It wasn't often that Inkeri left her own small space, but Merry if nothing else had given her a sense of contentment in her movements. She was happy to be of Kvarsheim, and those that made it home.
She tilted her head. And with soft footfalls moved throughout the land. Aquamarine eyes bright in her face. She moved of ink and paper throughout the space. A smile upon her mouth.
She tilted her head. And with soft footfalls moved throughout the land. Aquamarine eyes bright in her face. She moved of ink and paper throughout the space. A smile upon her mouth.
February 07, 2023, 07:28 PM
Deciding to take what he’d learned whilst visiting Swiftcurrent Creek—quite a lot, really—Atreus decided to embark on another scouting trip today. This time, he thought to invite along Alstroemeria but he couldn’t find her. He didn’t want to wait, so he left the canyon alone.
He headed the same direction at first, though instead of veering north, he continued due east across the meadow and found himself approaching the edge of a glade. There were some wolfish scents on the air, so he proceeded now with caution. They led him toward another meadow, where Atreus ground to a slow halt.
He headed the same direction at first, though instead of veering north, he continued due east across the meadow and found himself approaching the edge of a glade. There were some wolfish scents on the air, so he proceeded now with caution. They led him toward another meadow, where Atreus ground to a slow halt.
If you would prefer someone from the pack, just let me know and I can remove this!
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
February 07, 2023, 07:34 PM
I am always happy for Kat threads especially Atreus I Love him
A noise near their borders and she moved towards it. There was a wolf there. A young one she would wager, but he stood respectfully, politely. She offered him a wary smile and dipped her head to him. She kept her body language neutral and her trail loose, when she really wanted to tuck it tight.
She shook her shoulders and ruff and forced the words out.
Hello. You approach Kvarsheim. How can I help you? You?
February 07, 2023, 07:53 PM
He didn’t call out, deciding to wait for a guardian to eventually discover him. Meanwhile, Atreus lifted his nose into the air and studied the scents. There weren’t very many of them, though there were certainly enough that their claim was irrefutable.
Someone appeared in the distance, starting out as little more than a pale smudge. Atreus dropped his snout and watched her approach. The closer she came, the more details he could make out. She reminded him of the mute girl he’d met by the lake, though she was a bit more athletic in build with striking facial features.
He openly gaped at her beauty, though he blinked rapidly and averted his gaze when she spoke. Atreus ducked his head and let his tail swing loosely behind him.
Someone appeared in the distance, starting out as little more than a pale smudge. Atreus dropped his snout and watched her approach. The closer she came, the more details he could make out. She reminded him of the mute girl he’d met by the lake, though she was a bit more athletic in build with striking facial features.
He openly gaped at her beauty, though he blinked rapidly and averted his gaze when she spoke. Atreus ducked his head and let his tail swing loosely behind him.
Hi, uhm, my name’s Scout and I’m here to learn about your pack. Do you have a couple minutes to tell me about it?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
February 07, 2023, 08:01 PM
A handsome boy of reds and blacks and creams. The black of his ears and nose, cut swatches against his red face. She liked the way it looked. He sniffed at their borders. Calm and collected.
She smiled at him, a small blush upon her cheeks as he continued to stare. She looked down and then back up.
She blinked and nodded softly.
She smiled at him, a small blush upon her cheeks as he continued to stare. She looked down and then back up.
Hello Scout. I'm Inkeri.
She blinked and nodded softly.
We are Kvarsheim. Small and Familial. Familial. Run by Gunnar and Bjarna. We are peaceful. Peaceful. Have allies in Riverclan, and Swift Current Creek. Creek. What else would you like to know? Know?
I love Inkeri's facial markings. So it pleases me that he noticed <3
February 07, 2023, 08:10 PM
Her repetition of the word “you” hadn’t registered with him, though as she introduced herself, Atreus certainly noticed a pattern emerging. He had an errant thought: did all white she-wolves suffer from a speech affliction? That was absurd, right?
He supposed the polite thing to do was ignore it, which was at least a little easier in this situation than the last one. Anyway, she was so stunning, Atreus decided he didn’t care if she stuttered.
While he gave her an opportunity to answer that, he pondered what else he should ask about Kvarsheim. They were small and familial, which tracked with what he’d smelled. They were a peaceful people too, which was an interesting contrast to a place like Mereo.
He supposed the polite thing to do was ignore it, which was at least a little easier in this situation than the last one. Anyway, she was so stunning, Atreus decided he didn’t care if she stuttered.
