Sun Mote Copse Big Boys, Small Hopes
Sun Mote Copse
71 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Rhonen shifted and peered out from the den his parents had chosen. Ice blue eyes staring at the new beginning that was supposed to be for all of them. He wasn't sure how he felt about it. A tilt of his head. These were new wolves. New wolves that he had to speak with. That had to hear his handicap and possibly laugh. New faces to learn and new words to trip over.

He curled inward. Trying to make himself smaller. Smaller. But it was near impossible. He was not built small. He was built like his father. But he wasn't brave like him. No. He was a coward, a fool. A wolf with too big of a heart and a mouth that didn't like to work right.
Sun Mote Copse
376 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Seal wasn’t the best hunter, but she had managed to score a dove during her morning hunt. She was on her way back to the Taigh when she was suddenly inspired to take a winding path through the forest. There, she spotted the boy known as Rhonen.

Well, he wasn’t exactly a boy anymore – he nearly large as his father!

Though they had not yet gotten to know one another, Seal was hopeful for new friends.

She approached him and placed the bird down. “Hi,” Seal said. “Are you hungry?” She tilted her head, hoping an offering of food would get them off on the right foot.
Sun Mote Copse
71 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen wasn't paying particular attention to any of the wolves walking around. He was more interested in the wildlife and the flowers. He really loved flowers they were pretty.

Suddenly another was there and he immediately felt as if his tongue had fused to his mouth. She was so pretty. She had such pretty colors around her eyes. Just like a flower and his stomach fell down and he looked down at the ground so quick. His head bobbed. 

hhhhi. nininino thththankyou.

He winced and felt his eyes grow wet and heavy. She would for sure think he was a fool now wouldn't she. Just think, he was the stupidest wolf that ever walked ever. Maybe he should run. Did he have time to run?