@Aningan!Ying called,
Aningan!The majority of her wounds had been superficial; the ache came from her muscles, sore from the effort. She knew that the Alpha needed to know about what had happened, but thought that it could wait. For now, she was only interested in friendly conversation.
Ani, where you at?
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

January 29, 2020, 06:42 PM
assuming no wounds are easily visible but correct me if im wrong
Aningan was newly returned home when he heard her calling for him. Weary still but eager to great her, he followed the sound of her voice and greeted Ying with a wag of his tail. “Ying,” he said with a smile, making his way towards her. “What do you need?” With wounds unable to be seen, he had no idea about her soreness. Instead, he assumed she might be interested in another lesson—or maybe even another game! Either way, he was glad to answer her calling.
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
The wounds were well-hidden beneath her wiry coat. Ying wondered if Aningan would be concerned, had they been more visible.
She took a step forward and brushed shoulders with her companion.
Just a friend!she told him, tail wagging in her own display of excitement. Butterflies began to swarm in the pit of her stomach, fluttering around her beating heart.
She took a step forward and brushed shoulders with her companion.
What you doing?she asked, wondering if she'd interrupted something.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

January 29, 2020, 06:58 PM
When she answered that all she wanted was a friend, he was, surprisingly, not disappointed; although he was always excited to partake in activities with her, simply spending time together seemed just as satisfying. As she brushed her shoulder against his own, he wagged his tail and said, “Nothing right now.” Should he tell her about his trip? There wouldn’t be any harm in doing so—although, he didn’t go too far in-depth with his answer. “I just got back from a short trip. I thought I should see what else is out there,” he explained, choosing his words carefully. He saw no reason to say anything else about it, not until he managed to wrap his own head fully around it all.
“What about you?” he asked, redirecting the attention towards her. “What are you up to?” And whatever it was, could he join in, he wondered.
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
Aningan had left, too? Ying didn't feel so bad anymore.
I took a trip, she told him,
to the shore, and the island.She nodded back toward the little gift she'd been preparing, knowing that Ani wouldn't have been able to see.
Where you go?she asked him, hoping that he would be willing to share.
Just talking to you.Ying smiled and turned away while she thought about what else to say.
You wanna do language?She had a few more words that she wanted to learn, things that she'd thought of when alone.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

January 29, 2020, 07:32 PM
So, he was not alone in his taking of a trip! He smiled when she answered, then asked, “How was it?” He wondered frequently about the coast, about the sea; part of him wished to return but a larger part of him feared to do so. What if the sea grew angry again? He couldn’t stand the thought of losing anyone else, nor could he bring himself to challenge the wrath of the ocean. “I went south, through the flatland,” he told her. “It all kind of looks the same, though. It wasn’t that exciting.” Anxiety-filled, though? Definitely.
When she turned away, Aningan cocked his head to the side, curious—and then his excitement grew and his posture righted. “Sure!” he answered, tail already wagging. “What word first?” There were so many to share, after all. He always struggled to pick just one.
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
January 29, 2020, 08:13 PM
Very good, Ying told Aningan,
You wanna go back?She remembered Erzulie mentioning that Rusalka had previously lived on the coast and wondered if they might ever return. It would make travelling to see her friends easier, once the family was settled on the island.
How you say sea?
She was unfamiliar with the flatlands, as would have been apparent by her confused gaze. In truth, she wasn't even sure what "flat-land" meant; wasn't all land flat? Ying didn't ask for clarification, figuring that it didn't matter.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