I know of Swiftcurrent Creek,Atreus said, seizing on their common ground,
but not Riverclan. Where’s that?
While he gave her an opportunity to answer that, he pondered what else he should ask about Kvarsheim. They were small and familial, which tracked with what he’d smelled. They were a peaceful people too, which was an interesting contrast to a place like Mereo.
You mentioned family. Is the pack run by your mom and dad, or…?he asked, actually much more interested in Inkeri now rather than her pack.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
February 07, 2023, 08:24 PM
Inkeri was learning a bit better and her speech patterns would take some time, and maybe never fully go away. But it would get better.
Inkeri pursed her muzzle for a moment and placed a paw against the ground with gentle finesse. Then she nodded. She pointed her paw towards swift current and then moved it towards Riverclan.
She shook her head with a small smile.
She waved her plume behind her with an ernest gaze. He was sweet.
Inkeri pursed her muzzle for a moment and placed a paw against the ground with gentle finesse. Then she nodded. She pointed her paw towards swift current and then moved it towards Riverclan.
Riverclan is there.
She shook her head with a small smile.
No. No. I just came here in spring. Spring. Where are you from, Scout? Scout?
She waved her plume behind her with an ernest gaze. He was sweet.
February 07, 2023, 08:36 PM
No, Gunnar and Bjarna weren’t her parents. Inkeri didn’t elaborate, though Atreus didn’t mind much. He was currently dazzled by the color of her eyes, which stood out so starkly against the dark fur lining them. Atreus had never seen someone who captured his attention this way.
She asked him a question and it was at that moment Atreus really began to doubt whether he was cut out to be a rogue. Every time he made an attempt, he became too attached to the wolf he was trying to dupe. It had happened with Shardik, now Inkeri. Atreus shook his head lightly at himself.
She asked him a question and it was at that moment Atreus really began to doubt whether he was cut out to be a rogue. Every time he made an attempt, he became too attached to the wolf he was trying to dupe. It had happened with Shardik, now Inkeri. Atreus shook his head lightly at himself.
I’m from Mereo,he decided to tell her the truth.
We live in a canyon in those mountains back there,he added, gesturing with his muzzle before retraining his gaze on Inkeri.
Have you heard of it? We’re pretty much the opposite of Kvarsheim, actually. It’s a military pack.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
February 07, 2023, 08:44 PM
Inkeri offered another small smile.
Black lined eyes blinked at him, sparkled with the smile she had given him. It was nice to speak with someone this way. It filled her with joy and contentment. She found that despite the rocky start of her beginnings. She found a love for others.
Settled to her haunches and motioned for him to sit near her if he would like.
Only family I had here was Anja. Anja. But she left. I know not where she is. My Søster.
Black lined eyes blinked at him, sparkled with the smile she had given him. It was nice to speak with someone this way. It filled her with joy and contentment. She found that despite the rocky start of her beginnings. She found a love for others.
You are fighters. Fighters. My clan Kvitravn's are like this. We learn to fight very early. Early. Do you like it? It?
Settled to her haunches and motioned for him to sit near her if he would like.
February 07, 2023, 08:51 PM
She’d lost a sister (or a søster—same diff?). Atreus could relate, his jaw tightening for two seconds before his lips relaxed. Inkeri wanted to know if he enjoyed fighting, which was an extremely fair question considering his allegiance. But he was a bit distracted by this mention of Kvitravns.
Kvitravns?he echoed, then licked his lips and admitted,
It’s alright. I’m not the greatest at it but I train and get better every day. At least, I hope I do…
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
February 07, 2023, 09:05 PM
(This post was last modified: February 07, 2023, 09:05 PM by Inkeri.)
She had lost Anja, but not to death. At least she didn't think so, but one could never be sure. All she knew was that Anja was gone. Not in her presence.
SHe nodded.
Ears tilted forward as nose pointed downward listening.
SHe nodded.
Yes my last name. Name. I am Inkeri Kvitravn.
Ears tilted forward as nose pointed downward listening.
NO one is every the greatest until they do what you do. Do. Practice. Practice. I am sure you do. Do. Are you scouting for your pack today? Day?
February 07, 2023, 09:25 PM
She offered her full name now, which made Atreus feel a flicker of shame for giving her one of his aliases. He supposed he could at least tell her of the name he actually used back in Mereo, just in case she ever decided to come visit. He liked that thought.
He set his foot back on the ground and peered past Inkeri’s shoulder for a moment, wondering if he should ask more questions about Kvarsheim. What was the territory like? It looked rather boring, though he wouldn’t say that. Atreus returned his focus to her.
