Northstar Vale The Boy Who Lived
213 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision is delivering the news that Yuudai has passed. @Hiromi @Vespera @Reiko anyone is welcome in this thread. I will be posting either on the 25th or when the three tagged have posted. Whichever comes first. @Takeshi if you'd like to be present. @Yuudai here's yo big ded

The plan had been set into motion. Yuudai was gone. His scent wavering from the Empire. Collision's had been too as he had gone out and searched for a new home to call his own. There was exhaustion laden on his features and his body slightly thinner. It had been awhile since he had thought to eat. The concept seeming something he didn't need for now. He had figured Kaistleoki would be a good alternative, and after his talk with Ira he was much closer to making his decision. 

 He did need to seek out Awenfen, however, especially since she was an unknowning key to their lie. And even though it was a didn't seem like it. Pain echoed off of them in screams--strong and unwavering. Illuminating on just how fearful they truly were of their dark future. And the ultimate lie was that Yuudai had died.

Hadn't he?

 Hadn't the male endured something so painful that it seemed as though he wouldn't come back from it? Perhaps breath still coursed him and a heart still pumped with strength, but something in the man died that day. Something died in all of them. It was visible through the vacant expression that had dawned each of their eyes. It was obvious in the distress they didn't even begin to understand anymore. 

 It was only hopeful that they might all be able to pull this off and return things to the state in which they should be. Of course, Collision was hesitant to know if this was truly a place he could find happiness within anymore. He knew only time would tell, but presently he thought the betrayal commited by Reiko could never be washed away. She was tainted by darkness. Perhaps always she had been, but Collision could not condone such behavior. The guard was heartbroken, but would always stand true to himself. A lesson he felt she should become all the wiser to. 

 He comes to the border of the Empire. He does not pass it and does not wish to. They need to know that he will not act as a pawn to their wishes any longer. This is no longer his home and he will not claim it as such any longer. Removing himself from their ranks seemed only the best thing that he could do. The male's head craned backwards and he summoned those of the Empire. All of those that he felt needed to know. Everyone. He wanted them all to know of the crime that had been commited at the hand's of Takeshi. He needed to let them know that their new emperor was a murderer. He dreaded to see the pain that would grasp Hiromi. Even the pain he knew Reiko would endure. Even if he felt it, ultimately, her fault. 

For now--he waited.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Angry Bean
347 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Once again, the Duchess had to leave her pups, but she left them safely tucked in and sleeping so her nerves would settle for now. But there was a bigger task at hand that needed her full attention, the plan. To be honest, she was afraid, afraid of how this would turn out in the long run, would this even work? Would the pack be convinced that their Emporer was a murderer? Vespera held her breath as she trekked along the valley as quickly as she could because the first phase of their plan was going into motion and she had to be there. After all, she came up with this shit in the first place with the help of Yuudai and Collison, but it was her that pitched the idea in the first place. The weight of responsibility couldn't be heavier. The Duchess had to be the eyes and ears in the Empire while the boys would go and make themselves stronger to finally put an end to this bullshit.

The cloaked woman weaved her away towards the border and saw Collison was in his position to break the news, she kept her eyes on the guard with a sort of uncertainty but determined nonetheless. Vespera padded up to him with more confidence in her gaze so that he felt comfortable with this going through since he was going to take a big risk. She stared into his golden gaze, "you ready?" She said with smooth confidence in her voice that was coupled with a confident smile in her lips. This was a huge task, and Vespera could only think of the toll this will have on him and Yuudai, wherever he was.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
From fat and ready to give birth, the woman had not only lost all the baby fat but more. Her fur had become thin and wiry, pink skin was almost visible underneath what was left of her plate. She had gone a while without eating before, but with milking young, it sapped everything out of her much faster than when she only cared for herself. With Celara's help, she had gotten some food into her recently, though it was not enough to have a miracle growth of fur and fat, she could feel some energy returning. 

The call rang out and though she wasn't fast or slow to answer, she found some excitement to bring her as quickly to where he had summoned them as she possibly could. At first, the woman was excited, a wave of her tail, a smile, but it all quickly faded as the dull fade returned, realizing what might be happening. Everything had changed since that day, the weight of her decisions had come all crashing down, and Yuudai's lack of presence was palpable. 

She feared what would come, but for what happened, she owed them the audience at the very least.
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

85 Posts
Ooc — lullaby <3
He had been missing. From the den, from the pack, from their child's life. He had only seen him once, a brief moment that was hard to remember but at least their son had seen him. She had found herself sleeping more since the events unfolded, keeping to herself. She wished that her son would have a sibling to play with but all there was was ghosts of children he would never meet. She had taken him to there grave when he ask about others and why they were alone in their home, in his puppy speech that she wished her husband would hear. He seemed to understand but still referenced a tiny sister that was not always there.