January 29, 2020, 08:30 PM
You wanna go back?
The question was a hard one to answer. His heart longed for the coast, for the memories made there, but he couldn’t shake his fears away. He didn’t want to lose anyone else and wasn’t sure if he could trust the sea not to try and take them from him. “I do,” he answered, careful. “But… I don’t know if I can. The sea… I don’t want it to hurt anyone else.” He just wanted to make sure everyone stayed safe.
But the sea could not be avoided, not for long—and not in the conversation, either, as she wished to know the word for it. “Imappik,” he answered. “Ee-mahp-peek. Sea.” It was one of the easier words to say, he felt. “How do you say it in your language?” Would it be just as easy?
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
Ee-mahp-peek.She repeated the word back to him and waited for his approval.
Imappik is safe.The devastation that had befallen these Wilds before her arrival still went unknown. She did not know of the hurt that Rusalka had carried inland from the coast.
The word was much simpler in her language.
海, she told him,
Just, hi.Ying stared expectantly at Aningan while she thought about what to ask him next.
How you say, hm...beach, or coast?
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

January 29, 2020, 08:56 PM
As she repeated the word back, he grinned. “You speak my language well,” he told her. “Almost like we came from the same place.” And he hoped that, someday, they could converse freely in his mother tongue as if she truly was of the north. But his thoughts were brought to a halt by her comment that followed, making him feel conflicted. Although she visited the sea recently, he still felt uncertain—would it remain safe, was the question. “Maybe we can visit the sea sometime soon…” he suggested; he wanted to see the state of the coast for himself.
Thankfully, her language was just as simple as his own, if not more so. “Hi,” he repeated back, liking sea better than previously learned words. “Sitjak is beach or shore,” he told her, though he could not think of a word for coast. “Seet-yahk. Do you like the sitjak more than here?”
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
January 29, 2020, 09:02 PM
The nervousness that overcame the young huntress was far too difficult to hide. She turned away, stumbling over her words —
She didn't make eye contact. Aningan would have seen how uneasy she was, were their eyes to meet. It was too risky; instead of looking up, she smiled and stared down at her paws.
Oh, uh.. oh!— and pawed uncomfortably at the snow. What would she say?
I like that, she whispered, hoping that her words would suffice.
She didn't make eye contact. Aningan would have seen how uneasy she was, were their eyes to meet. It was too risky; instead of looking up, she smiled and stared down at her paws.
Sitjak is better to me. But...I like this, too.A word!
内陆, she told him,
nay-loo. Inland.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

January 29, 2020, 09:20 PM
As she turned away, he took a step towards her, concerned. Was she alright? He thought to ask but was stopped by the sound of her voice—and worry turned to relief. She would join him on his trip, whenever it may be. “Maybe we can go in a few days?” he offered. “So we can both rest before leaving again.” After all, they both only just recently returned.
When she refused to look back up at him, his smile faltered. She preferred the shore—which, although not surprising, still wasn’t what he found himself wanting to hear. Troubled by her answer and his own thoughts, he didn’t even try to repeat her word back. Instead, he asked, “Why do you like the beach more?” Why wasn’t the plateau good enough?
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
January 29, 2020, 09:27 PM
Had she said something wrong? Aningan's mood seemed to shift, beckoning Ying's gaze upward. She moved to close the distance between them but stopped, just as he had moments before.
What had happened to the sisters, Ying promised to never let it happen again. Wherever they went, she would follow. Who else would be there to keep them safe?
However, she did not want him to misunderstand.
My family, we come from the beach. And they like it...Would he understand her reasoning?
I protect them, where they live. They want beach so I like it because if not liking, it is too hard.
What had happened to the sisters, Ying promised to never let it happen again. Wherever they went, she would follow. Who else would be there to keep them safe?
However, she did not want him to misunderstand.
But me, if not for them, I like this place.It was different from what she'd known, something new! Her sisters were aware of her mixed feelings but she knew that they didn't understand. She sometimes wondered if someone had made a mistake by putting her in the body of a water wolf.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

