Ocean's Breath Plateau A Favour Here and There
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
All Welcome 
It was early in the morning before she set out herself. But though she was confident in the quickness of her paws to carry her over all sorts of terrain she knew the time to hunt should come soon and she did not wish it delayed on her account. She sent out a querying howl for @Iiana, @Raiyuk, and @Matteo. Iiana because she had travelled to Moonglow before, and had a spirit of wanderlust that would make the journey less of a burden. Raiyuk because he had recently proven his mettle on their journey to the coronation at Akashingo and was growing into his own. And Matteo because he was growing into an age where he might wish to see more of the world and he was new to Moontide but she wished him to feel it was home there and Moontide had ties to packs outside their own borders.

No pressure to thread, Heph just wants to ask if the three of them would choose one of three Moon packs to go to (Moonglow, Moonspear, and Moonsong) and invite them to Hoshor plains for a big hunt. If they'd rather not leave Moontide/go to the packs that's fine too!
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
How'd I miss this? Aah!

Raiyuk had taken a break from working on the lodge. He had fetched himself some fresh water, and was on his way to find a bite to eat when he heard his name being called by Heph. The boy put aside his needs in favor of whatever she might require, and headed in her direction—seeking her out with ease as he knew the village so well.

When he came upon her, he smiled and drew close enough to nip in a friendly manner at her shoulder. You called for me? But also for others, he remembered. What need would she have that would require three bodies?
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Riayuk appeared first and gave her a friendly nip she grinned and nippeda t his own ears playfully, asking first warmly. "Mmm how are you and the lodge?" Two wives and still the village to feed - she trusted Chakliux knew what he asked but she hoped that Raiyuk would be able to lean on his pack should he need them. It was much to put on the shoulders of a young wolf.

But she did not wish to bury the lead and spoke freely. "I wanted to ask if you would travel to one of our sister packs, Moonglow, Moonsong, or Moonspear and invite them to a large hunt in a place called Hoshor plains three days before the next full moon. But if you cannot be away from your duties here I understand." She added, she was already journeying and could add it to her list, although it might add a day or two to her own absence.

spring flower in snow
103 Posts
Ooc — bon
iiana's mane fluttered as she ran to the howl, finally arriving with heavy breath. moontide's territory feels far larger when she has to respond to a howl.

her tongue hung out as she trotted the rest of the distance to the source of the howl: heph.
someone else beat her to it though, and so iiana gave a nod to raiyuk.

hello! she spoke between breaths. hope i'm not late~
[Image: Illustration458-1.png]
the taste of salt at the tip of my tongue means i am home
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Iiana arrived next and Heph gave her a wide grin and friendly wag of her tail. "Not at all, the party doesn't start until you're here." A twinkle in her eye but she got to business quickly filling the other wolf in. "I wanted to ask if you would be willing to travel to one of our sister packs, Moonglow, Moonspear, or Moonsong and invite them to ahuntin a place called Hoshor plains three days before the next full moon. If you'd rather not no worries but it would be a great help."
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
I can go to Moonsong if that is easiest. He offered.

Or if you need someone for Moonspear, I can visit there. My father has asked me to drop something off for Sialuk while he is away on his hunt, so... I could do that. There was the chance he'd run in to Seal as well, which was something Raiyuk looked forward to.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
"If you could let Sialuk know then, that way it won't cost you an extra trip, thank you." She smiled at Raiyuk, glad to have the help and hoping that the journey would be well.

spring flower in snow
103 Posts
Ooc — bon
of course i will! she huffed in response to heph, tossing out the idea that she could ever reject an offer to help with her pack. besides, it was an enticing idea.

i'll head out soon. i might need to rest my head a little, though. will setting out next morning be fine?
[Image: Illustration458-1.png]
the taste of salt at the tip of my tongue means i am home
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
"Thank you and of course, rest and be sure to eat well before you travel to Moonglow." She replied easily for there was still not quite a rush. Heph herself hurried more for the length of her own journey and the uncertainty of even finding what she sought out, but Moonglow was a known place to Iiana.