Firefly Glen Rebuild & They Will Come
18 Posts
Ooc — Maria
All Welcome 
future dating this thread about 2 weeks from now

Leonidas had left Dysis temporarily, both authorities needing time to understand the implications of their newfound alliance. The desire to keep the old traditions of their society alive, and to indoctrinate those worthy, had left the pair with a mutual understanding. Rebuilding their Empire was top priority. If not for the Gods, they would not be alive to this day. To the gold laden man, it was the beginning of his journey to righteousness and eternal glory. 

The scars littering his chin and left shoulder had healed, his belly was full, but the Roman still hungered for more. To own every plot of land he stepped foot on and rule all those who inhabit it. The towering male strut with a confidence that he saw as earned, ten times over. His last trial of strength and courage won, given by Artemis herself. 

This particular territory didn't smell of a pack and was well shaded against the blazing afternoon sun. A perfect spot to claim, even if just for the time being. Leonidas took it upon himself to mark a few trees, allowing for a decent sized radius to hunt and rest in. If there would be a passerby, they would be treated as a trespasser.
"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,243 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
note to self: june 16th.

Her week of lovers had come to a close, and Sialuk felt some semblance of normalcy return to her everyday life. Now, she spent some time each morning praying before the shrine and giving the spirits offerings so that she might bring the mountain what it had wanted for so long: children of her own.

She prowled down the mountain into the glen, only to find the strong scent of stranger when she arrived. A complicated bout of emotions unfurled in her gut, but she knew the leader she was and the village she had come to lead. Sialuk threw back her head and called for an audience with who had come to claim the land bordering not one, but two moon villages.
Atkan Aleut
18 Posts
Ooc — Maria
There was a brief rise of his brows as surprise took root in the man. It was an unfamiliar feeling, being caught off guard, and an unpleasant one at that. He had not caught scent of another and yet here he was, being summoned like a simple commoner. It was in his opinion, uncouth to not show oneself before demanding audience with a stranger. 

Yet it was this belief and strict upbringing that kept the soldier in line. He would show himself before anything. Sliding his way through low hanging trees, Leonidas kept going until he broke free of his markings, stepping into a clearing of tall grasses that sat beneath a mountainside. The wolf that stood in plain sight, he assumed, the one who beckoned him. "You called for me?" A simple question laced with no animosity, yet there was no friendliness either. 

Though they were far away, he noted this was a female, and one that did not match his size. Still, he knew better than to underestimate another by size alone and so kept his defenses.
"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,243 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Had she known his customs, she would have obeyed them to the best of her ability. Alas, she knew nothing about him, only that he had come to claim the glen as a village for himself and whatever followers he had gathered here.

Angittuk, she confirmed with a nod. This woman greets you. I am head of village Moonspear, Sialuk Ostrega. The starwoman knew she must tread carefully, if only because she did not want to bring bad blood between a village so close to her own. You are the hunter who claims the glen of fireflies? she asked. He was large, but not older than herself. Many scars made their way onto his skin, and Sialuk wondered what would bring so many at his age.
Atkan Aleut
18 Posts
Ooc — Maria
She looked like winter and that coolness reflected in her demeanor. This alone put the wandering mercenary more at ease. First, there was a word in a language he had never heard. No matter, Leo was not a stranger to different cultures. After that, he understood her clearly. The head of a nearby village stood before him then? A momentary survey of the mountain behind her before resting his attention back onto this one named Sialuk. 

"Leonidas Doukas." The golden clad gladiator began to close the distance between them, dipping his head in greeting before stopping a few tail-lengths away from her. "It is a temporary arrangement." Bright eyes studied the woman a bit more, noting her missing toe and kinked tail. He wondered what she might make of the situation. Would she ask him to leave?
"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,243 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The sun-back man explained, but his words did not explain why he had come here and laid his scent upon the earth. I did not realize. It is not common in this place for a hunter to lay scent on that he does not wish to claim, she observed. My people—and those of my mother's village, Moonglow—come here often to hunt and meet one another. We are peaceful people, and we will do you no harm. An extension of good will could not harm the strong people of the mountains here.

Here, in this glen, he could be observed while he made his temporary home here. And if he did not like their presence here, Sialuk thought his stay might be made even more temporary.
Atkan Aleut
18 Posts
Ooc — Maria
"Perhaps it would make sense if I told you I am no mere hunter. I am Divi Filius, Son of God, leader of Ludus Magnus." It didn't take much time for Leonidas's pride to reveal more information than was probably needed. No matter, she would do well to know just who he is and be aware of what he planned to do. "My people were torn apart by civil war. Only two of us escaped the bloodshed. Now I venture to rebuild what I have lost." 