Her heart felt like a wound, even when it should be filled with joy and love. She was thankful for those that helped her, and for the first she had now to cover her sleeping singleton. The call came and she snuck away for a short moment, hoping he would not awaken from the absence of his only present parent.

She saw her thin Empress first and gave her a soft smile before looking to the man that helped her make it to their pack in time. He helped her. And before the meeting, even hunted for her. She was in his debt and hoped they could be friends, maybe he could tell her where the man she always loved had gone, why he was not here to see his son grow. Then there was the dark woman, someone she found beautiful and strong. She was someone she liked and hoped she too could be a good foundation of this broken pack. A place that felt like the Izuka Clan all over again.

"Collision, Vespera, Rei.. have you seen Yuu? He missed Kazuhiko's first words.. I.. I worry.." she spoke softly, her tone desperate and on the edge of breaking.
213 Posts
Ooc — Impala
They arrived. Lambs to the slaughter. Ready to have their hearts broken. Today the roles had changed. His heart had been that which lay torn and tattered. Now, it was Reiko's turn to learn the pain she had dealt him. Now it was her turn to live a life on anguish for however long it took. He wanted to rush to her side and hold her. He wanted to make the pain go away. He wanted to her to be healthy and smile once again. 

There was the internal battle yet again. 

 Vespera stood awaiting the words she already knew he was going to say. She knew what must take place. She knew the depths to which they must dive. 

But Hiromi...God poor Hiromi

 His eyes landed on her small frame. He sought out her light pink eyes and his golden ones welled with tears. The interesting thing was. They weren't fake. He didn't want to break her. He didn't want to do this damage, but it was necessary. He needed to break her before all of them to bring this lie to life. He needed her to seethe with regret. Please, God, remember you have a son and find strength in that. 

 He came close to her and he let the tears flow freely. He let them dampen the fur on his cheeks and leave him almost breathless. He appeared to be searching for the right way to say it, and in truth, no matter how many times he had practiced there was no right way to break a heart. 

 "He's gone, Hiromi," Collision let out a breathy sob at what he was doing. He vowed to never hurt anyone, but he knew this would divide her, "Yuudai's dead. And I'm so sorry. Awenfen said his lungs were punctured after the battle with Takeshi," a sob released from the boy's body and he was shaken with pain. Anxiety crawled over him.

 He had to press on. He had to do what was necessary. 

 His eyes flashed to Reiko and though the tears continued to fall, though his heart continued to shatter, he spoke only a single line more, "And it's all your goddamn fault,"
Interested in threading with me?
check out my OOC account for more information

 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Angry Bean
347 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Collision didn't say anything to the Duchess, this was clearly harder on him than he intended and she didn't calculate the consequences that this would have on the wolves that knew him. But it had to be done, it had to be like this because Vespera wouldn't let another tyrant ruin her life again. The cloaked woman continued to give him a confident smile until Reiko showed up, showtime, she thought to herself but there was twisting in her heart as she knew that they were really doing this. The Duchess quickly changed her expression to a familiar face that she knew how to make, her eyes became dull and her expression looked lifeless as if something sucked out her soul. While she was acting, Vespera was unaware of Collision's true feelings, but it dawned on the woman that this was going to be more painful than she had originally intended when Hiromi showed up. Poor sweet Hiromi, Vespera had forgotten that this would affect her the most since she was the mate of Yuudai and they had a pup together.

Her heart sank when she saw the fragile woman approach them and asked if they knew the whereabouts of her beloved samurai.

The Duchess swallowed, but she had to be strong but she didn't realize that this plan would have drastic effects. Then, it hit her.

How will they all react when they find out that this was a setup and they lied to everyone?

Vespera held her expression as best as she could and looked at Collision, ready for him to break the news to the women that loved Yuudai most. The guard was better at acting than she thought, or at least, that was her takeaway from his performance as he sobbed through his words and told the women that their beloved Yuudai had succumbed to the injuries that the Emporer inflicted on him. The purple-eyed woman hung her head and pinned her ears to her head and shut her eyes for she didn't realize that this was going to take a huge toll on Hiromi. Forgive me Hiromi... But this is the only way to get rid of Takeshi... To save the Empire from him... To make sure no one has to be abused by power ever again... Vespera figured that the Marchioness could hear her thoughts, her internal guilt, however, Vespera knew that her thoughts couldn't be heard no matter how much her heart started to ache.

