Dawnlark Plains Lotus Bloom
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
OOC: Forward dated to the 22nd. Yay! I'm making one big post early so that you guys don't have to wait for me to reply. @Shale @Timberlake @Padma @Radcliffe @Meadow
It had been an early morning for the pair. With the constant kicking in her belly, Pema often found herself awake right before the sun. Shale was kind enough to spend the mornings with her and go in search of her fresh breakfast she had been requesting lately.

But shortly after Shale left the den she felt a sharp pain in her belly. At first, she paid it no attention assuming that it was another pregnancy cramp. But when it happened again a few short minutes later, this time with a greater intensity, she knew it wasn't simply cramps.

Though she had never given birth before she knew that this was the time. She felt her heart beating fast and warmth flowing through her body as the contractions moved closer together. She moved to the deepest part of her den and layed down trying her best to make it through the pain. She breathed heavily, huffing her breaths.

She was unable to hold back the grunts escaping from her as she clawed at the ground from the pain. There was no more waiting now, they didn't want to be in there anymore and there was nothing Pema could do about it.

With a loud shout, "AAHHHHHHHH" she pushed with all her being, and a large dark brown pup emerged. Despite her unfamiliarity with motherhood, she knew instantly to lick clean the pup and move him to her teats. He was so beautiful she thought, but she was interrupted as another of the pups moved into position.

With another loud shout, she pushed out her second pup. A dark black pup with red in her fur. Her legs were long and as Pema licked her clean and moved her close she compared her appearance to a dark cherry tree.

Another beautiful thought interrupted by an additional pup attempting to leave her womb. How many were there she thought furiously to herself. Luckily the third pup was the easiest to push out. Slightly smaller than the rest he emerged more easily, though giving birth no matter the size of the pup wasn't easy at all. Soon she was licking clean a light golden red boy, before moving him closer to her.

But the slightly less agonizing feeling of birthing her third child was lost as the fourth moved to join the others. Unfortunately the fourth was not as small as the third, though not as big as the first. With one last final push and shout, a brown pup mixed with color left Pema's womb and offered her some release of pain. Cleaned just like the rest the final girl was moved to Pema's side.

Once all of her children were close and clean she could relax, and take the time to wrap around and cuddle them. Here and now she didn't even think about Shale. Not that he didn't matter, just that he and her breakfast weren't the most pressing.
83 Posts
Ooc — Cody
There was a feeling of freedom as soon as he slid out, and was embraced by something wet brushing over his coating. He tried making sounds in protest to the sudden temperature change around him. It was not as comforting as the inside of his mother, nor was the wet tongue comforting.
The black of heart
131 Posts
Ooc — Keg
She was furious at the idea of leaving the warm cacoon who had harboured her since her creation. THIS was not her idea! And because of the suddenness of the situation and the coldness that breached her as she came into the world, the little long legged pup held a great disdain for the world already. 

Even the rough strokes of her mother couldn’t bring her around. She would hated it here. And if she could, she would have made her displeasure known. She wiggles as much as she could, showing her pitiful defiance. The nudging of a huge nose, pushing her toward the warm underbelly of her mother and thus the nurturing milk that awaited her.

Sustanance was the only remedy to her rage. Latching on to her mother’s teat finally helped the young auburn girl understand that perhaps this world wasn’t so terrible. As she drank greedily, and tried her best to grab the warmth from her mother. She stopped her wiggling as she felt the presence of another small being near to her own. To obsorbed in her mother’s milk was the girl, that she couldn’t think of who these others were.
yay!!!!!!!!! Stubborn to a fault. I’m so happy this moment has finally come. Sorry for the phone post! I couldnt wait!
"it is if everyone dies alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."

303 Posts
Ooc — mercury
It had taken a little while to rustle up some grub for Pema, and he spent a good deal of time out on the plains. Eventually, his luck turned; he stumbled upon an injured mule deer adolescent, its leg twisted and mangled by some misfortune. He was swift, merciful in the killing, and he took it by the bleeding neck and dragged it back to the den, grinning from ear to ear.

So heavy was the scent of prey in his nostrils that he didn't notice the changed smells around the area until he'd dropped the fawn and taken a deep breath, ready to call out to Pema. He sniffed--and froze. His ears shoved forward as he heard, faintly, the homely sounds of nursing pups. Could it be?

Eyes widening, he poked his head in, gaze raking over the sight before him. There was Pema, looking happy but exhausted--and at her breast, four healthy babes. . .two girls, two boys.

Just like last time.

A sob caught in his throat, a mix of joy and fear, and he let it go, finally, tears coming to his eyes. "Pema," he whispered, his voice strangled. He looked them over, all so perfect, so wonderful. A muddled mix of grays, browns, reds, and golds. Each so different, and beautiful in their own way. "Pema, they're here." He could scarcely believe it.

Without further hesitation, he retreated from the den and threw his head back, letting out a joyful howl. Four pups! he cried out, fur prickling with adrenaline. Four healthy pups for Morningside!

And they're mine,
he thought quietly, fervently, as his muzzle lowered, eyes filled with wonder. They're mine.
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
OOC: Feel free to join in whenever you can @TimberLake

She was in her own world, wrapped around her young pups making sure they were all situated to get their first taste of life. She licked and nudged those crying out in protest in an attempt to calm their minds. But she was soon brought back to the new world when she hard the faint whisper from Shale.

At first, she glared at him harshly. Her maternal instinct acting before she had the mental capacity to realize that it was her mate speaking to her not a possible risk. But he may have missed her glare as he raised his head to howl out to the pack. The loud noise also made her uneasy to which she replied. "Shale. You're being too loud. Come over here and be a pillow for me." she nicely demanded. Wanting to rest her head on his forearms.
547 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Not only was her evacuation notice unwanted, it came quickly and with force. One moment, she was just doing her own thing, maybe giving a gentle squirm every so often.. a paw kicking against her mother’s belly, likely revealing a rather disconcerting ripple form any outside onlooker. The next moment, her world began to shudder and clench – and then the cold came.
Her grand entrance to the world was met with a furious wail – at least, to her it had been, and the soft whimper that escaped her seemed exhausting. She was tiny in comparison to her siblings, though she wouldn’t recognize this instantly. A shiver ran through her small spine and her whimpers persisted, the very real feeling of fear making its debut in to her range of emotions quite quickly.
She only quieted when Pema pulled her close – the smell of milk was something she wasn’t able to deny, and the warmth and scent of familiarity from her mother lulled her back in to sleep.
83 Posts
Ooc — Cody
The pup was calmed by careful nudges from a cold touch of mother's nose. Being cleaned over, he was soothed and calmed. He fell asleep, but soon he would be hungry, and no doubt would become loud once more when the pup would become hungry for something to fill his little stomach.