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Given to Síff by RIP Kavik on October 12, 2018
Blacktail Deer Plateau · I just need to get it off my chest
Given to RIP Grezig by RIP Kavik on October 11, 2018
Blacktail Deer Plateau · I just need to get it off my chest
Given to Kisses by Piper on October 11, 2018
Bearclaw Valley · doot noot
Kisses is fucking adorable. I can't handle him. Just thought you should know.
Given to Fire by Helaa on October 11, 2018
Bramblepoint · the devil's right there in the details
Given to Euron by Fire on October 09, 2018
Northstar Vale · i lie inside myself for hours
Given to Elixir by RIP Wintersbane on October 09, 2018
Ravensblood Forest · I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
I've never given kudos before but I wanted to make sure you got some for Elixir because you definitely deserve them! I'm not even sure where to start other than to tell you that I absolutely adore Elixir. She's an adorable and wonderfully written character and I'm so glad I got the chance to be introduced to her through our thread! I particularly love the way she's so kind even when she doesn't have to and, let's face it, probably shouldn't be. She's such a sweetheart and your writing is positively brilliant. I look forward to following her progress on Wolf and hopefully I can snag a thread or two in the future!
Given to Talos by Wraen on October 09, 2018
Arrow Lake · Eel in the Water and She-Wolf I'll Be
Talos is truly a gem and the most brilliant brat I have ever encountered! Thank you for giving such an amazing and awesome soul to your character!
Given to Cry by Wraen on October 09, 2018
Hoshor Plains · Wrap my arms around him and pretend
The most beautiful thing anyone has written about Wraen. Made mine and her heart melt. :)
Given to RIP Valette by Rehan on October 08, 2018
Stone Circle · Will I ever be good enough?
1700 posts and no kudos?? Crazy!! Mar, I LOVE your work with Valette. I've been following her since the Silvertip days, and the way she has weathered all the tragedy and loss in her life to come out a strong woman is so, so inspiring. You have crafted her perfectly. She is one of my favorites in the game--this post got me super emotional. Where is her Prince Charming?! You and Valette deserve all the kudos in the world, and I can't wait to keep following her adventures. <3
Given to Fire by Behemoth on October 07, 2018
Golden Glade · if you take my advice you're bound to be damned
You capture a shift in atmosphere in such a stunning way
Given to RIP Desdemona by Mercury the Human on October 07, 2018
Phoenix Maplewood · the time of sun
Desdemona is one of my favorite ever additions to a pack. From being so timid and submissive at the outset to NOW, where she's literally summoning the entire pack because of Aditya's absence. Her fierce loyalty and convoluted backstory are things you write beautifully, and I love the way you play this character. Sorry we didn't get too long to bond, but our characters will cross paths again someday, hopefully! Cheers, Cyprin! Looking forward to reading more of Desdemona's adventures!
Given to RIP Grezig by Mercury the Human on October 07, 2018
Blacktail Deer Plateau · grezig gets her head stuck in a log
I've been meaning to do this for a while, but this thread title made me literally laugh out loud--I love it. Anyway, I don't follow her as much as I should, but I do love how you play this character and the adventures she's gone through. There's a lot of great development that's happened, from her being a pretty feral creature to stepping up as beta, her helping with Illidan, etc. It's just wonderful to see a character have so much *meat* in their threadlog and so much of an arc. I'm not as eloquent as I wanted to be so sorry, but just keep up the good work, Fira! Cheers!
Given to Blixen by Eastwood on October 06, 2018
Dragoncrest Cliffs · son of none
Lovely writing as always. <3
Given to Aditya by Krarius on October 05, 2018
Gilded Bay · narayana
Given to Gwen by Cry on October 05, 2018
Silver Moraine · you were one of those classic ones
Given to Cry by Gwen on October 05, 2018
Silver Moraine · you were one of those classic ones
k i love your writing??? ;-;
Given to Indra by Graveyard on October 02, 2018
Bearclaw Valley · just have the strength to know you're wrong,
Given to Síff by RIP Grezig on October 02, 2018
Blacktail Deer Plateau · breathing in the view
You get kudos for this because it made me tear up pretty bad oh my lord. I'M not crying. YOU'RE crying.
Given to Titmouse (Ghost) by Kalganov on September 30, 2018
Meadowlark Prairie · i know you want to cry all night, all night
It's always so amazing to write with you and Mou is such an interesting and unique character. Hope to see plenty more of him in the future!
Given to Piper by Indra on September 30, 2018
Bearclaw Valley · succubus
"One day, that name would carry weight. One day, people would know just who they were talking to." YAAS QUEEN. THE REDLEAF REGIME!! a nice alliterative poem for u