Cassiopeia's View We're just getting started
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
The night that Teya and Sorana went to the wedding, Bridget left as well. She struck out west, the opposite direction, through the familiar depths of the fen and up into the mountains. She steered clear of the heights where she'd fallen last time but she needed some space to think. Maybe she could have gone to the wedding but she'd declined, said she was tired and that the mother/daughter time would be important. She had duties at home.

What was she doing?

What was she waiting for?

Brecheliant was her home, and their members were her family, but she felt as though she were stuck on pause. Teya had loved at least three times over in the time they'd known one another and Bridget, somehow, was no nearer moving on than she was when they began. If she envied one thing in her friend it was that. Maybe Bridget thought she deserved better than love given in secret but at least it was love that had been given at all.

The medic curled up on the ledge she'd taken to and stared out across the fen that stretched below. The moon struck the waterlogged terrain in patches and shone silver, painting the landscape with a patchwork of monochrome. It was beautiful.

She didn't let herself linger on the loneliness often. It wasn't productive, wasn't healthy, and if it was meant to be she knew it would come in time. Tonight would be for that. She'd explore the edges that hurt, the scars she'd left hidden perhaps a little too long, and go home when she was ready. She needed a night of her own.

will like close as a RO soon, but opening this up in case <3