Redtail Rise Is throw shadows at you
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
After having swung about the borders and noticed a familiar scent, she roved inland, up the slope under a greying sky that threatened to loose another round of snow. She didn't seek out Ancelin, though- and instead sought out his cousin, @Relic. She wasn't sure how close they were- but she intended to find out. 

In her first days, the young, kind knight had been one of her closest companions- and the feral son of Avicus had been more distant. In recent days, however, her tastes had shifted; and with the disappearance of both Ancelin and Quennell, Lilia found herself enjoying the company of the red-eyed boy. She enjoyed pushing boundaries, and discovering new tastes with him. She found him in the woods. 

She uttered a soft growl, her hackles lifting as her skin prickled in anticipation. She moved to graze her teeth along his shoulder; touch was no longer forbidden, though she knew with every touch, she took a chance. Casually, she tilted her head back and with a calm side-eye, watched for his reaction. 

"Anthuh-lin'th back." She mentioned. He'd called out, and had announced his arrival- but she wondered if Relic had any thoughts about the boy's return.
78 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The not so young Redtail decided it was high time he find a den of his own. Tucked in the reaches of the woodland, he found the spot. A short but substantial stone ledge gave way for the ground to slope down, opening up beneath. The rock extended under the earth.

When Lilia found him, he was in the middle of excavating, to further widen and expand the space below. With his entire head inside, his body was vulnerable. But, he recognized her growl. Even her touch, the clip of teeth at an exposed shoulder.

Instead of whirling defensively, his tail waved calmly at his hocks. Backing out, his head and muzzle were peppered with blackish soil. Ancelin had returned to them. The news coaxed a thoughtful hum from the boy. Too preoccupied in combing through the gold fur along the line of her neck, he appeared unconcerned. But he did note whether or not Ancelin's scent was present on her. And did something he had never done before. "When?" His voice, so unused, was rugged. Like him.
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She smirked, and pulled back lightly; he was untidy, and while there was a sort of charm to seeing him doing labour, she didn't want to get dirty herself. She froze, however, under the touch of his teeth, and relented with a sigh, leaning in toward him. At least this close to him, she could start loosening some of the dead roots and debris from his pelt. 

She twitched when he spoke, startled and surprised. She felt heat leap to her cheeks, flattered that he deigned the topic worth discussion. "Jutht now." She said. It occurred to her only then that Relic had had his head, literally, in a hole in the ground- and wouldn't have heard his cousin's call. "I din't thee him yet, juth't thmelled him. An' hith thent, mikthed with Avicuth'th." All of the youth has been commanded, at some point or another, to pair their scent with hers along the borders. It had felt like a rite of passage when Lilia had patrolled with Avicus, and she assumed now that Avicus had reclaimed Ancelin into the pack.

She fell silent, wondering if he might speak again, while she silently continued grooming his coat.
78 Posts
Ooc — Mai
So, Ancelin was likely with Avicus. It did not surprise him that his mother had been the first to welcome his cousin home. Lilia had yet to meet with him face to face. "Don't remember much of 'im." He commented, voice neutral. The males had not spent a lot of time together during their younger days, giving one another their space.

Something about the idea of another male his age, newly joined to the Rise, sparked a twinge of possessiveness. Over her? His rank? Status as first born son to Avicus? Probably a combination of all three. Carefully, he snipped his teeth along the shorter fur of her cheek. Inserting a soft nudge of his cold, damp nose now and again. "Thoughts?" 
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Relic had always been a bit of an outsider; quiet, reserved, not terribly partial to any of the youth over another...Which was part of the reason she took such pride in having seemingly won him over. His loyalty, she thought, would be available to her and her only if she continued to keep within his favour. 

Still- she wanted to know just how competitive he might be. When he asked for her impression, she could have stoked Relic's security by brushing off Ancelin's importance altogether- but it seemed more relevant to tell the truth, and see what he made of it. "He wath nithe to me when I firtht came here," She said. "Probably the nithetht, nektht to Reki. He caught me food, thparred with me..." She said. And then, she shrugged. "But then again, he jutht kinda left, for a while. That wath kinda lame."

She offered him a glimpse of what it was she wanted from someone- food, security, and loyalty.
78 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Ancelin had been nice to her. His skin prickled slightly, but he couldn't grump about someone treating Lilia well. Had hunted and sparred with her. Then left, suddenly. 

But she said nothing about his cousin having killed and bathed in the blood a victim with her.

He huffed, letting his tail lash. "Not good of him. Vanish like that." He side eyed her. "Me, will keep in contact, if you want that." He moved to leap atop the mound of the den he created. Perched there, he lay down, muzzle extending for hers. "Besides...I can give you that. Give, do...better. Offer companionship. Shelter...warm bed." He wanted her here, close. But it was her decision.
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She appreciated his criticism, and while she didn’t want to meddle in the family’s affairs enough to nurture it, she couldn’t help but desire for the two young men to find solace not in each other, but in her. 

