Greatwater Lake now i just fall down
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
All Welcome 
Thankfully, whatever foulness rested in that bad cut of meat had passed from her system. The process was neither easy nor pretty, but it was done, and Lilitu moved on, leaving that dank forest and those trembling, gasping moments behind.

But in pain's wake was exhaustion, and as she reached the shores of the great lake, she all but flopped down to the frosty ground, sprawled on her side, propped up on an elbow.

There were gulls overhead; she wondered why they weren't at the sea. Near enough for them to travel, she thought. Their pale forms cut tiny shapes in the dark bulk of the mountains that rose up, a wall between the plains and what lie beyond.

The mountains. She wasn't sure if she wanted to set foot there or not. The scene of some of her happiest memories—when her family had been intact, and life had been simple.

Her one-eyed gaze rested upon the jagged peaks, weary. Contemplative.

She'd blend in there, at least—grayscale pelt against the rocks. Maybe that was what she needed just now: to disappear completely.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
Have a cowboy. Tags for visibility or reference.

He’d left the plains, but not without leaving @Paeon with a howled note of his temporary wandering, to a giant lake. He moved across the snowy sea between a brisk trot and a swift gallop from time to time. He could see something nearing in the distance, a large body of water, and as he neared, this was certain, for he had stumbled upon the Great Water Lake! He briskly moved along the edge, peering over the side of the shore, curiously batting the ice surrounding the edges. It did seem solid, but he decided he’d rather live another day than die a furry popsicle, floating in an ice cube like some extinct fossil. 

He moved on, and eventually stopped when he saw what looked like a rock.
“Ay, kinda an odd place for a rock. He started to sniff it, and his nose touched not a normal rock, as it was… furry. He poked at it before he jumped back, startled. The rock moved!
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury

Her eyes rolled to face him, but evidently that wasn't enough for the young man to figure out she was among the living. She laughed a little as he jumped, and sat up further, finally coming to a prim position upon her haunches, forelegs placed in front of her.

You interrupted my nap, she said, some of her old humor shining through, still. Still, she was tired, and stifled a yawn. Really. . .I wish I was a rock right now. I'd get some good sleep.

For now, she blinked sleepily at him, waiting for his response.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
The rock rolled over, yellow green eyes staring at him, and a light laugh. Oh, but wait, only one eye…? Her face was scarred, but he tried to look past it. He had also interrupted her nap, he swiftly apologized, with a quick bow of his head, “Apologies, Ma’am.” He replied, the introduced himself, fixing his posture to look confident, among her prim posture, oh boy was she beautiful. “H-Howdy. My name is Cassidy. And you are miss?”
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
She nodded slowly, wearily, noting his name. Good to meet you, Cassidy. I'm Lilitu. Oh—she couldn't control it—a yawn escaped her throat and burst through her jaws, which opened wide, letting the tired breath escape.

Oh, I'm so sorry, Lilitu said, looking contrite. It's not you; I'm just exhausted. Been traveling for a while.

Her head cocked, regarding him with that one clear green-gold eye. Where're you from? she asked, curious.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
She must have been really tired, because almost every response began with a yawn. “No need to apologize miss Lilitu.” A smile and single wag of his tail, “I apologize for interrupting your snooze.” 

Her amount of traveling she claimed she’d done wasn’t easily hidden, didn’t need to look far to get the idea of a weary traveler. He then addressed her question. “Well, I don’t actually have a claim to call my home. I just kinda roam the range, a dispersal, like a tumbleweed.” A pause, “But, if you really wanna know, I was born in Wyoming.”

“What about you? You tryna get somewhere specific?”
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Mm, she replied wordlessly, though her ears pricked at the mention of his homeland. She'd never heard of it, which probably meant it was far.

I guess I'm kind of a tumbleweed, too, Lilitu admitted. I'm not really headed anywhere specific. I don't actually know if I want to go anywhere specific, you know?