January 29, 2020, 09:40 PM
The beach was preferred because of her sisters. Aningan could understand being tied to family, wanting to protect them—wasn’t that what he was doing? She liked the plateau—her saying that lifted his spirits a bit but he still felt bothered. “If they wanted to leave, would you leave, too?” he asked—but he wasn’t so sure he actually wanted to know the answer. What was he supposed to say, if she did? Was there even anything he could say?
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
January 29, 2020, 09:54 PM
The question might have been difficult under different circumstances. Ying nodded her head without second thought, deciding that the harsh truth would be better than a lie.
That didn't negate her other feelings, though.
My spirit is our spirit, she told him,
We stay together.It had always been this way. Until she had her own family, children and a mate, they were stuck with one another.
That didn't negate her other feelings, though.
And you won't come?she asked. It was clear that Aningan had some affection for the coast; what was holding him here?
I like you in a way, the huntress admitted, her brow creasing as her tone grew more serious,
I don't leave you here. Even if I come back later.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

January 29, 2020, 10:22 PM
The speed at which she answered only increased his growing discomfort. “But why do you have to stay together?” he asked, frowning. His own siblings left him, so why couldn’t she leave hers? “Then they can go to the beach and you can stay here.” Siblings didn’t have to stay together forever—that was one thing he learned in life, albeit harshly.
“I can’t go back to the coast,” he said. “I don’t think anyone else would want to go back, either. The coast… the sea hurt us.” And even though many of those lost returned to them, they were still not what they once were. Even to visit, like he wished to do, felt like he was betraying his pack—siding with the enemy, so to speak.
“I like you, too,” he told her. “You’re a good friend. I don’t want the sea to take you, too.” Even if she said she would come back, would she really?
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
January 29, 2020, 10:30 PM
Forgetting was easier than remembering. Aningan was asking her to acknowledge what had happened, whether he'd meant to or not. Was she ready? Ying drew in a deep breath and began to speak.
She scowled at Aningan, though only for a moment. A good friend? Was that really all that he considered her? Ying felt like a fool for having even admitted her feelings, as cryptic as the confession had been.
I protect them, she said,
Someone want to hurt us, but I am protecting us because I am strong.The sisters were good for some things — religious matters, knowledge of nature — but they could not fight, not well enough to protect themselves if Ying went away.
How she hurt you?Ying figured that there was something amiss, but she needed more details to fully understand. The sea was calm, so far as she knew; what could have happened to prompt a move? Erzulie had mentioned some things about its temperament changing in the winter...
She scowled at Aningan, though only for a moment. A good friend? Was that really all that he considered her? Ying felt like a fool for having even admitted her feelings, as cryptic as the confession had been.
No, not a friend.How was she to explain?
I like you more, in...a way.The sea would never take her because she simply would not allow herself to be taken.
So I will come back.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

January 29, 2020, 11:00 PM
Ying remained to protect them. But protect them from what? “Who wants to hurt you?” he asked, more concerned than curious now. “What if we get rid of the one trying to hurt you, then they won’t need protected.” Was Aningan even capable of doing something like that? He never did before—but he also never had to.
“The ocean got very angry,” he explained when asked. “It attacked the coast and wanted to drown us. Our home was pulled underwater. We had to leave it.” Back then, there were only two options: stay and die or leave and live. Rusalka needed to leave the shore behind them so that they would not perish with the sound.
But those dismal thoughts weren’t allowed to linger for very long, chased away by her scowl—and then eliminated by her words. “Not a friend?” If not a friend, then what? “What’s more than a friend?” Did she mean like family? “Just stay here,” he said. “If you stay, then you won’t have to come back because you’ll already be here. We can get rid of anyone that tries to hurt your sisters.” He could fight. He could keep them safe.
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
Aningan was not listening. The tension was growing increasingly palpable as Ying became more frustrated. She didn't have all of the answers that he was asking for, and those that she did have were too painful to admit. Why was he so concerned? After all, he only thought of her as a friend.
A friend. They were nothing more than that. Ying had always been quick to develop an attraction to her peers but she was normally able to remain emotionless. It didn't make sense, either; they'd only just met! Why did she feel so hurt by his rejection?
It was insulting, in fact, this paternalistic need to protect. Did Aningan not think that Ying was capable? Did he not know who she was and the things that she'd done? Of course he didn't.
The huntress turned and began to walk away, not planning to stop unless prompted.
A friend. They were nothing more than that. Ying had always been quick to develop an attraction to her peers but she was normally able to remain emotionless. It didn't make sense, either; they'd only just met! Why did she feel so hurt by his rejection?
It was insulting, in fact, this paternalistic need to protect. Did Aningan not think that Ying was capable? Did he not know who she was and the things that she'd done? Of course he didn't.
The huntress turned and began to walk away, not planning to stop unless prompted.
edit: tagging ruo and hua, just in case y'all're feeling ballsy.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

