Redhawk Caldera No cat calls, no tag teams, no mascots
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 
After a very soggy morning hunt, Peregrine returned to the den with a fat rabbit in his jaws. He stepped inside the den, wringing his wet paws, and offered the soaked carcass to his mate. He didn't want to get her or the puppies wet, so he remained in the threshold. He reached over to lick the places he could. The rest would have to drip dry.

Fortunately, the rain tapered away and disappeared by ten-o'-clock. Peregrine woke up from a drowsing state, fur still damp, and made a point to nuzzle the den's five inhabitants. He then stepped outside again, stretching in the sunshine, before leaping atop the den like a panther. He promptly sat to keep vigil, knowing that curious pack mates would surely swing by sooner than later.
311 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Rain slicked down the broad Redhawk's mottled coat as he loped up the shallow rise. Having spent a productive morning along the borders, Nightjar sought the relative safety and comfort of the pack's core, and a little shelter wouldn't go amiss, either. He would not step foot into a den or a cave without a damn good reason, but the trees ringing his litter's old rendezvous site were a perfect substitute, and that was where he headed.

Or it was where he was headed, but instead, he found himself passing near to the whelping den Fox was using this year. While he knew both instinctively and because he was told that even he was unwelcome to meet his young siblings (as much as he hated that), Nightjar couldn't help craning his head from afar and fruitlessly trying to peek into the dark hole that Peregrine stood guard over. He was far enough away that his father shouldn't take issue with his presence, but there was no telling with Peregrine. It was a wolf law ingrained into their very being—the father of a newly birthed litter was fiercely protective, and the mother even moreso, even against their own grown offspring.
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
An idle yawn forced his jaws apart and Peregrine slid languidly into a sphinx-like position, broad paws crossing at the ankles and drooping over the lip of the small cave. Despite his laid-back demeanor, he remained vigilant, ears pricking when he heard footfalls approaching. He tipped his muzzle into the air, capturing the scent of the wolf who encroached on the Alpha pair's private space. He did not bother standing or even moving as Nightjar moved into sight.

Truth be told, Peregrine wouldn't have minded allowing his elder son inside the den to meet his little brothers. Nor would he have minded a visit from the Betas or even their son. Finley and Elwood had been part of the first batch of Firebirds' lives from day one, if memory served. But Fox had expressed a wish for total privacy which Peregrine fully intended to respect and uphold, whatever his personal feelings on the matter. Fox was in charge, particularly during these first few weeks.

"Hey," the Alpha greeted his adult son, still motionless save for the flick of his tail. "Your mom's asked that no one disturbs her for now," he said apologetically, "but you're fine to hang outside with your old man." Finally, he rose and stretched, then sprang down from his perch to stand perpendicular to the den's mouth. "Won't be long before you have a pack of minions at your heels." Peregrine had no doubt the pups would look up to their big brother, the loyalest of the original Firebirds.
311 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
He nearly winced when Peregrine spoke, having expected to be asked to leave the vicinity, but instead his father merely greeted him and explained the situation. "S'okay," mumbled the large Redhawk, although his tone was coloured with a hint of disappointment. He imagined smaller versions of wolves hiding in the den, completely ready to play and do all the things pups did, so it was perhaps for the best that he was unable to see what wolf pups really were like for the sake of his imagination, which was already lacking. The disappointment would've been unreal had Nightjar known that wolf pups were little more than living peaches that squeaked and shit everywhere.

He seated himself where he was, refusing to get any closer for the uncomfortable sensation that disobeying a direct order from an alpha caused. His eyes traced Peregrine's descent from the top of the den—still somewhat graceful in spite of the alpha male's lacking eyesight and age—and then smirked when Peregrine spoke next. "Does that mean they'll do my every bidding?" he wondered, and was half serious about it too. He would never make them doing anything too dangerous, of course, but the thought of having a tiny army of pups to do whatever he wanted was pretty sweet. Besides, ladies loved pups and he would have a whole bunch of them to tote around like little accessories.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay really, really, really wanted to see the little pups, but he knew that Uncle P had said that he couldn't just yet. And he also remembered that the time that he would be able to see them would be around his coming of age, when he'd go into the adult ranks. Eljay had been terrified for that day, but knowing that he would be able to see the puppies after he was actually counting down the days. Only a few more weeks and he would be able to see the little pups, he told himself.

Yet he couldn't keep himself away from the denning area. Eljay realised as he was halfway there that he had forgotten to bring any gifts, but he couldn't think of anything so quickly and so rather than bring anything, he had no gifts to present. Eljay had had a lot to think about lately, but right now he just thought of hearing about the little pups and he wondered if when mommy and daddy got more pups if he wouldn't be able to see them for a couple of weeks too, 'cause it'd be a really long time to wait to meet his baby brothers and sisters.

When he neared the den, Eljay noticed that Nightjar was there, and he got a nervous churning in his stomach, as though he would much rather turn around and leave. But he imagined that Uncle P had already seen him, and it would therefore be awkward if he left now. Feeling extra self-conscious in Nightjar's presence, Eljay came up to them and waited until their conversation had fallen still so that they'd have time for him. Then he quietly said, "Hi Uncle P, hi Nightjar." He licked his lips and looked away after greeting them in submissive gestures, his tail hanging low at his hocks, nearly folded between his legs to betray his nervousness but also his lack of intent to harm the pups or defy either adult in any way.
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
"Probably," Peregrine answered with humor. "They are very impressionable, especially when they're little. Just be careful not to wind up on their bad side. I could see them ganging up on you, chasing you off a cliff or something," he joked, then paused and laughed out loud at that stupidest of mental images.

Right then, the pack's eldest pup—nearly an adult, now—peeked his head into view. "Hey, Eljay," the swarthy leader called in welcome, still situated so that he blocked the den's mouth. He really didn't think either his son or his nephew would try to get at the pups, yet instinct still spurred him to be on the defensive.

"I'd tell you their names," Peregrine said in the next breath, eyes flicking between Nightjar and Eljay, "but they don't have any yet. It's your mother's—our—tradition to wait until they're a few weeks old." He paused, then lowered his voice and added conspiratorially, "Although I call them Hamburglar, Mashed, Potato and Smol." Cackling, he returned to his normal tone and timbre as he declared, "Four healthy baby boys."
311 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
"Let 'em try!" snorted Nightjar, who wholly believed it would take more than four pups to force him off a cliff. He was bulky and strong on his feet, and felt that was more than enough to prevent them from bowling him over. Outrunning him, though, that would be easy even for young pups.

When Eljay appeared, submissive and seemingly apologetic, Nightjar felt a flash of anger hot in his breast. Whether it was because he was protective of his family or because he jealously perceived that Eljay had as much right to see his siblings as he did, he didn't want the younger wolf anywhere near them or the den. Peregrine greeted the beta's son warmly and began to speak about the pups, but all Nightjar did through all that was continue to stare at Elwood's lookalike until he couldn't take it anymore.

"Go away," he said brusquely with a lash of his tail. "They aren't yours." Eljay didn't have any baby siblings to fawn over, but Nightjar wasn't remorseful about being unfair to the boy. They were his siblings and he wasn't keen about letting Elwood Jr. infect them with whatever made him so snivelly and lame (per Nightjar's definition). Besides, if their elder brother couldn't even meet them then nobody could, not even Snivelly.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay's tail waved a little when Uncle P greeted him and he reached out to lick his uncle's chin. He wanted to do the same to Nightjar to show his respect, but was too scared to get too close to him, so he decided to stay away. He didn't look at Nightjar's face to notice the tension building up, but he could have guessed that Nightjar wasn't thinking too positively of him. Eljay understood, though, 'cause he was pretty lame, so Nightjar was kinda right anyway. He tried to make himself as small and not-in-the-way as possible and a smile even flitted across his face when Uncle P told him the names that he'd made up for the puppies while waiting for their real names to unfold.

The smile was quickly wiped off Eljay's face when Nightjar opened his mouth, however, and he lowered his body even closer to the ground while he fearfully looked up at Nightjar. "Sorry," he mumbled to Nightjar. He exchanged a quick glance with Uncle P before looking back at Nightjar and saying, with a note of apology and sadness in his voice: "I — I thought it'd be okay to come say hi from a distance." He shuffled backwards a little, not really wanting to go away but sort of waiting for Uncle P's take on things. He was perhaps a total dweeb, but he also didn't want to let himself be chased off so easily.
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
When Nightjar took it upon himself to banish Eljay from the den site, prompting the younger wolf to prostrate himself and begin backing away, the Alpha made a loud rumbling noise. "They're not yours either," he said, adding with a roll of his eyes, "Don't be a dick, NJ. You guys are both welcome here. We're all family." His jade gaze swung to the quivering Xi. "And I'll kill you both equally if you get too close," he added, a dark playfulness in his tone, making light of the tension because what else was he supposed do with it?

Because it was likely the question on everyone's minds, the Alpha said, "We'll probably start allowing visitors when their eyes start opening." Peregrine didn't want to dignify Nightjar's attitude problem, though he was quite likely going to be the pups' first visitor, as their blood brother. The Betas and their son would likely be next in line. But who knew whether or not Fox had preferences? So he didn't mention any of that queuing shit out loud. "That happens around the two-week mark."

The Alpha was well aware of Nightjar's distaste for the Blackthorns' son and wondered if there was anything he could do to alleviate the antagonism between them. An idea hit him. Aware that he was going directly against the whole we're all family here theme, Peregrine said, "Most of our pack mates are welcome to drop by and visit, though there's a couple newbies I'd rather not come close just yet. Why don't you two team up and heighten the patrols around this area? Don't attack anyone, of course, but if any of the noobs try to approach, send 'em packing."
311 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
"They're my brothers," he emphasized when Peregrine scolded him. They were his, not Eljay's. But the alpha male seemed to think they were equivalent—that Eljay was as entitled to see his siblings as he was—and that made him quiver lightly. While not ordinarily a jealous sort, he was upset about being forced into considering Eljay family and sharing with him, when blood was all Nightjar cared about. He had tons of respect for Finley and Elwood, but their son was not his blood family and was a crybaby that Nightjar had no patience for to boot. The concept of pack as family was lost on him.

Peregrine's good intentions went amiss, what with Nightjar already in a foul temper. "I don't need his help defending," growled the yearling, who had already written Eljay off and refused to work alongside him, especially at his own specialty, which was the only thing Nightjar was very good at. "He's weak and scared of everything. He'll just be in my way." With his ears now closed, no one had an opportunity to say anything that he would listen to, although Peregrine had every opportunity to intercept and physically discipline him, the agouti guardian turned and began to stalk off, fuming and no longer excited about the siblings he would have to share with Eljay.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay felt terribly uncomfortable with the situation. He felt the instinctive urge to roll down on the floor and expose his belly, and he probably would've hadn't it been for Uncle P's words of rescue. Eljay wasn't so sure he wanted to be rescued, though; 'cause if it was just him and Nightjar, then at least he'd get to get away from the bad things by just nodding yes to all the foul names that Nightjar called him and being submissive. Now he felt like he was vying for Uncle P's attention (and that of Nightjar's baby bro's) and that it only made Nightjar angrier no matter what happened. Especially what with Uncle P trying to help Eljay out.

When Uncle P suggested that he and Nightjar keep newer pack members at bay Eljay felt really nervous. He muttered, "I don't think Nightjar would —" but soon his words were drowned out by Nightjar's offended growl. Eljay crouched a bit lower, though it wasn't possible to go much lower, his tail tucked tightly between his legs. He looked at Nightjar as he skulked off, feeling sad about the words he'd said. Especially 'cause he knew the words were true. He was weak and scared of everything, and he knew it. He tried to be brave, but it was just so hard.

Eljay looked up at Uncle P with a sad frown and eyes shimmering with feels as he said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make him go away." Nightjar was Uncle P's son, after all, so Eljay felt really bad about making him leave. If Nightjar hadn't left, then Eljay himself probably would've excused himself real soon, and he now wished that he'd just left when Nightjar told him to so that he hadn't made things weird between Uncle P and Nightjar.
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
*writes post while on hold with the mortgage co*

Well, that idea went down like a lead balloon. Peregrine's brow furrowed as Nightjar huffed away, wondering why he seemed to loathe Eljay so much. Even the most submissive (or "weak") of wolves had their uses and their place in the pack. The Gamma did have a point about the youth's anxieties, but he was family, born and bred here, and what he needed was people to build him up, not tear him down. And Peregrine wasn't even the coddling type; what he most often provided his nephew fell neatly under the heading of tough love.

"Ah, don't worry about it, Eljay, he's probably just sexually frustrated," the swarthy Alpha joked, giving the youngster a lingering look. "You're still welcome to help, whatever Nightjar has to say about it. I'm the Alpha and I gave the order." His brows lifted slightly, wondering how the Xi would take that. "I know you're as excited about the pups as anyone else and this is a way you can directly contribute to their well-being." Hopefully that would give him a confidence boost.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay blinked and wondered what Nightjar being sexually frustrated would have anything to do with Eljay. "Sexually frustrated..?" he asked tentatively, having so many questions about this part of Uncle P's statement but kinda scared to ask any specifics lest he look like a fool. And he also figured Nightjar wouldn't like him talking with Nightjar's dad about his sexual frustration, probably, which was another reason he was tentative to breach the subject.

Though Eljay didn't really think he'd be able to ward anyone off if they came too close, he nodded when Uncle P said that he could still help out by doing patrols around the area of the pups. He said, "Okay, sure." Eljay was still feeling a little shaky, but he decided that walking it off was probably for the best. He wanted so badly for Nightjar to like him, 'cause he looked up to NJ a lot, and maybe doing patrols would help achieve that some day.

Before he walked off Eljay was smart enough to realise he had some missing details to fulfil his mission and asked, "What's the wolves that can't get close? I mean, uhm... I'm not sure which ones're okay and which aren't." Eljay wasn't sure who the 'noobs' were; maybe Uncle P meant Mazi and Nadie too, although they seemed harmless enough to Eljay, 'cause they'd been pretty friendly to him.
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Unaware that his nephew really needed elaboration, Peregrine simply shrugged in response to his question about Nightjar as if to say, Oh, you know. The Xi probably didn't know, a fact which wasn't lost on him, but the Alpha let the matter drop as he didn't want to perpetuate any more tension between the two young men.

Eljay did need to know who could come close and who couldn't. Peregrine didn't even have to think before answering, "Anyone who isn't you, your parents or Nightjar, honestly. I know the rest are probably quality people but I don't know any of them well enough yet to let them near my children." He blinked, unapologetic. "Thanks, Eljay."

Maybe that would give him a confidence boost too. He was, after all, among the elite few to be welcome near the Alpha pair's newborns, when the time came. For now, Peregrine flashed the youth a quick smile, then ducked back into the den. It was like his eyes were hungry for the sight of his four newest sons, and so he would just sit in here and feast.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay soon forgot about the sexual frustration thing when Uncle P instructed him on who was and who wasn't allowed near the den area. He bobbed his head in a nod, his chest swelling a little with pride that he was allowed to be near the den when most weren't.

"Okay, I'll be sure to keep any others away," said Eljay, and without waiting to be dismissed he turned round and started to saunter away so that he could start patrolling the area near the den where Fox and the pups were holed up.