Hopefully he wouldn't pry further. She wasn't super interested in explaining her state of mind. What's Wyoming like? she asked.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
“Yeah, I get it. I dunno where exactly I wanna go either. But I’m set on an adventure.” 

A question, she then asked, and one that he’d answered before, just to someone else: “Hm, where do I start? Ah, back home in Wyomin’, we’s got ourselves wide open spaces, like these flatlands, but also mountains, and forests, and somethin’ real special…. A geyser!” The geyser he spoke about was Old Faithful within Yellowstone National park, his home.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
She sat up a little straighter, leaning into every word. At his crescendo, her eyes widened, and she asked—completely sincerely—A geyser? Tell me more about that.

For the picture he painted was beautiful, and adventure was just what she craved right about now.

Well, after she resumed and finished her nap, at least.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
Like most, when he spoke of his homeland, she seemed in awe, and I instantly wanted to hear more of the geysers. “Well, Geysers are pools of really, really hot water. ‘A when they get real angry, they go ‘a blast water high up into the sky!” Maybe there was a little exaggeration there, but they did blast high and were indeed very hot, deadly even. “I dunno if there’s any ‘round these parts, but maybe I can find one.”

“Oh, ‘an Ma’am, if I’m disturbin’ your rest, I can mosey along.” She told her, heeding his politeness.” Rest is a very important thing, for all creatures.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Ah, Lilitu replied, fascinated. And how far did you travel to get here? I've roamed around a lot and I've never seen what you're describing!

But he was apologizing for disturbing her, and she shook her head, stifling another yawn.

No, no, I swear it's okay, she insisted. I need the distraction.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
To a wolf, miles and time was a foreign concept, “Dunno. I just moseyed along.” She was a fellow roamer, like he and Paeon, and yet she’s never seen such a sight. “Well, I still have yet to explore the vast lands, so who knows.”

She also shook her head, telling him he was fine and that she needed the distraction.

“So, how ‘bout you? Where do you, or did you, call home?” He asked in hopes to keep some conversation going.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
All over, she replied, smiling faintly. She pointed her muzzle toward the mountains. I was born in a valley there, then we moved. . . Oh, where did they move next? Why was she forgetting? She shrugged, casting it aside. Well, we moved. Eventually, we ended up with my Mama's family, then I was a princess in this place called Akashingo. . .

She realized just how many places she had been, right there and then, and laughed. And then by the sea. So really, all over—and that's not counting the places I only stayed for a little while.

Lilitu had stories to tell, some of which were quite remarkable. She sold herself short.

I think I might go see my Papa, she said suddenly, surprising herself with the admission. If he's still where he was when I last saw him.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
Suddenly her expression grew happier, as she herself spoke of the places she’d been and seen. She was born in the mountains, been to the sea, and it sounded like many other places too. Oh, the stories she must be able to tell!

He had a curious gleam in his eyes, “Wow, that’s real neat! I bet you got some real good stories to tell. And you were a princess?” Did this mean she was royalty? Then, she mentioned that she might go see her Papa. “Well, I guess that means you’ll be headin’ out?” If she had to go, he’d let her, because you can’t keep someone from family, it just ain’t right.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
you wanna fade? maybe they will meet again! <3

She smiled gently, shrugging. Soon, I guess, she replied. Once I get some sleep. The yawn that came was not able to be stifled, and she shook her head, looking rueful.

So sorry, Lilitu said. Cassidy. . .I'd like to see this geyser of yours. What way should I go to get there?

She wasn't about to make a beeline to the place, but she'd mark it in her mind just in case.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
Sure. Thank you Mercury. :D My boy here loves getting around and meeting folks.

She didn’t try and stifle this yawn, as she spoke once more, shaking her head, apologizing. “It’s quite alright.” He smiled back, “And if you wanna see them Geysers, Wyomin’ is south of here.” He turned to go, giving a wag of his tail, “Good luck findin’ your Pa. And thank you for stickin’ ‘round to chat.”