Yeah, I’ll take what I learn back to my Imperator,Atreus replied,
I mean, if that’s cool with you. I think I might go visit Riverclan before I head back too. I guess I’m trying to make up for being an eh fighter,he explained, holding out a paw and flopping it side to side,
by really honing my scouting skills.
He set his foot back on the ground and peered past Inkeri’s shoulder for a moment, wondering if he should ask more questions about Kvarsheim. What was the territory like? It looked rather boring, though he wouldn’t say that. Atreus returned his focus to her.
Do you have a trade? Or any hobbies?he wondered with genuine curiosity.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
February 07, 2023, 09:30 PM
The she wolf didn't expect everyone to adhere to the same honesty she did. And it didn't bother her when they didn't unless it hurt her or someone else. Then she got a little upset about it. But Inkeri had grown up where there was not much given to her and Anja, so she had learned not to expect much.
She lifted her two paws in delight.
What is an Imperetor? Inperator? Imperator?It took her a few tries, before she could get the foreign word and it drew her brows tight. But when she did get it, a brilliant smile lit up her face at having succeeded.
She lifted her two paws in delight.
I like to fish, and scout. Fishing especially. It is something I am good at and it feeds others. Others. I like to be helpful. Do you do other things besides fighting. and Scouting? Scouting?
February 07, 2023, 09:41 PM
It’s the same as an Alpha,Atreus explained, smiling at the look on her face when she managed the pronunciation,
I think.
He couldn’t recall if he’d ever tried to fish in his life. There weren’t many places to do it in the canyon, though he supposed that vast lake might make for a good fishing destination. Suddenly he wondered if Inkeri might like to go there. Perhaps he could take her?
That pretty much covers it,he answered with a self-deprecating laugh.
Hey, if you like scouting, have you ever gone to the other side of those mountains?Atreus pointed at them again.
There’s a huge lake over there that I bet is full of fish.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
February 08, 2023, 09:23 AM
Inkeri nodded.
Inkeri dipped her paw downwards in a motion like fishing.
She shook her head and blinked aquamarine eyes.
So like Bjarna is Nornir and Gunnar her adopted father is Fadir. Fadir.
Inkeri dipped her paw downwards in a motion like fishing.
You have to watch their shadows. Shadows. And they are so slippery. Slippery.
She shook her head and blinked aquamarine eyes.
I haven't. Haven't. You will take me?
February 08, 2023, 09:41 AM
“You will take me?” she asked, her turquoise eyes expressive.
Atreus would love to do nothing more. He found himself wanting to learn everything there was to know about Inkeri and simply spend time in her presence. Part of him wanted to shout, “yes, of course!”
But another part of him fretted. He wanted to get closer to her yet he felt the familiar fear creeping in and shied away from it. Intimacy required vulnerability. As much as Atreus enjoyed the thought of touching her, it also made his bowels quiver.
He took a couple shallow breaths and replied,
Atreus would love to do nothing more. He found himself wanting to learn everything there was to know about Inkeri and simply spend time in her presence. Part of him wanted to shout, “yes, of course!”
But another part of him fretted. He wanted to get closer to her yet he felt the familiar fear creeping in and shied away from it. Intimacy required vulnerability. As much as Atreus enjoyed the thought of touching her, it also made his bowels quiver.
He took a couple shallow breaths and replied,
Sure, I can show you the way sometime, maybe after my visit to Riverclan? I should start heading that way but I can swing by on my way back?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
February 08, 2023, 05:51 PM
Inkeri couldn't quite hide the sweet smile that lit up her face. He would take her. How nice. Though then he seemed a bit upset. Or wary. She wasn't sure what it meant.
Inkeri nodded her head.
Inkeri would leave him to his duties, and hope that he would come back. But as always Inkeri was quite used to wolves leaving her. And she wouldn't hold it against him if he didn't come back. it seemed to be par for the course lately.
Inkeri nodded her head.
Yes Please. Please. Come and see me. Me.
Inkeri would leave him to his duties, and hope that he would come back. But as always Inkeri was quite used to wolves leaving her. And she wouldn't hold it against him if he didn't come back. it seemed to be par for the course lately.
February 08, 2023, 07:56 PM
Okay,he said, already turning away, suddenly itching to remove himself from this situation,
I will. Uhm, see you soon.
Atreus more or less scurried away then, heading in the direction she’d indicated. He glanced back once, then ducked his head. He shook it at himself. Why was he like this?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
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