Relic seemed keen, anyway, to stake out his desires. She was flattered, and felt her breath hitch slightly when he spoke in such a straightforward manner about his intentions. It was brazen of the soft-spoken young man to insist he could do better- but the offer would be accepted, so long as he could make good on it. 

”I want the betht.” She said, frankly, with a hint of a smile on her lips. It didn’t mean she had earned it, or even that she deserved it- but that she wanted it. ”You’ll hafta prove to me that that’th you,” She rumbled softly, daringly. 

The place at her side was one she wanted to keep in high demand- she wouldn’t simply settle for the first offer.
78 Posts
Ooc — Mai
"The best..." He parroted, not in question, but to instill such a reminder into himself. He huffed lightly, smirking playfully at her. "That is what you will have. Deserve." His red eyes lost some of their glimmer, growing sincere. "Even if not me."

Relic regained his confidence quickly. Neither he nor Lilia could predict what awaited around the corner. One of many perfect opportunities where he would, for her and all of Redtail, prove his worth. "I give nothing but my all. Even blood, for you." He pledged, just as he did so sincerely with Avicus. Blood was not on his mind now. He wanted to share in the simple pleasure and privilege of her company. Of being close, together

In simple moments like that, they could learn of each other. He extended his neck out, flattening his tongue along the bridge of her muzzle in a rather tender kiss. Restless atop the den, he hopped down to stand by her. "Come. Share with me?" He gestured to it. "For Shape as you wish." He had after all, started on this little project for her. All it needed was her magic finishing touch.
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She set her standards high- knowing that presently, she was the only yearling in the pack who could marry into the family and gain status through that relationship, aside from Reki who had set his sights on being a healer. 

She appreciated that Relic could see her potential, and validated her vision. Ego stoked, she eyed him favourably, though it did tug at her heartstrings to see him conceive the idea that perhaps he might not be the one to win her. It wasn’t exactly the competitive spirit she wanted, though it’D probably cause a bit less bloodshed if her suitors could accept their possible loss.

She moved in to nuzzle him, accepting his kiss and chuckling softly when he pledged only his best for her. ”Good.” She praised appreciatively. She would encourage him, just as she would any others, and could be gracious when shown their efforts.

He offered her, then, not only a place, but one to be shared with him. She thought momentarily of what it might imply, but she chose not to linger on that thought. She was as available as she was before- but at least now she had someone to keep her warm. 

He suggested she shape it, and amused, she rolled her eyes at him dramatically. ”But I’ll get duhty, her mock-complaint was followed by a laugh, and she ducked inside to inspect it before swiftly circling to come back out and reward him with a grin. ”I can make thith work,” she chirped agreeably.
78 Posts
Ooc — Mai
He stood back to let her conduct the inspection of the prospective den. When she emerged from her quick check, she voiced her approval. Outside he stood, smirking. Smirking toward her false complaint about getting dirt all over her.

"You would. And when you do, I clean off." He shot right back at her, making his argument. "Can find furs, to make better, if you like?" Perhaps the skull of the coyote they had slain too, if it was still lying around. He would leave the fine details up to her. Relic desired not to force himself on her, should she share the space with him. His want, was only to be close and share in the joy of being together.
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She was lightly shaken by his blatant offer for intimacy, which seemed to come out of nowhere, and with such confidence that she felt simultaneously secure and rattled. It felt like he was making an effort with her, something she suspected he did not offer to any others. She relished the thought, though she did not lose the feeling that she might someday see her split interests come to blows again. 

She’d swallow hard, and nod. She had to keep her ground, her status; she’d worked so hard to get this far. ”Nithe oneth,” she requested smugly. ”Warm oneth, for winter.” She wondered how he might receive such demands.
78 Posts
Ooc — Mai
He smirked, fully accepting of her demands. Welcoming the challenge. "Then you will have. Only the best." He affirmed, completely sure of his ability to acquire such furs for her. Lilila deserved the best. He would make sure she got it.

However, he would keep it to himself, that he was not sure where he would source these from. He'd have to think. To search and ask around. In the end, he would come through. With a content grunt, he laid down outside the den, opting to take a break from his work for now. Invitingly, he gestured for her to join him at his side. He felt it a productive day and wrapping it up with a power nap seemed fitting.
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She joined him, laying by his side as though to claim a prize she had won after a long struggle, though she felt that she, too, was something to covet. 

She smiled; devilishly satisfied that he might make such a bold gesture. The feeling of being wanted helped heal the part of her that had been broken by being abandoned. Being given a home gave her a feeling of security, something she would treasure.