Meadowlark Prairie To Eat In Good Company
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
All Welcome 
Heph sent a slightly blood-spattered smile towards Atka before shuffling over and beginning to eat her fill out of the felled Antelope. There was enough for two and while the open and unclaimed plains might not be the safest place to have a meal she did not particularly feel like dragging it until she no longer saw wide open earth.

@Atka continued from here
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
❝Well this is sure to keep us full for a bit.❞

She stated with raised brows, tail wagging eagerly. Atka licked her jaws before beginning to tug as pieces of flesh, her ears angled outwards, considering they had no clue whether or not they were in a inhabited area.

❝They didn't seem particularly happy we jumped in there.❞ She paused, tongue curling around her muzzle again.

❝Then again sometimes others are alone for a reason.❞ Atka internally shrugged, continuing to scarf down the meal ambitiously.
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
"mmm true, I suppose this means I have you all to myself." Heph sent a wink, the movement slightly stifled by her head dipping down to shear more meat away into her mouth. While she had not been incredibly hungry at the start of the hunger the opportunity to eat more than she had in one sitting for awhile was too tempting for her not to take advantage.

Some birds began to circle but she shared the carcass good naturedly, it was too difficult to chase off all the scavengers so as long as they did not get too close to her own mouth she let them off with a small flash of her fangs. Stretching out she grabbed at one of the bones and settled down to begin gnawing at it.

If they were going to stay in the area she might have buried it but it was no use carrying around so she let herself enjoy the repetitive working of her jaw. "I wonder what else has settled in the woods if hunting is this good?" It was somewhat idle speculation but she felt at ease with Atka, they had traded words throughout their travels and sometimes it was nice to simply muse on things, hear her voice. Probably a bear or two, maybe some wild cats. She remembered the vicious but sometimes sportive way her sister and her friends had scented out any bears that made the mistake of denning too close to the pack, the way the warriors had baited them and used their numbers to drive out the larger predator.
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
❝Indeed you do, and hmmph, perhaps other wolves? Maybe some other predators?❞ Atka said, muffled as her mouth was full.

They two had began to wear the carcass down, but Atka was well over full, eating to keep herself supported until the next time the pair could wrangle something else down. Her muzzle was stained red again, after a few licks she lifted a paw to rub at it. Sighing once she was satisfied, she settled down to gnaw at a bone like Heph was, humming to herself.

❝I hope we don't come across anyone particularly hostile though..❞ Atka frowned, the idea that they be on territory they were unwelcome on lingered in her mind.
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
The pair of wolves were both gnawing on bones and the companionship settled around Heph like an old but still comforting piece of clothing. Grinning through her teeth she let her tail swish towards Atka playfully as she responded with the first words on her mind, light and teasing and in a lazy mood after eating more than her fill. "How could I fear with you by my side?" She took another bite, letting her teeth press into the nooks and crannies.

But they were bound to run into some less than friendly company and Atka was right that it was a concern. Her voice shifted a bit as she considered it, thrumming lower into a musing but not unserious timbre. "But that would be unpleasant, usually I try to avoid them, but hopefully we'll be able to get away?" There was a bit of a question, perhaps Atka usually fought although Heph had a hard time imagining Atka being truly malicious in intent given how comforting she found the other wolf's presence. She glanced along the open plains, as if she could spot the danger and pre-empt it before it could intrude on the moment. Her voice lightened into a huff as she said, half-joking but with that thread of intention behind it that spoke of the truth. "I'm just a howl away if you find yourself in a tight spot." And she was being honest.

Wolves changed, life moved on, the world changed, but even if they parted ways Heph could not imagine that she would not come if Atka called her. And especially while they were traveling together there was no reason not to find whatever safety they could even if in meager numbers. The illusion of such security was not something that Heph sought out, but she found herself willing and eager to have someone to lean on and to feel their weight against her own shoulders as well. Reassuring rather than stifling pressure.

Please just indulge me in my I'm Only One Call Away references XD
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
❝We both have each other backs.❞ Atka said, speech muffled as she chewed, her mouth full.

❝At the end of the day I'm glad it'll be you there though,❞ She wasn't really thinking as she was speaking, just rambling, but her words still held truth, ❝I trust you.❞

Atka licked at her muzzle again, sighing as she shifted onto her side. She sat contently, enjoying the light breeze against her coat, licking at her blood stained paws as well.
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Her first reaction was a bit of surprise, not because she did not trust Atka. Trying to smooth over the bubbles that seemed to start in her stomach and trap themselves in her throat she managed out an attempt at a smooth and sultry tone that just missed the mark into a teasing whisper. "mmmm might be dangerous." Heph shifted here weight onto her elbows letting small hops in her hindquarters carry her the short distance over to Atka. Leaning over just slightly, maw just a bit bloody "but somehow I find myself trusting you as well." she punctuated her softly spoken words, audible only by proximity and intent, by swiping her tongue over the bloodied portions of Atka's coat, visible for the crimson on alabaster.

Heph's smile lacked the edge of humor that usually found its way into the curve of her mouth. "I'm glad." The hunt and the travel had eaten up more of the day than she had anticipated but the sun was still in the sky and the night had never scared her, pleasant even with company.
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
Atka simply found herself nodding in agreement, then welcoming Heph's gesture with a sigh as she worked the blood away.

❝I'm glad we don't have to worry about food for a while though.❞ Atka huffed with brows raised as she stared at the carcass.

Her mind didn't wander as she stared off, simply existing in the moment, the peaceful ambience enveloping her. The remnants of the sun in the sky felt warm against her coat. She yawned, blinking wide.

❝I'm so spent after that hunt though.❞ She exaggeratedly sighed again, shifting her side against Heph.

A hunt wouldn't usually leave her this tired, but their ventures across this land left her muscles worked.
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded lazily, agreeing. While she was not one to worry for the future she could admit that it felt good to be full, in good company, with no worries in their immediate vicinity temporal or otherwise. She felt warm, warmer with Atka beside her and she sighed, more content than anything as she felt Atka settle beside her. "Mmm I must be more tired than I thought too." She felt her own eyes tug wearily down and she let her ears do one last swivel of the horizon before allowing her sinking consciousness to float further down.

Her voice quieted down to a murmur as she felt her breathing subconsciously match with her companion. "To sleep with such a beauty beside me." She let herself slowly fall asleep, still attuned to the land and the surroundings but all the better for the company.

I'm good with wrapping this thread up here if you are?
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
Atka smiled at her comment, her presence soothing. She pressed her side into Heph's resting her head on her paws with a sigh.

❝You flatter me.❞ Atka almost whispered, her voice hushed due to the looming exhaustion.

She then fell asleep, content with the warmth next to her. Atka still felt a small pang of dread her stomach, she loathed the idea of sleep without Heph's presence.

sounds good!
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]