January 29, 2020, 11:20 PM
When she didn’t say anything else, he frowned. Why wasn’t she talking? And then she turned to walk away and he felt a sudden pain shoot through him. “Ying,” he said, taking a step after her. “Ying, where are you going?” Why was she just walking away? “Did I say something wrong?” Something told him to stop, that he would only make things worse—but Aningan ignored the feeling and continued after her, following.
“Please talk to me,” he urged. If he left things as they were, would she be mad at him?
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
January 29, 2020, 11:26 PM
stepping in w permission from tweet- kuro, lmk if I should delete!<3
Just on her way back from coming out victorious over Reyes, she hears something of commotion. Was that Ying's voice? Talking so passionately in the harsh tones of common. Huā wastes no time in getting there.
And here she finds Ying, rushing away from a scene. Seawater eye catches Aningan just beyond, throwing hopeless calls after her and following her like a beagle. Her brow furrows at her sister, stepping right into her path.
Ying, what happening? Why you seem mad?She coos, a voice thick with worry. All the while her gaze flits back to their leader. Had he hurt her? Perhaps he was just like every other man, using women for what they wanted and then hanging them out to dry. Eyes narrow- maybe she shouldn't mess with him, but it was a look that said don't you dare hurt my sister's heart. Any man could lie about how sweet he was and turn out to be a thirsty bastard not unlike the rest.

January 29, 2020, 11:35 PM
What was she more upset about? Ying wondered if it had anything to do with Aningan at all.
Hua appeared, as though beckoned forth by fate itself. For a moment, she went ignored while Ying focused her gaze on Aningan and him alone.
She turned back to Hua, cheeks warm with emotion. She was feeling somewhat embarassed by her outburst, as one might have been able to assume by the slow descent of her tail.
What?she shouted, turning back to face him. In that moment, he was not the Alpha; Ani had been minimized to just another man, no different from the others. He enjoyed hearing his own voice and couldn't understand that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't the only one with something to say.
Hua appeared, as though beckoned forth by fate itself. For a moment, she went ignored while Ying focused her gaze on Aningan and him alone.
You think you protect me, no one protect me. I protect me.Her words were harsh but her voice was soft. It was a sentiment that came from somewhere deep inside of her, a place that had remained long hidden.
And I protect my sisters because no one do it for them but me.Memories of the trauma they'd endured began to flow back into her mind, painting her face an unfamiliar shade of despair.
And you not want me, so why I have to stay? You not want my sisters?What was he trying to do by seperating them? What did Aningan serve to gain by removing Ying from her sisters' company and leaving them to fend for themselves.
She turned back to Hua, cheeks warm with emotion. She was feeling somewhat embarassed by her outburst, as one might have been able to assume by the slow descent of her tail.
Do you know how to say this? I'm trying to tell him how I feel and he's just...he's not understanding.Bright baby blues stared helplessly at her sister while she waited for either to respond.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

