Firefly Glen Six is not a pretty number; eight or three is definitely better
199 Posts
Ooc — xynien
The crawling feeling that had settled over her was almost becoming normal. Marina wasn't sure how to feel about that. She'd assumed it would fade eventually, but maybe something was permanently wrong with her. Or maybe she had just changed? She wasn't sure, but she knew that she couldn't stop now.

So she left the wood and found another. This place was pretty, even in the aftermath of winter. Marina imagined that in spring it would be a different sight entirely. She hunted, and after a time settled down with a pale weasel for her dinner. She wasn't hungry much since the discomfort had started, but it was habit to go through the motions. She had to stay alive, after all.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
tags for ref!

@Meerkat’s children did well. Sialuk invited @Argent to her ulaq from time to time, enjoying warm nights with him. @Keen appeared preoccupied with Bridget. The starwoman departed the spear now, seeking the last remnants of winter herbs to add to her apothecary.

Instead, she found herself focused on a silvery grey woman, not unlike Argent’s coat. The scent she carried was one Sialuk knew well, though she did not wish for the men of the spear to be tempted by it. Not unless she wished to become one with the village.

It is a dangerous to be alone during this time, she said. Do you seek a village to call home?
Atkan Aleut
199 Posts
Ooc — xynien
A pale woman approached her after a time. Marina paused, swallowed what was in her mouth, and took a second to clean her mouth before she responded. What do you mean, 'during this time?' There was a sharpness to her voice, something almost suspicious. What did she know?

And why didn't Marina herself know it? She glanced uncomfortably down at her meal, as if ashamed to have been caught existing so normally while something abnormal was happening to her. Then her gaze fixed on the woman, awaiting her explanation.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
She did not know, and Sialuk’s expression grew soft. It was an unfortunate thing when a girl was not taught such things. The starwoman had learned long before her own first time had come from anaa. She had been prepared, and thankful for the knowledge.

If you share your bed with a man, you will have life inside you. Sialuk paused and, wishing for there to be no mistaking it, added, Children.

Some men will force themselves upon you. It is why many women find security in a village with their sisters.
Atkan Aleut
199 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Oh. Oh. What? Marina's eyes widened as she took in the words. She stood abruptly, took several shaking steps back, and vomited. Children. She wanted them, of course, but not without a partner to raise them with. Not without a pack and a support system.

And those were things she was not ready for. Not yet. She tried to collect herself, wiping her mouth with a foreleg. A village? She echoed numbly, because it was the only part that felt safe to question. She realized she was crying, but didn't bother to explain herself. It seemed pretty self-explanatory. This was a whole crisis.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk felt a great sadness for this young woman. If only she had come to a village sooner! If only her parents had taught her such things! But there were options for her, especially so early on. Still time to prevent the creation of children, of life that would not be welcome.

Some call this ‘pack,’ Sialuk explained, doing her best to use a soothing voice. If you do not wish for children, there are things you may eat to prevent them from growing, she explained. Sialuk had gathered much queen anne’s lace during its last flowering, thinking she may need it herself this year. Now, this woman appeared to need it much more.

Is this what you wish? she asked.
Atkan Aleut
199 Posts
Ooc — xynien
For continuity I'm going to say Marina did have an encounter with an NPC but am totally aware this would not count for conception so if nothing happens in threads, then nothing happens <3
Marina stared at her, an expression of conflict and deep thought on her face. She did not want children now, but could she do what was suggested? Somehow the thought of ending it made her uncomfortable. It was a feeling that was impossible to put to words, but finally, she did.

No, Her voice was softer now, because it was kind of the woman to offer when they didn't know one another at all. Thank you, but... I can't. She took in a breath before she said her next words. If I've... created children, I have to try to do right by them.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The starwoman nodded, knowing. It was not an easy thing to stop life, even if this woman was not sure it had taken root in her. With Meerkat’s children so young, and her own surely to come in many months time, Sialuk did not wish to invite this woman to the spear which would be flush with young faces soon.

I have sister on the coast who begins a village anew. She may wish to add you among her ranks, Sialuk suggested softly. She did not know if they would have the room, but she knew Samani to be a kind women. I can take you to her, if you seek support in raising these children without the man who fathered them.
Atkan Aleut
199 Posts
Ooc — xynien
She felt fogged, still in shock from the weight of what the woman had said. All she could do was nod and agree numbly. Yes. Please, Without the man who fathered them. A surge of panic gripped her. I don't know what I'll do. I always thought I would have a partner for this.

There was no one else around to tell these things to, so it fell to this helpful stranger. Marina had always assumed there would be time to decide these things. To choose what and who she wanted. Instead it felt as if the architecture of her future had collapsed and fallen into her lap all at once, and now she was left to sort the mess. Alone, except for a stranger who for some reason wanted to help.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk could not begin to imagine what this woman was going through, but she did wish to help in some way. She had always been a compassionate spirit, likely because of her mother’s upbringing and her own interest in caretaking.

I am called Sialuk Ostrega. My sister is Samani. Come, I will guide you to her village. The starwoman turned north, treading a familiar path to the plateau where her sister and Rodyn had begun ti stake their claim.

i’ll start another for us!
Atkan Aleut
199 Posts
Ooc — xynien
She nodded again, not daring to question her own luck. Maybe they wouldn't take her after all. Best not to linger on the whole thing and get her hopes up too much. I'm Marina, She said, thinking that she wished she had a surname to share. To pass on to her children.

Did the man in the meadow have a surname? She wondered about that and many other things as Sialuk led the way. In silence, mostly. There was only so much comfort a stranger could offer.