Ouroboros Spine It is better to seek, then to receive blindly
8 Posts
Ooc —
All Welcome 
The lands here were new, never before traveled by the walking snow.

As those before had described, the scenery was evidence this was where she sought.

Frigid winds nipped at her ankles. These past days had grown far colder, announcing the soon to be winter season. No matter how many years it came, not all were prepared.

Rain would come soon too. Two sunrises were expected until then. This Aerava could sense by the change in air and direction of the clouds.

By the time she had arrived within the spine, the hour had become late, demanding that the sun fall to slumber. Hopefully there would be someone awake to greet her, lest she be forced to wait through the night to be invited within.

The white woman knew to make haste and spare few moments. And so, she made her call quickly. Ascending a small snout, a sharp howl then rang through the air, breaking the silence that came from the dark of night.

She was often more patient than this, but eagerness drew it thin, tail swaying against her quarters once she'd settled near the border marking the territory's end. 
106 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
it had become more of a challenge to drift to sleep each night. the absence in the den, it’s coolness and silence, made the child restless. so he’d wander in the dead of night. each time he’d go further. this time he’d came to moonglow’s edge.
the unfamiliar howl brought him down to the earth. it shocked him, scared him even, but that fear gave way to curiosity. as it usually did.
lómion crept along the border and stopped when he saw the whisp of a woman.
he stayed crouched in the foliage a ways away, watching her quietly and carefully. he was completely unaware whether he was seen or not.
8 Posts
Ooc —
None had come to address she who had beckoned. Though, someone was surely here. A scent had, since recent, wafted through the flared nostrils of the white one.

Curious, but cautious; that was how she would choose her direction.

Taking a step or two closer in distance from the markings, Aerava drew her chin upward. It was beyond obvious how tiny she was compared to many other souls. Even from a distance, she could not use her appearance to intimidate. However, size wasn't always everything. Mannerism and conduct would always take charge in her eyes. With this posture, the white woman sought to demand an impression of confidence and would do so as well with her voice.

I know you are here. Do not hide from me. As intended, her voice was firm, but not harsh. There was to be no violence — at least, not by her provocation. 

Come out to where I can see you.Aerava then demanded, planting her paw into the ground while then sending her pale brown hues to search in preparation for what individual would emerge from their hidden place.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
sorry i couldn't resist!! #protectiveaunty

shikoba has had little trouble sleeping as of late, though every now and then she finds herself growing restless within her ulaq. thus, nightly strolls and border checks have become part of a routine for her ever since she lay foot into the land of Moonglow. though, tonight, there seems to be some excitement as a howl can be heard echoing through the spine.

the woman dutifully carries herself towards the border at a hasty trot and notes the scent of one of the children. however, he remains hidden for now, as the attention is instead brought towards the figure on the cusp of the spine. she can see that a woman, even smaller than herself, has found her way to the border. and the voice that she makes, one that demands something from the wolves who live here, brings about a flame of annoyance within her.

shikoba's hackles and tail immediately flag themselves as she lifts her head and her eyes narrow at the woman. whoever she may be, the time is to not demand but instead to listen. perhaps this minor misunderstanding will be cleared and forgiven. though, this will only depend on how the woman decides to change her attitude from here on out. almost instinctively, she walks in front of the foliage area where the boy hides, where his scent is the strongest. so long as he belongs to Moonglow, he belongs under her wing of protection.

"back down." a command, and a lip pulls up from the mercenary to expose one of her many teeth. a deadly promise that if an apology is not heard from, or the wrong move is made, she would not hesitate to lash out.
[Image: giphy.gif]
106 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
his ears — that of which were gently pressed atop his crown thus far — raised when the woman gave him a firm command. one he would not obey.
lómion remained in the brush, crouching lower now, eyes thoroughly fixated. she said she knew he was here, yet she still searched. he felt as though he were winning a little game, and that brought childish joy to his heart.
this hide and seek came to an abrupt end, however, when shikoba came. she stood in front of his cover, lips pulled back and tail arched over her back. his playful mood diminished at the sight of her display.
lómion emerges from the foliage with his tail tucked and body low. he looked to the mercenary apologetically , convinced he’d get into some sort of trouble for straying so far.
8 Posts
Ooc —
Before given the chance to sight upon they who watched her from the brush, a second body emerged from the hills. This one did not hide, nor were they sincere. 

A quick promise of aggression was made and Aerava was not fond of seeing it kept.

The puny, white woman was no coward and that fact was often shown — however, she did know when was the proper time to be overly confident in her odds. If a fight broke, she would surely not be the victor.

In an apologetic manner, she took a step back, lowering both chin and ears. From the start, no harm was intended to any. Hopefully this warrior would see such and let the matter be forgiven.

As the child later appeared, Aerava was dismayed. A pup was not who she would expect to be watching her. 

You have my sincerest apologies... both of you. I meant no harm, nor disrespect. When I caught the whelp's scent, they were not what I was expected. Caution drew me to suspect a mature being, thus I spoke up to ensure my safety.

Maintaining the same posture, she would take no movements until both were at ease with her presence.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
archiving this as the character is inactive!

her words do little to disarm the native, and as the boy takes his steps closer to her, she only offers a reassuring nuzzle to his side. "you did nothing wrong, stay close." 

while her defense may have made sense, it still is not forgiven in shikoba's eyes. as far as she is concerned, these children are seen as her own. each one tenderly loved by her entire heart; it is dangerous to get between shikoba and what she loves.

the woman fixes her eyes onto the white figure and decides it would be best to remain cautious, but not aggressive. at least, for now. after all, the first time she decided to not chase someone away, it brought great pain onto a sister and her litter. shikoba will make sure this does not happen again.

while she demands a name and a purpose, the visitor does not linger. with her departure, shikoba gives chase until the woman is gone; soon after her return to the border, she encourages the child to head back into the safety of the spine.
[Image: giphy.gif]