Meadowlark Prairie Here I am…. A tumbleweed.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Do you understand, what they talk with one another?" Dwin asked curiously, because it had never occurred to her that prey specied were capable of speech. It was very comfortable (and in some ways logical) for a hunter species to consider that the prey species were not sentient beings. Of course, they had some sort of self-awareness and they clearly had thoughts. Just... probably not interesting enough for them to be spared, if a hungry Dwin happened to stumble upon them. 

"I have heard elk and moose - roar? Is that the right term? And roe deer bark, but it has never sounded like a real conversation. Rather... just sounds. Like babies make, when they are tiny," she mused. 

"They must be dangerous beasts then. Mom has always told me to steer clear of the deer and not try to battle one, if I am alone," she said. "I kind of not like them anyway," she added in a brief moment of vulnerability. Then her attention was drawn to the smell of rotting flesh and she beckoned Cassidy to follow her. There were remnants of, what had once been a moose. Many scavangers had visited the open-air restaurant before them, including Brecheliant inhabitants, but there were still enough scraps to make up a hearty meal for a weary and unpicky traveller. 

"Dig in - I will stay on guard for coyotes and bears," she instructed him. 
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
“No, I do not understand their words. They’re another species, but you can tell if they’re content or angry by their tone.” 

She spoke of moose, and deer and elk. Although most of the times he saw elk, or other hooded prey like that was when they were provided for food. But he’d seen alive elk before. “Maybe.” He replied “If you think about it, maybe to them, they can’t hear us talk.” “But a deer bark? That sounds like it would be strange.”

She asked if they were dangerous, and oh boy, did he have an answer for her: “They are very dangerous,  when they run, there’s no stopping them.” “So if your in their path, you better get out of there.

They had reached a stop, at the smell of a dead animal. Food! He trotted over, after thanking Ceridwen of course, and dug his face into it. “Mmm” He made groaning noises, as it tasted so good.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
Roe deer bark - - the sounds in the video are a bit different than the ones I have heard in nature, but they are close enough.

"Come to think of it - if you are not totally dense, you can sense, whether there is any danger or not," Dwin mused, watching, how hungrily Cassidy ate and wondering, when had been the last time he had had a square meal. "I mean - body language may tell you a lot. Or simply go around and do not underestimate any prey. No matter big or small," because even tiny mice could turn around and bit you hard in your toes. 

She then fell silent, letting the man enjoy his meal. She went around the carcass and rummaged around a bit, until she found morsels that would still be edible and settled down too. Once her friend finished, she would go and show him, where he would be able to settle down for the night. 
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
He munched and munched until he finally felt that feeling when you’ve eaten your share and it’s time to nap. He partially listened to what Dwin was saying, and she was absolutely right. He brought his head up, and responded: “You make a great point Dwin.” He yawned, then asked “So, where’s this place to settle down?” 

“By the way, thank you for your company. I really appreciate it.” 
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Let's go," Dwin beckoned him to follow and she began to lead him towards a well-hidden small cave on the fringes of Brecheliant's borders. It was nestled right next to, where the slope from caldera met the plains. There were plenty of dwarf pines, offering great cover and forming a natural obstacle to anyone, who would want to sneak upon a sleeping wolf. This was one of the many hide-outs Dwin had all over the territories and there she went to be on an airplane mode and catch up with some sleep. 

"Well, when you want to take a break from seeing the world and everything, you can always come back here. Brecheliant is always in need of fresh blood,"
Dwin said, realizing not for the first time in this conversation that she might have chosen her words differently. "Not literally, of course," she chuckled. "There is always room for kind and adventurous souls and, if you can tell a story - that means a guaranteed bonus," she smiled.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
She beckoned him. And led him to a small cave nestled in dwarf pines. This offered shelter, some warmth, and a dry place to sleep. He poked his head inside, roomy enough. But he couldn’t help but whisper to himself: “My own place.” He looked back to Dwin, who had told him when he ever needed a break from exploring, he could come back here. A home to come back to, he felt much gratitude to the young lady. “I’d love that. Thank you again, so much. I feel like my life is starting to come together.”

Although when she mentioned fresh blood, he blushed, but she realized her wording of the sentence, and told him “not literally.” He didn’t mind, in fact, someday he hoped to live a full life, doing all one could do.

Her last words almost sound like an invitation to join their pack. “I’ll definitely consider.” “What is the name of your pack?” He asked.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Brecheliant. The Enchanted forest. Full of Blackthorns, but we are a friendly and cheerful bunch," Dwin quickly introduced Cassidy to her home. While she had not felt exactly happy or content to live there for half a year or so and been quite vocal of her discontent, when meeting other people, there was pride in her voice, when she spoke now. 

"Especially with winter around the corner. I did some travelling early this year and it was very tough. So - if you feel like turning back at any point - there will be a place for you. If I am not the one to greet you at the borders, tell them that you know me,"
she explained, ready to leave the fellow for the evening. She had some patrolling rounds to cover, before she herself retired. 

"Goodnight, Cass!" she told him and took off. 

Thank you for the very nice thread! If Cass happens to be in the vicinity again, I will gladly have another one with you! :)
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
Brechalient, she said. The enchanted forest…. She spoke with pride about her pack, and her home. She was quick to offer him a home if he ever need one. Her kindness to a stranger was nothing short of an act of a good heart.
He hoped that her family felt proud of her, the young woman she is becoming. 

“Thank you, Dwin. I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me. And if you ever need help, don’t hesitate to come and find me.”

She then turned to leave as the blue sky had started to fade. “Have a great night yourself!” He called out to her, before he curled up in his cozy cave to rest his young, tired eyes.

Quote:Of course! I had a blast with these two, and look forward to future threads. :D