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Given to Vengeance by Vegas on July 18, 2019
The Tangle · Pure intention juxtaposed
Not only is this a marvelous post, but I also have to give you kudos for using Tool lyrics for your thread title. <3
Given to Sanguinus by Jazira on July 18, 2019
Ravensblood Forest · i've melted icecaps with my bones
the Goodest Boy of the Year ;a; <3
Given to Dragomir by Andraste on July 17, 2019
Silvertip Mountain · thestral
Given to Merrick by Vercingetorix on July 17, 2019
Silvertip Mountain · thestral
Merrick is such a terrifying yet compelling character, which you deserve massive kudos for. You send him into some dark places without relying on clichés or overwrought, overdone RP tropes. Love his warped relationships, especially with Indra. Can't wait to see what is in store for him!
Given to Rhælla by Connor on July 16, 2019
Greatwater Lake · vii. you are well versed in rising from ash
I Love how you write Rhaella! She is a very interesting character and I can't wait for her and Connor to thread more!
Given to Rhælla by Vengeance on July 15, 2019
Wheeling Gull Isle · Fallen from God Fallen from grace
I absolutely love how you write Rhælla, I love her in general! She's a deep character and your writing just gives her that extra depth. I love threading with her!
Given to Mahler by Alarian on July 13, 2019
Arrow Lake · vogelgezwitscher
your writing is always so lovely
Given to Pheiros by Alessia on July 12, 2019
Lost Creek Hollow · A wet world aches for a beat of a drum
pheiros is so cute UGH i love him
Given to Gwen by Cupid on July 11, 2019
Shadewood · It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
also cries in emo
Given to Cupid by Andraste on July 11, 2019
Ankyra Sound · he’s a regular guy [TW]
Given to Crow by Sugar Glider on July 11, 2019
Sun Mote Copse · beware the jabberwock, my son!
I laughed out loud in a Very Serious Business Setting @ "Crow nodded, thinking that would be a nice way to cool off his butthole." :')
Given to Mercer by Saoirse on July 10, 2019
Firestone Hot Springs · the tidal wave breaks
Loved this whole thread <3
Given to Saoirse by Mercer on July 10, 2019
Firestone Hot Springs · the tidal wave breaks
Saoirse is such an amazing character! I love her backstory, and how she strives to prove herself different from the people she escaped from. I loved this thread, but this post particularly stood out to me!
Given to Iliksis by Andraste on July 09, 2019
Stone Circle · bring strife and discord with you wherever you may travel.
Dreadful characters are so tricky & elusive to write just the “right” way but you manage to do it wonderfully <3
Given to Sacnite by Alessia on July 08, 2019
Shadewood · Just a little taste
i love phex so much omg. she's precious
Given to Zephyr by Helios on July 07, 2019
Herbalists' Cache · Please take me back
I love watching Zephyr’s development, and am honored to be a part of it! <3 “His legs ache and his chest burns, and the distance he has put between himself and his home has lodged itself in his heart like a burning knife.” Adore this line :heart_eyes:
Given to Weejay by Aengus on July 06, 2019
Cricket Creek Bog · so peace be with every place that you had
STOP MAKING ME LOVE WEEJAY! as it stands right now, i would send her a million different flowers as long as it made her happy.
Given to Xan by Indra on July 06, 2019
Fox's Glade · My silent lips
Congrats on your 900th post. Thanks for the heartbreaky thread, too. STAY STRONG XANIEL. <3
Given to Aengus by Weejay on July 06, 2019
Cricket Creek Bog · so peace be with every place that you had
"aengus made sure that even though the orange flowers were a little wilted looking, that they had friends who were just as wilted looking. he didn’t want the girl to think that he imagined she was a wilted flower." i guess you can't thread with me anymore, because that line officially killed me.