Luneshale Pass dagger & rock
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Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
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he knew he was not a prince, not a player upon the royal stage.

but khusobek also knew he was invaluable in his experience and knowledge. he wished to be courted in the same way during this time of flux.

it was why he sought out @Thutmose that early morning, wet with dew from pre-dawn hunting. "i will join you on patrol, prince," the crocodile grunted.
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
The sphinx had left with the intention of journeying alone. But when one of the mazoi sought him out in the hopes of joining on this day, Thutmose knew better than to refuse. It was the way of pharaoh to accept such company, and he knew this. 
Gesturing to them with a nod, he slowed. I keep mental note of all I see, so that I may provide every detail to the divine Queen and erpa‐ha. And if Khusobek was to accompany him, he should make his work to do the same. Anything the prince should miss, the mazoi would make up for.
460 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
"will you make this place a barracks if you are pharaoh?" khusobek asked directly, wondering at what sort of man thutmose would be.

he saw no treason in his words, for as of yet there was no pharaoh to betray. this was not a coup, but a test, and the mazoi would serve those who sat upon the throne.
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
If it need be one, perhaps. But it would not be his decision alone. Such would be for the Queen and I to decide together.
The road to the summer palace would surely need guarding, but at this time, they hadn't the number for it. For the time being, all attentions should be upon protecting the mesa. When the summer palace is decided, other plans will likely be discussed. With whoever led these discussions.
460 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
"of course." yes, yes, the queen! that girlish slip untried by war or clashing vassal states, a daughter who needed to surrender the reins of pharaoh at once to a capable man.

"i mean to ask, you are a war-man. do you see the benefit in further expansion beyond a summer palace?" the red eyes glittered.
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
Further expansion. Such a silly to think of, while they were nearly on the version of one expansion already.
It would be useful, to have such a thing near. From my valley, there are those that could be commanded here to fill in the ranks. But whether he trusted them or not, he would not put any in command of such an estate. A general made of Akashingo would take charge, under my supervision. It would be like having home here with him. Thutmose relished the thought now, captivated by the possibilities.
460 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
was this an offer? khusobek wondered at it.

"you would need a man suited for the desert and long excursions." he was skilled at neither, though confidence and some sleight of tongue went monumental lengths.

"do you have a man at your right hand, great prince?" khusobek wondered aloud.
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
Thutmose would be a fool if not to think that Khusobek saw a silver lining in what had been shared. If someone worth the role was required, why should the mazoi not willingly point to himself.
I do not. There are many in Akashingo, some of which I have yet to know better. Some of those he did know were kept close in thought, however. Khusobek may soon be one of these few, lest they take a step in a direction to deter the prince from this choice in favor.
460 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
the gambit was accepted. "you will need a man honest about what he wants in payment."

but that was all, for now. "what do you think of this land's coyote populace?" khusobek wondered aloud. "the queen has her favorites, and indeed they love her. but more servants will be necessary for the establishment of a pleasure-palace. how would you persuade them to join us?"

their young ruler would not be happy with slaves, though that would suit the crocodile in a fine way.
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
The talk of barracks were cast aside, as now a place for pleasure was suggested.
Thutmose was not blind. He knew well of the fellahin and what use they made of their time when not tending to the Queen.
Have we not enough fellahin to satisfy the mazoi and lords? 
Some day, we might think to increase our fellahin number. But that will depend on whether it is decided to keep this way alive within Akashingo. With a new ruler, comes a new choice of reign. He did not know it yet, but maybe Toula did not want her fellahin to be passed from man to man ultimately for their selfish pleasure. And if this would be the case, what use did they have for expanding in this way?
460 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
thutmose said much without saying anything. khusobek received the message that this was not the soldier's point of focus, and moved on.

"the prince rashepses brought goats with him."

a press.

"i heard they were quite pleasing." but he had heard no such thing.
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
Rashepses. A conniving man, Thutmose thought him. Ambitious and determined. But how could not a man desiring to be pharaoh act? It was true, the sphinx had his own ambitions; but they were perhaps targeted elsewhere than Rashepses'.
I am sure the Queen was delighted by the gift. He answers plainly, holding his tongue toward any further notes of displeasure toward the mentioned man.
460 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
"she was."

again, a lie. an assumption. but what did thutmose know? and how would he pry any truths from the experienced tongue of a palace guard?

"what will a soldier give her, i wonder?" the prospect of military might was not unappealing to khusobek, who enjoyed scything when ordered.