Haunted Wood If you wanna get out alive, run for your life
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Pack Activity 
Backdated to the 31st of December Time for the hunt guys! First round ends once everyone replies! Tagging: @Valour @Hela @Clay and if you want @Polaris Minor PP of them arriving. Other pack members may join to make sure the job is followed through or to show guidance 

She wanted to get this done and she felt that the whelps were ready. Serem exited her den and went on her way to the pit and stared down at her sister. "This could of been avoided." Was all she said along with a shake of her head. She walked away from the edge and gave a howl.

Once they arrived serem glances upon them all. "Today you will prove your worth at hunting but this won't be a normal hunt that you all are accustomed to. Today you will hunt and kill a member of our kind; a traitor who is to be shown no mercy."
”Common” "Spanish"
563 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Valour's eyes were focused behind Serem on the pit before lifting to her face as he arrived, a silent question in his expression that he kept unvoiced because he knew he'd find out anyway. He sat down and listened to the explanation, his eyes flaring open with shock for just a brief moment before his expression was back to his normal resting bitch face. "One of them? Which?" he asked calmly motioning toward the captives and casting a quick glance toward Clay concerned with how the other would act before reminding himself that he wasn't supposed to be a "friend" anymore.
3/10 mastery
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
"why not just kill her?" came her question as she drew up alongside Valour, offering the boy a glance. she understood the necessity of doing so should there come a threat to the pack, but could derive no pleasure from making it any messier than need be. she might have expressed surprise, too, should not Serem have already outlined the bare details of what was to take place here not a fortnight ago.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She looked at the two pups that had attended and she looked down to her paws and shook her head. "Again you both will learn to hunt and kill one of your own. This is a test to see if you guys are even capable of doing it. Think of this a your guys first contract from me, hunt and kill Nakara."
”Common” "Spanish"
563 Posts
Ooc — Jay
It surprised him that Hela was the one who questioned Serem. Valour hadn't really considered it before but he had killed and he had intended to and failed to kill others before. Keeping that to himself he instead focused on Serem as she spoke and glared for a moment at her before looking down at the female captive "I don't see why I'd have a problem" he said and moved toward the edge of the pit, studying the female who was to be his first murder.
3/10 mastery
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
she blinks; obviously serem hadn't understood. "what does hunting have to do with it?" she questions further; the woman is in a hole in the ground; how hard can it be to simply leap in and finish her off, truly? she'd been in there long enough already, without offering anything of use to the pack. 

but Valour's already moving to the pit's edge; and she's tired of questioning the woman's methods. instead, she pushes past the boy, moving to the pit's edge and promptly skidding down the side. as soon as she hits the bottom, she moves; a lunge straight for the woman's neck; jaw primed to seize and tear. she has no desire to drag this on, knows that if she stops to think, she will doubt; and she can't afford that now.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The young one seemed to question further and she shook her head. "I've already explained." Before she could talk more they went straight for it. "Sorry it won't be that easy." The woman jumps into the pit and snaps at her sisters legs causing her to leap out and run.
”Common” "Spanish"
563 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Valour hadn't wanted to go into the pit until Hela jumped ahead of him. Feeling as if he had something to prove he began to go down pausing when Serem jumped in and sent the Captive running. His eyes flew wide and he whirled running after her and narrowing his eyes as he snapped at her hind legs, teeth scraping against flesh before she pulled ahead again. He shot a look over his shoulder and grinned, searching for Hela so he could see how far behind she was.
3/10 mastery
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
something comes between her and the woman. a wicked snarl leaves her throat, ripe with hate and irritation, and she snaps at Serem's face, teeth clamping shut on empty air as her lips curl back. "I'm not playing games," she spits, hackles pricked as she faces serem. she acknowledges valour as he speeds after the woman, but remains rounded on the consort. she sees nothing to gain here, and detests being forced to play things the consort's way; what authority does she have, anyway?
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She stood her ground when the whelp snapped at her and didn't say a word as she watched Valour run after her sister. Serem merely lingered on the back end so she may watch them tear her apart. 
feel free to kill her now she's inactive
”Common” "Spanish"
563 Posts
Ooc — Jay
He felt it odd that Hela did not follow. He had chased down the captive far enough without interruption from the other pup that he took it upon himself to finish the job. Leaping upon the woman's hind legs he did what Hela was not there to do, he crippled her and as she fell to the ground he was upon her. His teeth tore into the flesh of her throat as she thrashed and as her eyes went wide he yanked back and ripped it out. The smell of blood was instant and he stepped back, staring down at the dying woman as the light left her eyes and the twitching of her limbs ceased. His breathing was ragged as he swallowed down the blood that remained in his mouth and slowly went back to the pit, standing over the edge covered in blood and announcing "It's done" and staring the consort in the eyes as he waited to see what her reaction would be.
3/10 mastery
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She simply looked at hela with a blank expression; she was disappointed with the young female but Serem did not speak upon it nor show it with her eyes. She watched on as Valour was the one to follow her and bring her down and tore her apart and once he was done he came to her. "Well done." She said simply. "You May do with the body what you wish however leave the bones." And with a small glance back at the female; she departed.
”Common” "Spanish"