"We will make agreeable neighbors for the time being then." She was kind and he was on his best behavior. Traditionally, he would not be so compliant in the shadow of another, but she held too much power here and he had not one Senator to his name. Today, the Emperor would have to play a politician.
"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,243 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
His ego revealed itself, and Sialuk listened. He said he was leader, though no scents other than his own had appeared in the glen that Sialuk had noted. Ah, but as he revealed more, she understood. His village was no more, and he sought to rebuild. She knew what it was to lose all but two, and perhaps he was a kindred spirit after all.

The starwoman reminded herself that she was not without ego. She knew what it was to speak with the ancestors who called her to the mountain, to hear things others could not. She offered Leonidas a solemn nod. I have known what it is to rebuild. Moonspear was struck by a strange storm before I had seen my first winter, and many of my village perished and scattered.

She softened to the idea of him being here now, and now that she no longer felt threatened, Sialuk took in the sun-back man's features more closely. Despite his height, he remained lithe in many aspects, and there were the small splotches of sunshine that lit the underside of his eyes. Never had she seen anything quite like it. Although the time of making children had passed, she was not against lovers for the sake of pleasure. Ah, but she would not get ahead of herself.

I know this glen well, may I show you a favorite spot? she asked, moving only if and when he invited her to do so.
Atkan Aleut
18 Posts
Ooc — Maria
Though she was a woman, Leonidas found it comforting to seek Sialuk's council as she too had faced similar hardships. "The Gods can be cruel, but the strong find a way to prevail." His voice was momentarily a tired rumble of thunder, stripped of any harshness or conceit. The divine feminine tended to have a way of swaying the brute to adopt anomalous characteristics.

It was now that he considered what it might be like to sway this female to act out of character herself. While it did seem she was rooted here, her calm demeanor and clean presentation was something he sought in his own people. In truth, with her impressive resume, Sialuk might make a fine Senator and a female he would pursue for an occasional dalliance. He thought of Dysis now, a pang of guilt riding him even though polygamy was a normal occurrence between his people. A thought brushed off with the help of his large ego. A God should not concern himself with mortal tribulations. "Please." Leonidas gestured for the village leader to proceed.
"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,243 Posts
Ooc — aerinne

Moving past him, she began to descend further into the glen that she had come to know well. In a small clearing, there lay a large, oblong boulder covered in moss. Around it, bright purple and pink wildflowers had taken root among the verdant green grass. Now that the sun had begun to fade into the horizon, the fireflies that gave this glen its name were making their small dancing lights bumble up and down.

Sialuk slowed as she approached, pausing a moment to take in the scene and enjoy the soft hum of nature's breath.
Atkan Aleut
18 Posts
Ooc — Maria
Back from whence he came. Turning to follow the village leader, Leonidas had no idea what to expect. A favorite place for this woman? He imagined something feminine, dripping with colorful flora and greenery that stayed youthful year round no matter the weather. Something akin to nirvana, a hidden gem of the glen. The towering black figured stayed just behind Saluki so thankfully she would not see the childish wag of excitement that had momentarily possessed his tail. Only momentarily.

Woods parted to reveal a clearing. The woods had already been dark, even when the sun had set at high noon. So as it began to fall, marking the end of another day, the shadows of the forest grew long and tall. Where the sun was able to cast small splatters of light on the ground earlier in the day, now lay a canvas of shade. And in the middle of the canvas was painted a large moss covered boulder with the colorful flora he had predicted and an unexpected addition of glowing bugs in flight. he had never seen such a sight, not from his kingdom. "Beautiful." A large inhale and a sigh followed the simple word as he moved to take his place next to her. Titling his head slightly to the side, giving the soldier a better look at Athena's daughter, Leonidas took a moment to appreciate the yellow glow of the flying bugs against her features. "This place, it calms you." An observation.
"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,243 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
last one from me!

Sialuk smiled, watching as he drank in the scenery. It truly was a magical place, and one she was happy she would not lose access to, even with his temporary presence here.

Angittuk, she said, grinning. Sialuk remembered when Meerkat lived in this place, along with many others who had begun their lives on the spear. She wondered if—one day—that may become the norm again. It would be good to see her own children(?!) walk these paths some day. It did not seem so unlikely, standing here now.

Her ear turned toward the mountain, hearing the call of one of her villagers, and she paused to listen. Nothing urgent, but she did not wish to intrude upon this man further.

Long days and pleasant nights, Leonidas, she said, slipping back toward the village of her own.
Atkan Aleut