Then, Collision turned his focus to the Empress, and like a viper, he struck her with harsh words that felt too real for the Duchess. The guard's fury resonated with the woman for she too felt the same way about Valette at one point and how she should have done more about her dictator of a husband.

And yet there was a difference between the Matriarch and the Empress.

Valette was a strong leader.

Her friend was right, it was Reiko's fault, her fault for not standing for Yuudai, her fault for marrying the false Emporer, her fault for letting this all unfold. The Duchess opened her eyes for a new spark of rage filled her orbs as she craned her head up and met the blue gaze of the Empress. She had lied to Vespera. It was only starting to dawn on her now that Reiko was the center of all this for if she had a fucking spine, this shit wouldn't have happened in the first place. She stared at Reiko with betrayal, disappointment, and remorse. But her words of sympathy were directed towards Hiromi as she softened her expression towards the lady, "I'm... So sorry Hiromi... I... I know words won't bring him back but... He was a warrior... he put up a good fight but..." Vespera's voice was raspy as she was finding this harder to say and her face showed it with her eyes wide with sorrow and sympathy.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
85 Posts
Ooc — lullaby <3
forgive these phone posts
Also, permission to post before reiko
All eyes were suddenly on her. Her ears fell as she looked into beautiful purple, darker than her husband's but she saw the same fire lit within. Moving to delicate gold that reminded her of the sun when he started to rise in the sky, both held sorrow and other emotions she could not pick out at the moment. When she asked her question she watched as the dark warrior lost her fight with sadness and remorse, watched as tears fell from the gold of someone she thought of as a protector and friend. Her own pale eyes watered, her fracturing already evident before the words came. They did not address her concern but posed a new one, one that caused tears to spill over as she shook her head in denial.

"No!" She gave a hard denial but it was obvious how weak the claim was as her lashes closed over her gaze, "no.." her words finally cracked as the fight left her completely, sobs began to rack her small frame as she leaned into the chocolate colored man at her side. How could he, he couldn't be. Her mind would not process anymore, it didn't want to process the splintering going on. "he.. he.. he can't be.. I should have.. I should have gone to him.. not.. i.. but he.. he has to see his boy.. I.. I can't.." her words fell and tore as she tried to breath, she couldn't breath. She should have left the children and helped him fight, they would have been safe. She should have gone to him like her instinct told her to, ignore what he wanted. If only she could have been with him in his final moment, let him see the only child she could bring into this world for him.. if only..

Tears kept falling as she looked to the sorrow in Vespera's pretty eyes, inviting her before she lost that will too. She would have looked to her friend if she had not lost to the sadness, she had to be hurting too but it was too late. Hiromi was sinking into her pain as her heart began to shred from her chest, she did not hear the accusations. She was gone to her tears and the ever deepening pit of depression that clawed at her soul. The only thing that held her to this earth was that she had a child to raise, a son that would make her samurai proud. A man worthy of the Hakuryū name..
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Their eyes. It all bore into her fading being. No love shone in them anymore, not from Vespera or Collision. Though Hiromi's smile was enough to give her a moment of relief, a little two tick wag of her tail in greeting to her friend - but the reminder of what was happening hurt too much to do more than let her tail drop again, and turn her attention back to the two. Their eyes, they hurt, and in an attempt to try and ease that sharp pain she tried to avoid them directly for too long.

The silence was swiftly broken, Collision began so to speak and with every word once again she felt the world just crumble from under her feet. Though the prickly tendrils of darkness grasped every inch of the woman, even with Collision's vile and poisonous words directed to the young lady herself - she did not cry. With tears dried up, she simply didn't have any more to do so. 

The two gave their condolences to Hiromi, a pang of jealousy swept over her with flattened ears, eyes focussing on the blades of grass between her toes. She loved him too. It echoed loudly in her ears. We also had puppies together. The empty, glazed over look shifted, a flicker of life - a flicker of fire. I tolerated all this for nothing. Tolerated everything Takeshi had thrown her way, from the insults, the controlling behavior, the hits, the lack of sense of self as he took both body and mind - all in her attempt to keep him happy and away from others. 

All for nothing. 

She wanted to be sick, for the little food she had managed to eat today to come up, to crawl back into the hole with the children he had left her, with Sumi as the little reminder of what could have been. With a deep breath, she fought that wretched feeling and turned her back on the trio, listening to the sobbing of Hiromi, feeling their glares, judgment, hatredI'm sorry. Her normally soft, musical voice fell flat, hitting, cold. I'm sorry to you all, and especially you Hiromi. A bitter sensation choked out her throat.