January 29, 2020, 11:46 PM
cameo because im ballsy
lmk if her sneaking in is too much LOL
lmk if her sneaking in is too much LOL
ruò came looking for her cousins, for not really a reason, just a whim, per usual. she was aware she was trespassing, the smell was strong, the border was clear; yet she could hear the voices of the familiar sisters. they were loud, always loud, it wasn't hard to find them even within the forest, so the siren went forth, despite the fact she was not one of the members of these claimed woods.
then made a u-turn.
ruò wasn't going to deal with a lovers spat.
back to the sea where she definitely belonged.
then made a u-turn.
ruò wasn't going to deal with a lovers spat.
back to the sea where she definitely belonged.
![[Image: dc1mu1x-1d71b3f4-120c-4399-b918-71c0e5bd...uDi0UyVmY4]](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/bb73febf-2c97-4b82-a725-75cd51094a88/dc1mu1x-1d71b3f4-120c-4399-b918-71c0e5bdc26d.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2JiNzNmZWJmLTJjOTctNGI4Mi1hNzI1LTc1Y2Q1MTA5NGE4OFwvZGMxbXUxeC0xZDcxYjNmNC0xMjBjLTQzOTktYjkxOC03MWMwZTViZGMyNmQuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.uC8aaKsBLMdF6iIio46y6Fcn0ayDHsf2huDi0UyVmY4)
english | mandarin
January 30, 2020, 12:04 AM
Even with Huā’s arrival, his gaze remained trained on Ying. His ears fell flat against his head as she continued, words harsh. His body stiffened beneath her gaze, not sure at this point how he should react; he didn’t understand where her anger came from. “But I want to protect you,” he tried to tell her, to explain himself. “I know you protect yourself but… don’t you get tired?” Why was he wrong for wanting to help her?
“I do want you,” he insisted, flustered. “I want you to stay, and your sisters, too. But your sisters… you said before they weren’t happy here.” He didn’t want to force them to stay when they preferred the sea—but if Ying didn’t mind staying away from the sea, then why couldn’t he ask her to stay inland? His posture drooped when she turned away again to face her sister, ears pinned back and a frown permanently engraved into his maw. What did he do wrong?
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
January 30, 2020, 12:25 AM
Her sister ignored her momentarily, which only stung a little. But as soon as nuvujak spoke out against the helpless boy, Huā's heart swelled with something like pride. Some days her sister would fall for men so easily that Huā would find herself fuming as the silver fae tripped on the ecstasy of foolish adoration. But days like this- when the girl really showed her strength beyond the physical, proving that she could carry her own weight- it was those days that Huā felt glad to be her blood.
As the girl tells him that she protects her sisters because she's the only one there to do it, something pricks in the pointed corners of Huā's eyes. Feeling her gaze glass over, she turns her head away in an effort to hide it, as a wave of emotion hits her. She cannot help but think of their trauma too. What they have suffered under the claws of their own blood, who had seen them only as pawns to make his way towards greater power and influence. Saltwater tear, she can feel it on her cheek, and she gives her head a little shake to fling it away, turning her gaze back up to the pair.
The girl's shining blue eyes are on hers, asking her for advice. What would she know about men? She didn't know the first thing about communicating with them. The soft, whispering tones of mandarin,
As the girl tells him that she protects her sisters because she's the only one there to do it, something pricks in the pointed corners of Huā's eyes. Feeling her gaze glass over, she turns her head away in an effort to hide it, as a wave of emotion hits her. She cannot help but think of their trauma too. What they have suffered under the claws of their own blood, who had seen them only as pawns to make his way towards greater power and influence. Saltwater tear, she can feel it on her cheek, and she gives her head a little shake to fling it away, turning her gaze back up to the pair.
The girl's shining blue eyes are on hers, asking her for advice. What would she know about men? She didn't know the first thing about communicating with them. The soft, whispering tones of mandarin,
你解释得很清楚. 我不知道他为什么这么固执. 他为什么不明白?And then rather than help Ying with real advice, she finds herself throwing a comment beyond, to Aningan.
She is not delicate woman. She is not ivory doll. She is strong. She not need you. And can you not see, she stay with me and Mei for good reason?

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