Redtail Rise you're such a strange girl
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
613 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 

the day had never much brightened once the sun had come out, and now that the afternoon had arrived, the skies were dark with rain.
ancelin was in the burned place, alone for once. he had followed a mouse, then a bird, then a rat.
and now as the heavens opened and caught him in a cold downpour, he ran for the lee of a boulder, slipping once in a mud puddle and swearing to himself.
437 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
stealin all your threads <3

When Redd saw Ancelin she stopped and did not approach, not as she would her siblings.  She remembered their hunt but fresher was the memory of their combined slight.  She had never before felt excluded.

The angry one was not there but that did not mean the softer one would not harden against her presence.  She did not need the company, yet there was disquiet there.  The pack should be in harmony.  She disliked being a source of its fracture even at this age.

Then the rain started.

She looked up as it drenched her, but remained in place until her ears caught his swear.  She knew a hollow nearby, the den of some long-gone creature, but would he join her?

She let out a low bark, then waited, glowing eyes transfixed on his shape through the rain.  Redd would try again. Pack superseded trivial grudges.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
613 Posts
Ooc — ebony
:D i love it!

ancelin froze, one paw lifted above the muddying grass. he blinked, and then through the mist cut the figure of his silent, watchful cousin.
for a moment the growing children only stared at each other.
the bearn put his foot down and took a step toward redd, then another, legs stiff. he did not know if she wanted him closer, and more than that, he did not want atreus to see and be hurt.
but he was curious. eventually ancelin stopped in front of her, his dampened tail wagging. "hey."
437 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He was following.  Her tail wagged in return and she turned and walked a few steps, then paused and waited.  Clearly she wanted him to follow and would wait for him to do so.

If he followed she would lead towards an overhang, too small and shallow to even really be a den, but enough to keep them dry in the downpour.  Redd shook herself, then nosed over to investigate him.  She wanted to know where he had been and whether his angry counterpart was near.

Mostly he smelled of rain.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
613 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ancelin followed, and as he hunched next to her, he let the girl investigate him with no resistance.
the boy licked his jaws. he watched redd for a moment and then slicked his ears back in apology. the last time they had met it hadn't been good.
she didn't talk either. he moved to lap her jaw, wondering if this cousin too had a weird new voice.
437 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Redd got what she wanted and then stepped away, sitting down and looking out at the rain.

There were things she could ask.  She could find out why his brother was the way he was, why they hadn't wanted to play.  She could find out what he had been doing out before.  But neither of these things seemed worthwhile to ask - his brother would still not wish to play and now he was here with her.  Words weren't something she had ever found use for yet.

Her tail did swish gently behind her, however, and the glances she spared him were friendly.  She was glad he had come and joined her.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
613 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he was quickly bored, and cheered by her glances, eventually fell into a playbow. ancelin mouthed at the air and scampered to the left. he wanted redd to play, though part of the boy was deeply aware she may not be so rough as atreus.
ancelin barked gently, eyes dancing.
437 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
This was a language that was unmistakeable.

At first she watched, her tail stilled, as though considering it.  She let it go a moment too long, her own joke being to draw out his suspense... and then she shifted into a slight, challenging smile.  She would play.

Her pose bent to match and then she skipped sideways, huffing a quiet bark in his direction.  Then she whirled at him in an attempt to catch his tail.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
613 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ancelin was delighted! he darted back at her, but let her teeth drift over his tail. the boy pulled away, tucking it in the next, and ran a few feet.
and then he tried to do it to her, lunging forward to nip at her flank. his eyes were bright; he laughed, adrenaline rushing through him.
437 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
This was practice but it was also pure play.  There would be little strategy involved - the fun was in the grappling, in bonding with him through shared exchange of the upper hand.

He went for her flank and she allowed herself to fall sideways, grasping for his muzzle with hers lightly.  She wouldn’t stay down long enough to let him take too much advantage of her lowered position, but her eyes too sparkled with fun.  Any leftover exclusion from before was dismissed entirely now, overencompassed with the comradie of friendship and pack.

ok to continue or fade!
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
613 Posts
Ooc — ebony
fade & have another? <3

ancelin tumbled after her. she let him take her down and then sprang up again. her limbs drew his nipping again, his laughter.
he wanted to romp with her as long as they were able, in the good changing hues of the season and the wind.
437 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight

This time he would play.  Redd huffed with satisfied pleasure, then pounced and rolled.

Together they would spend the remainder of the storm in this place, wrestling playfully, occasionally breaking cover only to chase beneath once more.