. It was, in fact, a predatory beast, but at least it was a wolf. She was chomping down on her meal, and Phox approached with guarded caution.

These lands are claimed, he asserted. If she was worthy, she'd know what to do.
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11 Posts
Ooc —
She had barely begun to tug the flesh from the rabbit's body when a voice cut through the sounds of the river. She halted her task and swiveled her ears, eventually gazing over her shoulder to have her red eyes met with the sight of a shadowy male. 

these lands are claimed he stated, without aggression necessarily but with the bluntness necessary for these kinds of things. every muscle in verochka's body tensed, instantly aware that she had violated a code engrained into her every fiber. 

she finished the bite in her mouth, licked stray blood from her dark lips and responded. I am sorry - I - I wasn't thinking, I suppose. at the same time as the words left her throat she lowered her stance, submitting to him, her tail tucking and her ears pinning against her skull. she was hungry, but she was prepared to offer him her kill if she must.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
She didn't challenge him, which was a step in the right direction. Phox could feel himself getting more possessive over the lands that he and the rest had been working so hard to make their own. Having somebody waltz through like this was disconcerting, to say the least. At least she wasn't taking the other route and claiming that he had no right to tell her to leave. That would have gone poorly.

Nevertheless, he didn't think very highly of her for trespassing. There's only one way out of here. I'll escort you since I'm heading out anyway, he said brusquely. It wasn't a question of "would she like to be escorted," but a simple command.
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Vero blinked a few times at the command. It couldn't be possible that she had missed the scent of a territory. Could it? Her origin pack had taught her respect and now it appeared that she had violated this deeply engrained tendency. 

Of-of course, I will walk out with you... she began, beginning to turn tail so that he could move ahead of her and lead her where he would. But an idea was simmering in her mind, and while she hesitated to voice it, Verochka figured that there was little to lose at this point. 

Sir, Are you seeking... recruits? she spoke at last.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Phox stopped in his tracks when she voiced her question. He turned to face her, scarred side closest to her as he studied her features. Phox thought it best to let the silence settle between them to see if she was just messing with him or maybe trying to avoid any consequences of her actions. Figuring she probably wasn't clever enough for that, he tossed that thought aside. Worthy recruits, yes. What's your name? he asked.

No sense in continuing to the exit if she was going to stick with them, eh?
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11 Posts
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He met her with an intense gaze, and she kept her eyes on him although her physical stance remained submissive and low. She knew he was searching for something in her, ill intentions, diabolical plans, or perhaps just honesty. The latter was what she gave him.

My name is Verochka. I am a healer, she informed him, keeping her gaze steady and serious, without any boastful inflection in her voice. She had been a loner for some time, searching for something that would give her life purpose. Perhaps this was what had fallen into her lap.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
She stated her name and what he could only assume was her thought on what made her worthy to the pack. He tried to recall if they had a healer already, but the details of all the wolves who had come to live in the grove were starting to get muddled together. Why this pack? he asked. There were plenty of others in the wilds, and Phox wanted to ensure that he only allowed wolves in that wanted to be here. He had been on the other side of it, in a way, when he had joined back up with the Redhawks under Quixote, but even he had his reasons for joining them.
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the question he posed was a difficult one to answer. in part, she swept her bloodred gaze around them in admiration, which she sought her heart for some kind of profound response that may satisfy him.

I... I like it here. she said finally, with a half-smile. And you seem one worthy to lead. I would be happy to offer my skills to you and to your growing pack. The words, leaving her lips, sounded a little contrived. But she had done her best, and whether the regal man felt convinced was up to him now.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Phox squinted at her. He couldn't really understand what made her think that he was worthy to lead. By golly, she hadn't even asked for his name, and she was already pledging her loyalty to him? Something about that seemed fishy. Have you been here before? he asked, wondering if she had some attachment to the land. She had said she liked it here. And what makes me worthy to lead in your opinion?

Whatever her answer, Phox would ultimately decide to escort her out of the grove and pass on another body among them. He wanted to be choosy with the recruits; he felt he could afford to do so.
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