Stone Circle Homecoming
189 Posts
Ooc — Jess
All welcome! Raventhorpe is officially joining with Kvarsheim! :D going to keep this to one reply per round, no posting order. Tagging @Greyfalcon for reference though we haven’t finished the departure thread yet.

Gathering @Hilda, @Tyraxes and @Arrax together, Solveig and @Rusalka led the pack one more time, travelling carefully through the wilderness that separated them from the pack out in the open expanse of territory. 

Solveig noted the herd of elk nearby, heard the bull elk. She smiled and licked her lips. Rutting season, She said. Perhaps we will celebrate the union with a hunt, She said, as they approached the borders. 

She waited, so they might be all assembled together, for assessment, before she called out for the young group of leaders of Kvarsheim.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
106 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
Lets do this! :D
She followed her family this far, it was a long and beautiful journey and she signaled for her currently aloft companion to return to her shoulder. He did so diligently until he may be excused.

She had finished pulling up the rear, making sure everyone was in line and safe during the journey. She would take headcount of the current members upon stopping, “Is everyone here?” then once this was done she would look to Sol and listen. She was saying something about the rusting season, were there many elk in this area? Elk was quite a treat!

She took in all the smells and sights that she could, that way once patrol duties were assigned she would be able to properly and efficiently memorize the terrain front to back, side to side. All with the help of a certain feathered companion.

There were a great many vertical stones in this circle ahead of her, they were lined up with the sun as it appeared. Was anyone here? Had anyone been here? She had never been this far east before, however she liked what she saw.
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
bravo six
180 Posts
Ooc — delaney
they moved as one, and though rusalka held some reservations about the leadership being as young as they were, he was almost relieved that the burden of leadership would not be upon him. he looks forward to spending his time being a husband and father without the burden of juggling leadership on top of it.

the end of an era and the beginning of a new one awaits them as they come to a stop at kvarsheim's borders.

solveig called for them, the young leaders and rusalka takes his place beside her.
Humble not Meek
171 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven made it to the borders and was surprised at the number that met him. He had thought perhaps it was going to be one or two wolves. No there were more. But he knew this was a change and a big one. So he dug deep for a ounce of what his father had been.

Hello. I'm Sven. Rusalka, Arrax ot is good to see you again.

He wagged his tail and waited patiently a serene expression on his face
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
83 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
A voice on the wind once again rose on the wind and the stone prince set out to greet it. A warm smile set onto his face to find his brother attending to the Raventhorpe wolves. From a distance he recognized Rusalka and Arrax from their meeting prior.

Ujurak moved to Sven's side, tail waving.

And I am Ujurak. Welcome back, Rusalka, Arrax. Turquoise eyes set upon the faces unknown to him. You must all be from Raventhorpe, yes?
45 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Despite his inner angst over leaving the Plateau behind, Arrax did not put up a fuss, obediently following his family as they began the trek east to their new home. He was however quiet on the trip in protest, half-hoping some sort of incident would have them turn back and force his parents to reconsider the move, even wondering if he could conspire with one of his siblings to coordinate something. Alas, the journey was uneventful and they arrived upon the borders – all mostly in good spirits bar one.

Even Solveig's observation on the nearby elk herd and suggestion of a hunt did not inspire him. At Greyfalcon's question, he gave a half-hearted glance around before staring into Kvarsheim's territory. Was Eivor still here?

As before, the two young brothers appeared and met the family with an amicable greeting, and once more, Arrax turned away, his expression set into one of cold indifference.
The bear whisperer
78 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
The chill of fall had reached the Teekons; the wind blew colder as the day came to a close, the days still warm. By the time Bjorn had gotten word of the arrival of Raventhorpe, the two young leaders had already made their entrance, welcoming the band of wolves.

He approached in a brooding manner, big and quiet, the image of his namesake. He stood behind Ujurak and Sven. Among the band of wolves, as Bjorn took notice, were two females, both very fine, two boys and a girl, and a man, most likely as large as Bjorn. There were few of them, but it would be a benefit to the pack of Kvarsheim to have additional members. 

It seemed that the young leaders had already been familiar with the one boy and the large man. Bjorn had no need to worry, yet he was there as a guard, and he remained quiet as he watched, inspecting the newest members.
Active weekdays: Monday (evenings), Saturday, Sunday — Most evening times are open (PST: Pacific Standard Time)
189 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Her son’s moodiness was noted, but the stalwart leader felt confident that his attitude would improve once they went on a hunt, filled their bellies with warm food, and settled in. She hoped there might be others his age- growing pups for Arrax, Tyraxes and Hilda to play with. 

The leaders who greeted them were young, as she’d been told. She felt lightly skeptical of them, but their friendliness was endearing. The mammoth woman swept forward with a deep laugh to greet both Sven and Ujurak, nose to nose so they might exchange scents. Each was afforded a customary, over-the-top greeting- Sven received a hearty clap to his shoulder with one mighty forepaw, and Ujurak would feel the dull thud of her head against his own. She smiled, all the while.

Ah, it is good season for travelling, She said. But better season still for finding home. Hael og sael to you all; I am Solveig Cairn. You are familiar with my mate, Rusalka, and our son, Arrax. These two here are Tyraxes and Brunhilda, She introduced, though quickly added a correction when she caught a pleading look from her daughter. She waved a paw at the youth. She prefers ‘Hilda.’ And this is our trusted scout and guardian, Greyfalcon, She proclaimed, warmth in her tone. Their most faithful original member would never go without appreciation. 

She returned to her husband’s side, and thumped her tail against his flank. So- shall we hunt? She asked. It would be good to spill blood and feast together to celebrate our union!
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"