Blacktail Deer Plateau and i’ll be right outside your front door on my 12 speed
284 Posts
Ooc — mutton
He didn't want to hear that. He should've turned away right when he saw the man coming. Cupid ate those seeds to forget his troubles or grow some immunity to them. It wasn't turning out the way he planned. His troubles came in the form of this guy and he couldn't ignore his words. His wall was beginning to crack.

Well let me save you some time and tell you I'm not. But that was obvious wasn't it? So why was he still here? And why did he have to keep talking? 

When he mentioned killing the baby, his features dropped. Y'know, that don't sound like a bad idea. He tried to laugh it off like it was nothing, but it just sounded like strained sighs. It's a win-win situation. I don't have to be a miserable sack of shit and this baby won't have to be raised by a stupid fuck up. Everyone's happy!
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