Redhawk Caldera I'll keep a light on in my soul
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Limit Two 
if you want one!!!  We can take this slow if other threads might change things <3

The first while of being there, Maia hadn't realized that @Weejay was making herself scarce from Eljay's side.  In fact, she still wasn't one hundred percent sure that was the case, but she did know she'd seen a lot less of her than she expected with how much she'd been hanging around Eljay.

Today Maia wanted to rectify that.  She had started off the morning with some fishing but come up empty so far on luck.  Now she took a break and walked along the bank, keeping an eye out for the girl.

She had wondered for a long time, idly, how Weejay felt about staying here.  It was one of those they are different than me, are they happy? wonderings that sometimes seemed to take adults.  Of course she probably was, but Maia had been struck by the wanderer's bug around this time, would Weejay?  And would Eljay be able to encourage it?

None of these were questions she planned on asking outright, of course.  She wasn't sure she had a place to, though she hoped maybe one day Weejay might be enough of a friend to chat about them.  For now, really, she just wanted to say hello for real and have a nice catch up about what was going on.

WC: 213
we are biding our time, for these myths to unwind
248 Posts
Ooc —
Weejay had spent the morning fishing -- terribly, one might add -- along the new-to-her marsh in the Plateau's center. The caldera had been Eljay's childhood home, but to Weejay it was all very fresh. She liked the unfamiliarity of it; in a way, it was like exploring or going on an adventure she'd never had.

She was on the way back to the den when she came across Maia. Unaware it was herself that Maia sought out, Weejay gave the woman a perfunctory smile and shook her sodden ruff out in greeting. "I think Daddy's back by the den," Weej offered, realizing if Maia was present maybe they needed some alone time. She could always busy herself with making another garden. Plenty of nooks and crannies to explore too, in their new home.
so hold nice and close the ones who get to your soul,
so that when it is cold, you wont feel so alone
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
The moment Maia ran into Weejay, she tried to inform her on where her dad was.  Maia glanced over, then smiled.  Nah, actually, I was... looking for you?  If that's alright?  She wasn't about to force Weejay to hang out with her if she didn't want to, but she enjoyed her company, and it didn't feel right being here so long and not having one decent sesh.

There was the very real possibility that Weejay was avoiding her, and that had definitely crossed Maia's mind.  She didn't jump so far as to assume it, but it lurked, and it was the main reason behind her hesitance to push too much.

WC: 110
we are biding our time, for these myths to unwind
248 Posts
Ooc —
Weej's face shifted to pleasant surprise. She hadn't expected a houseguest to visit her, of all things - but if Maia wanted to tag along, Weejay would do nothing to make her believe her presence was unwelcome.

If anything, it might be the contrary. Weejay kept to herself and her dad mostly, but it was because life was awfully busy and she was often too shy to immerse herself in the busier details of pack life. One-on-one time was fine with the girl, and much preferred.

"Oh? Well you found me. Hope it's only good news?" Weejay's brow quirked up, because often the only time she was specifically sought out was when someone needed something from her garden, or they had news - sometimes terrible - to share.
so hold nice and close the ones who get to your soul,
so that when it is cold, you wont feel so alone
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Well, it's no news!  Which is usually good news.  Maia replied cheerfully.  Her smile got a little softer after a second, though, because that was a lie.  Actually, some news, but I'm betting you've already heard.  A little laugh, slightly embarassed.  It was odd, talking to Weejay about stuff like this.  When she'd left the girl had been young enough to be hung up on stories and in need of occasional watching.  Now she was near to (if not) fully grown, a beautiful adult in her own right.  Something that Maia hardly felt like herself.

Would Weejay be happy about it, really?  Would it be weird for her?  It was hard for Maia to imagine.  Growing up, it had only ever been her parents.  They had lived and died together and she'd never needed to wonder if they were happy alone or if they'd find someone else.  She didn't think she'd have minded, but... it was already kind of unthinkable.

How are you, though?  It was a little bit of a transition, the previous statement to this, but Maia felt like it was an easier way to slide into the transition than 'hey, yeah, do you hate me for dating your dad?'.  Yikes.

WC: 203
we are biding our time, for these myths to unwind
248 Posts
Ooc —
No news, but good news. Weejay liked that. She smiled in turn, tilting her head to the side as Maia suggested it was something she had already heard.

Oh -- that.

Before she could begin a proper segue into that conversation, Maia switched gears. Weejay wasn't telepathic, but she had a good understanding on why. Trying to smile in a way that seemed genuine (and it was, Weej was just very conscious of the nervousness that hung in the air), Weejay spoke. "I'm fine. The move is a bit new for me, but it was good for my Dad. He seems happy." Or, well, happier. One brow raised as she waited for Maia to speak, having given her what she believed was an easy entry into a difficult discussion. Under normal circumstances she would ask how Maia was as well, and passing over that courtesy seemed a bit rude -- but Weejay understood there were bigger things at play than simple cordial conversation.
so hold nice and close the ones who get to your soul,
so that when it is cold, you wont feel so alone
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Weejay did indeed offer the perfect segue, and her smile when she talked about her dad's happiness eased most of Maia's fears.  She shouldn't have doubted; she'd always loved the girl and Weejay had always seemed to love her back.  But there were some family dynamics she could never comprehend, and losing a mother and having another attempt to, in any capacity, step in was one of them.

Maia smiled too, this time a lot more genuinely and a lot more relaxed.  She couldn't help the flush that rose when she thought about it.  Eljay was happy because of the move, but he was also happy because of her.  Some days she still couldn't believe it.  He seems like it.  We've been talking a lot lately, and it turns out we like each other.  A lot.  Maia laughed softly.  I mean, I knew I liked him, but I didn't guess...  She realized she was starting to go on and trailed off.

Anyway! I guess what I'm trying to say is, we're kinda seeing how things go.  Together.  She looked at Weejay carefully, wondering what she thought of that.  Would she be happy?  Oh jeeze, Maia really hoped so.

However that went, Maia at least left lighter for the sharing.  I'm assuming Weejay was excited, because she's a flippin sweetheart, but whatever the case; Maia was extremely happy that, by sharing this with Eljay, she'd get to in part share it with her as well.