Redhawk Caldera Stop there and let me correct it
28 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
All Welcome 
This is so late I'm sorry, I'm having trouble with my younger characters
It was a bright day, for winter. The clouds were few and far between, and Akkuma found his spirits slightly lifted by the sight of the sun. He wasn't thinking about his family today. He was thinking about @Maia and her promise of stories. The boy in him was all too intrigued, though the man in him was beginning to resist it.
Ultimately, the boy won. He'd always wanted to be more like Kivaluk, more grown up and in the moment, but Akkuma just couldn't be like that. He wanted things like magic and stories in his life, and people like Maia who offered them without reservation. So he looked for her, following the most recent scent trail he could find and hoping she wasn't occupied.
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
no worries! This can be slow - I’m going to be that way anyway for a while

Hey!! How is Brecheliant so far? Maia greeted him enthusiastically the moment she spotted Akkuma looking for her. She’d been about to walk the borders, but changed direction immediately. Patrols could wait - she wasn’t looking forward to it anyway. Checking on how he was settling in was far more important!

She hoped he felt welcome so far and none of the other kids were giving him a hard time or making him feel left out. She imagined that it was hard, at his age, joining a pack this close and feeling like he belonged. Shenanigans had been so much younger and barely felt apart from her own litter now. Maia wondered if he would ask for help if he needed it, and if so, there was anything she could do. Maybe she could put him on a job of some sort with Jay or Aiden… both would probably be a bit much to start out.