Wapun Meadow Can't wait for quittin' time, comin' around
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Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
tossing her this way for fun!

She hated that the reason existed, but now that Sorana was gone, Bridget had less to keep her tied at all times to the Caldera. Teya had Bronco and her children, the rest had ties to keep them close, and while she loved them all like family, at times she wondered.

She just wanted to explore a little. Home was home, but the world was bigger than that and she wanted to meet some of it.

She’d cut around the southern edge of the mountains and ventured north, crossing flatlands to a meadow. It reminded her of the one near home, but aside from Akashingo, she had encountered no packs.

No packs, and no one to judge. Bridget looked about, then smiled and began to pick up speed. She got nearly to a sprint before she lost her footing and went tumbling into the flowers, immediately bursting into laughter as she stayed sprawled within the tall grass. She’d missed the nice weather immensely, it was so good to enjoy the sun again!
10 Posts
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The sprite couldn't help but become curious by the wolf nearby. The one with three legs....

Her entrance into the Teekons was still young -- as if transported into an entirely new world. Setting off alone was nothing like being within the comfort of the grove -- freedom was nothing like she'd originally imagined it to be. Instead of feeling refreshing, it felt...scary.


--and in becoming far too distrustful of every stranger that lurked within these wilds, the young woman had become somewhat of a silent recluse. Yet her curiosity still pulled her into the shadows, where she could observe others from the unseen corners. It was safer that way -- at least to Cera, rather than being seen.

Yet in wandering that day, foreging the lands for sweet berries, she'd instead come across a woman adorned in blonde strands, dancing among the grass like a sprightly child. Her ears perked and bright eyes locked in curiously, more so in confusion, on how a wolf robbed of one of their own limbs could possibly move like that....

Ceraphina, however -- far too shy to approach, chose to watch from a distance as she'd always done. Remain quite in her stationary safe spot within the distance....
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
For her part, Bridget was having a grand ol’ time. She remained on her back for a time, still laughing, but as those quieted down she rolled over and looked at the flowers near her as she caught her breath. Was that honeysuckle?

She stood and moved over to look, completely failing to see her observer hidden nearby. You are a pretty patch, but do I want to carry you all the way home? She huffed out a breath with amusement, nosing the flowers briefly. She hadn’t been planning on going home just yet! Maybe on the way back.. she added, more a murmur to herself.

If she started gathering a hoard now she’d have to keep track of it and cart it around. But if she didn’t intend on mountain climbing, she’d have to come back this way anyway! And could easily snag some then instead.
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The longer Ceraphina observed, the weirder things got -- to the point of just, well, flat out awkwardness. The woman was talking to some flowers...

Cera was an appreciative girl of the earth herself. Raised by the pack's herbalist and taught the laws of nature and medicine under mother's guidance, it was not hard to become awe struck the many gifts earth had left behind for wolvenkind to lavish in. Yet the last time Cera checked....flowers couldn't talk. Perhaps the lady in particular grew drunken on some unknown substance she couldn't smell from here -- mother had told the young sprite of fruit and herbs of that nature. 

She'd also taught Cera to stray far from wolves like that, which is what the young woman fully intended to do.

Growing nervous by the blonde dame's increased movement, it might not have been too long before Cera was eventually spotted. It was time for the youth to slip away instead of sticking around, as any wolf under the influence could prove a danger to her. Yet as the lithe woman began to back away towards where the trees hopefully were, she heard a sound that made her heart skip a beat.


Cera had stepped on a twig. Of course she'd step on a twig while trying to sneak away.

"Shit!" the sprite hissed to herself...
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
There was a snap, followed by an audible hissed curse. Bridget smiled, smothering a laugh, and sat up. Apparently someone was lurking nearby, but the curse made it clear whoever it was wouldn’t be a threat. A killer wouldn’t have let that slip before attacking.

Pretty harsh language for a flower. She replied, not bothering to really search for whoever made the sound. She could give them the dignity of a disappeared retreat if they really wanted it. Do you kiss your seed-mom with that mouth?

Chuckling at her own joke, she waited in friendly silence and knocked a few plant remnants out of her fur with a scratch. It really was a beautiful day, weather wise. She wasn’t surprised more we’re out enjoying the sun and the flowers.
10 Posts
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'Pretty harsh language for a flower'

Cera paused, looking back up towards the woman in curiosity, a tongue running over her nose and eyes squinting in thought. It was a little difficult to tell whether or not this one was still high out of their minds, or if they'd actually noticed the young girl after she'd made noise. The thought of the latter being true was a little intimidating – as if Cera was being played like a fiddle for someone's amusement. It almost made the sea fae hesitant to approach, too –

–but taking a chance to assume it was correct, however, Ceraphina would have not choice but to quench her curiosity and approach.

So she did; slowly, carefully from behind – the muscles in her legs tensing like she'd been prepared to run away if all else went wrong. The mushroom eater was the first wolf she'd come this close to in this strange land, so she might as well try to get some information out of them.

"I don't believe the flowers can talk. To their mothers, either."  The witch explained. Not having read the room or the possibility of it being a joke, and assuming they simply didn't know. Mother had told her there were many ignorant to the ways of the earth, afterall. Cera wanted to teach what others didn't know, just like her. "They blow pollen to create more, but that's all the mother and parent interaction they'll get…oh,"

Ah, introductions. She forgot.

"I'm Ceraphina, I guess."
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget saw her appear in her periphery and turned to look, still smiling. Her smile didn’t fade when the woman began to (adorably) explain why Bridget’s joke wasn’t true. It was endearing that she’d taken it seriously. She was cute.

Not a flower then, but just as pretty. Bridget replied easily, meaning the compliment. A little harmless flirting never hurt anyone.

I’m Bridget, it’s nice to meet you, Ceraphina. Do you live out this way?