Northstar Vale beyond the heart city
4 Posts
Ooc — scintilla
All Welcome 
The mountains rose through a thick mist which netted against the trees like some kind of web, lending a chill which opposed the warmth of the transitioning shades in the trees. The earth was layered in these same colors—autumn having begun its descent, and the trees shedding the first of their layers as a wolf might blow their coat.

He came ambling along a clearly defined path; something which many prey and predator alike had traversed, and he did so with a lowered head, gathering the scents that lingered among the foliage. It was clear by now that there was a family living here. It must have been a good place to settle, given that he could discern some youthful scents among the hardier ones.

Scintilla was careful, always. He kept to himself, following the laws as they had been taught to him. He would keep outside of their boundaries—but skirt them, closely—as he made his way. There was a lightness to his movement, an ease to his posture. It did not show any intent to do harm nor any intent at all really, as he had no true direction.

He was a nomad, after all.
Sun Mote Copse
563 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Epoch had become a quiet haven of sorts, it seemed—Meadow, for the most part, remained at the den site to tend to her young—as a new mother, it would seem she held an affinity for worrying over the four pups, and while she initially balked at being told to take a few hours to herself, her protests had fallen on deaf ears.

And thus, she stood at the borders, amber eyes sweeping over the lands of her home, only now truly noting the glorious shift of warmth in the leaves hues, and left with a realization that she had simply been existing the past few weeks, rather than living.

New mother, indeed.

With the shake of her silver fur, the woman began to trail the length of their home, considering at length the quiet that had befallen them all—and notably, a distraction came in the form of a dark figure, roaming not far from her view—unfamiliar and unassuming.

Tilting a copper-masked face, she watched the other, wondering if she should draw attention to herself, or simply watch and see the direction of their current travels.