Whitewater Gorge big poop
i don't wanna let it go
566 Posts
Ooc — mista
With Kaistleoki nestled back at home, Evergreen has gotten into the swing of things again. Due to his injury and the wolves camping in the plains temporarily, however, he hadn’t gotten out much. So this was a rare day in which the bearish wolf wanders pass the borders. He heads south, following his beloved river towards the gorge—observing the shifts and damages that happened during the quakes earlier that year.
Unfortunately, he is distracted by a blip in the distance, and doesn’t notice the small fallen tree in his path. He takes a tumble, the world sounds like an explosion went off as muscle and fat slam to the ground. 10/10 for the somersault though?
Working on wrapping up current threads!
101 Posts
Ooc — suledin
A heavy thud draws her attention, ears perking as she stops and glances around in search of the source. It'd been a dense, fleshy sound, like some huge beast had hit the ground. Her first thought is that it might be some large hooved animal, or even a mountain lion — but both assumptions turn out to be wrong. The form she spots in the distance is a bit too fluffy to be either of those things, and as she approaches, she realizes it's another wolf. A huge wolf, but still a wolf. Are you alright? She calls, halting a few yards away in case the stranger has a bad temper.
i don't wanna let it go
566 Posts
Ooc — mista
It isn’t a graceful tumble despite the attempt. A sickening crack sounds off, and then another and Eve is torn between uncharacteristic swearing and weeping. Broken toes are Awful, almost as awful as stepping on legos. At least he didn’t knock his already injured brain too badly.
He flops on his side eventually, and stays there—willing to accept his fate of becoming one with the grass on the edge of the gorge.
But another had seen his blunder. It takes him back to last year, during his earlier months in the Wilds where the near exact same happened—except he’d been luckier there with the injuries.
Uh… He starts off. Mismatched green eyes turn down to stare at his left forepaw, and the bloody mess that formed on it; at least two broken toes and a ripped off nail. Nice.
Working on wrapping up current threads!
101 Posts
Ooc — suledin
She smells the blood, then, and concern knits her features into a frown. The slender Blackthorn draws closer swiftly, deciding the weeping male is no threat for now. He seems dazed and hurt more than anything. You'll be alright. I can fix you up, She says softly as she halts close enough to inspect the damage. A slight grimace tugs at her mouth as her gaze sweeps over the mangled toes, the bloody mess where his nail ought to be. Hmmm. You'll need something for the pain. My herb cache is near — stay here, and I'll bring what I can. It's limited for now, new as it is, but she has some loose poppy seeds stored at the very least. Those will be valuable here; there's nothing life threatening about his injuries, but the pain will make him a difficult patient, and a paw injury like this could quickly lead to infection if not treated properly.
i don't wanna let it go
566 Posts
Ooc — mista
All he knows now is that he ought to get back home and seek out Speedy, who won’t be too pleased to see him injured again on her watch—let alone learn that it happened the first time in awhile since he’s walked from their borders. Eve needs to stop being a hot mess.
He’s a bit out of it, but gives a dopey grin as the stranger walks by and inspects the damage—nervous because he doesn’t know her, but also grateful for the reassuring words. Much to his luck she is a medic, and has a stash near enough.
Okay… uhm, thank you. I’ll… I’ll wait here. Eve isn’t going to be moving much for a bit, at least until the stun from the tumble wears off. He lifts the paw, taking to cleaning the blood from it and immediately regretting his decisions—Hell that Hurts.  
Eventually he sits up, and dangles the poor paw in front of him. His ears perk at the medic’s return. Sorry, uh, I didn’t mean to be rude. His grin turns sheepish—feeling guilty that they met in such weird circumstances.
Working on wrapping up current threads!
101 Posts
Ooc — suledin
She sets the leaf-wrapped bundle of herbs down on the ground as she stops in front of the stranger. You weren't rude, She says simply, unfurling the bundle with a paw. The seeds are concealed in a leaf-wrap of their own, a soft and tasteless thing more for convenience than anything. Eat that, please. She gestures to it, glancing at his paw and noting that he's already cleaned it some. I'll need to clean that more, and put something on it to keep it from getting infected. A preventive measure, since it will get dirty.
i don't wanna let it go
566 Posts
Ooc — mista
Eve wants to argue, but she gives the aura of being unwilling to accept anything than the answer she gives; if only because she gets straight to work. A nurse on the job, ever serious and dutiful.
The bearish wolf gives a look of distaste towards the leafy bundle, small and easy to get down sure—he’s just never grown out of his phase of “ew medicine”. He complies, however, and leans down while keeping the paw still in the air.
Uhm, right. Thank you, he replies after the seeds are down and he leans back into a more comfortable position. His paw in an easy spot for her to inspect further and do what is necessary.
Working on wrapping up current threads!
101 Posts
Ooc — suledin
The face he makes amuses her, if only because she's seen it so many times. He doesn't protest though, which makes him a better patient than most. I'll be gentle, but it may hurt, She warns, a little warmer than before now that she's gotten a feel for the man's personality. She sets to work immediately, then, true to her word in the gentleness of her actions. It feels like she's done this a million times; it passes by in what seems like the blink of an eye. When she finishes, she steps back. Poppy seeds working yet? She inquires, knowing more time had passed than it'd felt like.
i don't wanna let it go
566 Posts
Ooc — mista
Doctors always say that, they’ll be kind but it will hurt—Eve ever wonders if there will be a moment in life where things don’t. Ever action usually pulls some hurt somewhere, be it physical or emotional, etc. He feels loopy, thinking too deep already on things. But he braces himself.
It hurts. But she is gentle. So he can say that she keeps to her words. A groan escapes his lips despite his best to keep from doing so, the pain is just too much. He hasn’t really broken anything before (how he’d managed that with his clumsy streak is a miracle itself).
Uh, wow. Yeah, I think… I think so?
Working on wrapping up current threads!
236 Posts
Ooc — xynien
He arrives late to the scene, having trailed Evergreen in hopes of hanging out for a bit. What he finds is the scent of blood, setting his heart to racing until he spots his mate and realizes he isn't gravely injured. And he even found a healer out here, somehow. The conversation that follows is brief and slightly awkward, filled mostly with business-like instructions from the unfamiliar woman before she sends them on their way. For the next few days, Winterbourne is stuck with morning duties tending to his mate's paw and bringing him breakfast — but he doesn't mind. He's just relieved it isn't worse.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.