Moonspear You can count on me
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei heard the howl as well. And despite that she should have worried after Ariadne first. She didn't. It was @Arrluk she thought of and how this may affect him. 

Oh she searched for the woman and her child tirelessly. She even went into the dark of the forest. But she didn't find them. It was as if their scent just disappeared.

She herself wondered if Ariadne had left with a man. But she tried to push that thought away. But it was there nagging and she felt cruel for it.

It was with delicate, tired steps she went in search of the one wolf she held on the highest pedestal. He had been there for her.  And there was never a time she wouldn't be there for him.

Arrluk? she called out softly. Green eyes searching out his den and usual haunts. She knew them like she knew her next breath. Always she knew where he was or should be.
197 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Worry had settled deep in Arrluk by now. Days continued to pass without word. As with surely others, Arrluk had first wondered if Ariadne had once more naively went running off with another older man, swept away by his charm and knowledge of the world beyond what she knew. 

But without her pups? 

This was the one thing which puzzled Arrluk most of all. Ariadne had been excited for Moongrove. Yet she had been excited for Moonsong too... Ariadne was very happy to be with family again too but alas, so she had the first time... However Arrluk couldn't quite imagine his sister leaving behind her pups, especially so after loosing one. Then again, maybe she felt they were safer with her parents then under her care. Arrluk remained torn between. 

Either way, he searched. Of course, he did not want to abandon Moonspear entirely. They had pups which needed looking after just the same. They were his family too. So he stayed. He fished. He guarded the borders. Though in the late nights he would wonder beyond the borders in search. Already tiredness was bringing him down. 

Another night and he headed towards the borders, but was caught by Ajei's voice. Hey ... He murmurs lowly, his own green eyes lifting to meet her face.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei knew that Arrluk worked tirelessly to help out in the pack lands and then search at night. She tried, but she wasn't as dedicated as he was at least with the searching. Mostly because she simply wasn't sure where to search?

Ajei searched his face and moved closer to look up at him. Green eyes on his downcast gaze. The tiredness that clung to him like a second skin. The way he seemed to sag at the shoulders, that were usually upright and broad. As if to carry the burdens of all those he cared about. And he did more often than not. And it was not his job, but he made it so. 

So Ajei had determined she would take care of him when she could. Arrluk. She hesitated and then leaned forward a hairs breadth away. 

Would you like a hug? And

She shifted uneasily. I think you should take a break. I Know that you want to find them and help Sialuk too. But you cannot help anyone or continue to search if you are tired. You may miss something or, or get hurt or sick yourself.

Ears to her skull. Had she said too much? What if he got upset with her or thought she didn't care. Ahe did very much,but rest was important.
197 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Arrluk's ocean eyes turned down to the little ball of fire, his tiredness evident in his gaze, yet she knew this already. A sister lost. A niece. Having a large family was wonderful yet it also left more room for bad things to happen. It was a double edged sword yet Arrluk tried to heed his mother's words when they lost Samani. There could be no good in the world without bad. No happiness without sadness. Life was always about balance. 

He nods briefly, moving forward and drapping his head around her red scruff with a sigh, his ears pressed back to his skull. And what if something is missed because in sleeping? What if Ariadne gets sick or hurt because I took too long to find her? His words grip his chest, his legs shook with a weak tiredness. There were so many others out looking, he knew, but nothing could seem to ease his worry that he would feel the failure deeply should Ariadne and her daughter not be found healthy and safe.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei understood. She really did. She knew why he pushed and pushed himself for those he cared for. Probably more than he realized she understood. She had felt loss too. Perhaps not as much, but her's had been just as paramount. She wore the scars on her skin. But it was the natural order of things. Sometimes, not everyone made it.

She pressed against him. Curling her smaller paws around his much larger ones. Holding him as best she could. I will search while you sleep. I will listen and watch. It is not your responsibility alone, and Ariadne is an adult. No matter what. She is an adult. Arrluk it truly is not your burden to bear. It is admirable that you do, but you cannot take it all alone.

She knew her words may fall on deaf ears. He may grow angry with her. But the simple fact was Ariadne was an adult, who had made her own decisions many times over. Would it hurt if something were to happen to her, absolutely. But she was an adult.
197 Posts
Ooc — Vami
For awhile, Arrluk was quiet. It might have been stifling to Ajei, who worried what thoughts might be in Arrluk's head and what words may come out there after. To Arrluk, it was a moment of peace. One he had not had in the days which passed after the summons pet everyone know more of his family had gone missing. 

Ajei was right though. His sister was an adult and, like many others in his pack, came and went freely. Most of the time, it wasn't because they were missing but because they had chosen to leave on their own accord. Arrluk just hoped his little niece had trailed on after her mother when she noticed she was heading out of Moonglow. 

Your right. He finally then said, pulling more closely into her. I know you are... His words trailed. It was just- hard. And he felt lost in his mind and his words trapped. Unable to put them together to explain how all he felt and he appreciated Ajei so, knowing he didn't have to when he was with her.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arrluk was quiet and Ajei fretted and worried that perhaps she had said too much. But she kept her worries to herself. For if she could not be open like this, then he was not who she thought he was. But he swiftly proved he was indeed exactly who she thought. And it eased some of the anxiety. 

It didn't mean it hurt any less that Ariadne was missing. Or that they would need to search for her. And the unknown variable was frightening. IF something had truly happened to her. Oh it didn't bear to think on. 

I know it's not easy Arrluk. But for now just rest. I'll stay with you until you fall asleep and then I'll search. She licked his cheek with a soft smile and squeezed his paws gently. She understood. He didn't need to say anymore.
197 Posts
Ooc — Vami
She speaks and her dainty paws press on top of his own, staying there against him in embrace until Arrluk nodded and broke away from their hugging. 

Worn eyes looked to her and turned away, beginning to trail their path towards their little densites. One next to another, nearly facing one another as they rest along the creek bed. 

Arrluk dipped his body low, crawling into his hollow fitted under a fallen old trunk and turned around, laying and resting his white chin onto his front paws. 

It did not take him long to fall asleep, both from exhaustion and the comfort of Ajei near.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He held fast and then removed himself. And she smiled up at him. Watching him. Hoping he would rest. He could not force himself ragged. 

HE was asleep in mere moments. She waited just a tad longer and then. Laying a soft fur along his side, if he should need it. She turned and headed out of the pack lands. She was off to try and search.