Stone Circle themeparks and airplanes
201 Posts
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The bison were back! Leta, having just finished a very quick jaunt outside of the borders, returned home with a mind to watch them for a time. She wanted to get to know what was normal; apparently, their being missing had been the complete opposite of that. Leta could scarcely recall what the image of her healthy mother looked like; what had become normal was what they had experienced, though their family had not brought on any anxiety for it.

Leta was a bit more coltish in build than she otherwise would have been, but with the fortunate return of the creatures it would change in due time. The young Easthollow teen paused as she looked at her surroundings, before she headed toward where the bison last were.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy was just going to rest for a few more hours before heading off to fetch Valiant. She was hoping to contribute something to Easthollow's caches in thanks -- Valette didn't have to take in her family, but she had, and Easy thought she was a saint and an angel anyway.

On her way to hunt, she passed by a younger wolf who was staring out at the bison. Easy paused to watch them as well, and then tentatively approached the youth. "I can never get over how gigantic they are," the mottled woman commented, never mind that she herself was rather gigantic, in terms of normal wolf size. But she was smaller than Leta's father, so Easy was sure the girl would be used to this.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
201 Posts
Ooc —
Her eyes fixed upon the unique furs of Easy, openly admiring them with a bright look upon her features. When the other spoke, Leta looked now to the creatures she referred to and nodded. They were bigger than even her father, which was impressive; she had, before then, never remembered seeing anything quite so large. And I thought my dad was the biggest animal out there! She admitted with a little laugh. Leta was sheltered and young both, though, so she didn't have much to go off of other than what she'd been exposed to.

Looking back to Easy, Leta's tail wagged. I don't think we've met—uhm, she tried to remember if her mother had mentioned anyone new, but with the excitement of prey returning she couldn't manage to fall on the memory she sought. I'm Leta! And then, what was your name...? with a little wave of her tail. Easy was no small wolf herself, she realized; definitely bigger than herself!
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The girl did not seem put off or fearful at Easy's arrival, which she took as a sign of good things to come. It was nice to come to Easthollow where she might not know everyone, but could still be well-received. It felt like a sort of family, and she regretted for a moment that she'd made a commitment to staying with her dam, for the time being.

"My name is Easy," she replied with a wag of her tail, recognizing Valette in the girl's features easily enough, and finding Greyback there when she tilted her head to the side. "We haven't been introduced; I'm Sunny and Dawn's sister, and Minnow's aunt. My father used to be in this pack, and he always thought very well of aunt Val your mother, I'm guessing. I'm just visiting."

All this she hastened to explain, not wanting the girl to think that she'd neglected anything by not knowing her name. "But anyway — I'm pleased to meet you, Leta." She came a little nearer and turned back toward the bison. "Have you been on a bison hunt yet?" she asked the girl, curious about how often Easthollow participated in these, and when they began training their youth in such things.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier