Stone Circle she packed my bags last night pre-flight
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
she returns from her hunt with little more than squirrel, a catch that was the only result of an entire morning's attempts. still, she has a further agenda on her mind, and the catch remains clamped tightly betwixt her jaws as she searches for @Minnow, hoping both to offer her the catch and speak to her, hoping to gain a better idea of what had happened and how far along she'd gotten on her training.
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was very happy to have her aunt around but sad her dad and brothers weren't. She didn't know much of anything when it came to the real world so she was happy to be within a pack who would help her.

She caught her aunt and she flicked her tail in hello.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
"minnow," she calls when she's within sight of the girl, tail wagging as she moves to greet her warmly. dropping the catch by the girl's paws, she motions to her to eat. 

"I've been meaning to talk to you. your trades, your training; what are your interests? how much did you family, your packmates, teach you?" should her interest lie outside Dawn's range of knowledge, the woman would surely be able to find some teacher for the girl had she not done so herself already. she fully intended to teach the girl all she knew of the hunt, and some of scouting too, for those skills were crucial.
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She looked down at her paws as they sifted through the snow. "I didn't really learn much except for the stuff I had to teach myself." Deep down she felt like it was her fault she didn't know anything.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
"alright," she offers, patiently, though deep concern takes root. she's managed more or less to survive by herself this long, and so she must know enough, but others her age would surely be more advanced. she'd fix that, the huntress decides easily, and so offers, "we'll start with hunting. find me in the mornings; we'll work to fill our caches, and I can teach you while we do." that out of the way, she continues to ask, "what kind of prey are you comfortable with?"