On her way over Takeshi's smell was obvious, he was somewhere around, on the throne she had given him in an offering to keep him satiated, reaping the benefits of her work - of the pack's work, of all who worked very hard to make it. With a quick step, she moved into that direction, to find him, to confront him - fueled by grief, and anger. There was a fine line between bravery and stupidity, and honestly, the young lady might not be straddling that line anymore and may have fallen to one of the two sides. What was she going to do when she found him? What was her plan? The wrinkles on her face and growl in her belly spurred her on.
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

213 Posts
Ooc — Impala
How had they fallen so far? Where did one place the blame? Was it fair to put it all on just a single pair of shoulders? His anger and his upset all bursting at the seems and manifesting into this hatred for that he had respected and held so close as a friend...but he was forgetting something. She had held him in the same regard. Trusted him with her life and those of her children....For the first time something quite grave occurred to him...did...did she feel betrayed by him too? Was this all some horrible thing come full circle?

  Every thing seemed to buzz around him when he had lit the fuse to the current state of things. Hiromi sobbed into his chest and a leg had subconciously lifted to offer her a hug. His head aiming to settle atop her own. She needed someone to be her strength right now...but he wasn't sure that was him...and so his body fell into auto-pilot for her. He didn't want to be going through the motions. For now he was simply a part of a machine. 

 He had to confess to Hiromi and as his head was over hers he attempted to whisper through her sobs so that only she could hear, "Find me after all of this. Immediately," His words were quick and he hoped she understood. 

 His eyes flashed back to Reiko and she finally spoke. Finally broke the silence she had found some kind of solace in and for a second he was angry. That was all she had to say? Actually, that was all that she had to say. He stared after her and there was such obvious emotion laden on his face. It were immediately as though the two parts of him split before everyone and though her back was now turned he stepped away from Hiromi and towards Reiko. He wouldn't try to catch her. He wouldn't try to stop her. He just wanted to close some of the distance and say what he felt. Hadn't he been doing exactly that this entire time? 

 His eyes flashed to Vespera, "Can you please help Hiromi?" Perhaps...if he couldn't get Hiromi to leave here in Yuudai's absence Vespera could stay with her. It was a suggestion for later. It would likely be good for their children too. Or did it work that way? The thought fled almost as soon as it had arrived. 

 He watched as Reiko moved. What was she doing? Where was she going? He didn't know. Probably some hole to continue your pity party, eh? Do you want me to come with you? "Reiko! Don't get yourself killed by being dumb," We still love you. That means me too. He didn't want to see her fall at Takeshi's hands. She wouldn't...last. The interesting thing was is he was quite certain Takeshi wouldn't actually kill her. In his perverted way he thought that he loved her. He was ready to tell Takeshi that he most certainly did not. To be given someone that you love meant there was no pain you would inflict them and nothing you wouldn't try to protect them from. To love was a privilege. It was not a right. Takeshi needed to have that beaten into his head.
Interested in threading with me?
check out my OOC account for more information

 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Angry Bean
347 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
The Duchess could feel her heartstrings break loose of their hold and dangle down like a rag doll. The news was broken to Hiromi and as expected, she didn't take it well and Vespera really couldn't handle the emotional turmoil that came with it. The poor woman broke down in denial, with her words tearing Vespera's heart one by one, oh god Hiromi.. Please don't make this harder than it already is! The dark woman drew a quick breath to collect herself and prevent her tears from streaming out of her orbs, so to prevent this action, she closed her eyes and turned her head away from the action.

The words of Reiko came striking into her ears, she didn't want to hear the Empress and her bullshit. Why Reiko? Why let this man take over your life and make stupid decisions without your input? Why did you just stand there! The cloaked woman so badly wanted to scream at her, but she figured the "loss" of the samurai was enough punishment. Yuudai's fake death would be a lesson to Reiko that if she doesn't pull it together this poor excuse of a wolf would continue hurting others, and Reiko has a duty to protect her people and she isn't.

Hiromi would place herself on Collision and the noble guard would try to soothe her, but he turned to Vespera and asked if she could take care of Hiromi. The Duchess opened her eyes and nodded, and without saying a word, she moved towards Hiromi and placed her muzzle against the woman's cheek. She was trying to be comforting by doing a soft gesture, but she had no idea if it would be enough. Pretty soon, Collision called out to Reiko and advised that she shouldn't let this man get her killed which Vespera agreed with. The dark woman turned her head and looked at the Empress as she took her leave, her eyes less angry but still disappointed.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon