BWP:Your character discovers an orca pod has stranded fish along the beach
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Tag is just for visibility <3
When she saw kelp-covered driftwood stranded along the beach, she knew what to expect by the time she reached her net. She recognized the sticks, how they'd become tangled together by kelp and covered now by barnacles. She'd thought that with the kelp wrapped around them they'd formed an even tighter net to catch fish, crabs, even eels- but the tide had come up very high last night- land now, the ruins of her net lay cast along the shore. With a sullen face, she padded down the sandy beach, knowing she would have to assess the complete damage, and see how long it would take her to fix her net.
She resented the tide, then- for about five minutes. The time she took to travel with her head down, muttering to herself something sour about @Swordfish no longer being around to help her rebuild the net. He'd be disappointed that she'd not maintained it well enough to keep it upright.
A blast of air caused her to stop suddenly and lift her head- only to balk and bounce back a few feet from the sight. Great creatures, black and white, patrolled the waters dangerously close to shore. Perhaps one of them had charged her net and had broken it. She watched as their tall, dark dorsal fins cut through the waves, and how the creatures rushed through the curling surf with their jaws open- sending before them a shoal of small fish that were either snapped up by the orcas, or lay stranded on the beach.
The orcas receded with the waves, to circle around and come in with the next surge- sending more little silver fish flying as they tried to escape the wolves of the sea.
Whichever ones landed on the beach would now have to worry about the wolf of the land- Suzu- who snapped up the fish delightedly, and called out for her packmates to join her in the feast.
July 09, 2023, 02:19 PM
Do you mind if I join? :D
The beach's most regular visitor had returned. Astera trotted along the same old shore every day, trying to find anything interesting she could collect or observe. Today, she would not be disappointed. If anyone had taught Astera how to maintain the traps, perhaps they would not be in such a miserable state. Yet she was only a pup, but as she wandered towards the cliff, she spied Suzu on the beach below, inspecting the nets. Astera noticed what, at first, Suzu did not, a pod of killer whales in the water. She was sure that they were of little consequence, but she ran through the beach tunnel to investigate. By the time she arrived, her sister was eagerly eating stranded fish off the beach. Heya Suzu! Plenty fish for the both of us? Without waiting for a response, Astera joined in the feast, remembering to bring one to the den for @Miette, who had quickly become her favorite of the new pups. What are those? She spoke through a mouthful of fish, beckoning towards the pod of whales in the water.
As of now, my life is quite irregular, even more so than usual. I may post frequently for a few days, then go slow for weeks. I'll try my best to reply within two weeks. Some threads, such as ones with many participants, may take priority over others. Thank you for understanding!
The ocean.
Maleah had, somewhat, been afraid of it until now. She stuck mostly to the center of the territory, perhaps along the edge of the Tangle; minding her business, a passing tired grin to Chacal when they locked eyes here and there.
But today, she ventures closer to it — it was hers now, too, and the call from the ashen Emerald spurred her on. What she had not anticipated, however, as she passed along the rock-woven path to the shoreline, was a stream of fish whirled to the bank by giant-finned creatures. And they just kept coming.
Part of her wondered if, maybe, this was some kind of sign; Sapphique welcomed her home.
Maleah had, somewhat, been afraid of it until now. She stuck mostly to the center of the territory, perhaps along the edge of the Tangle; minding her business, a passing tired grin to Chacal when they locked eyes here and there.
But today, she ventures closer to it — it was hers now, too, and the call from the ashen Emerald spurred her on. What she had not anticipated, however, as she passed along the rock-woven path to the shoreline, was a stream of fish whirled to the bank by giant-finned creatures. And they just kept coming.
Holy shit,mouth agape, a flurry of raven black hurtles onto the shoreline, feathered tail waving high behind her. Sand clings to the bottoms of her feet as she springs into the air, a fish mid-flight now tucked neatly in thin jaws.
Part of her wondered if, maybe, this was some kind of sign; Sapphique welcomed her home.
July 09, 2023, 10:02 PM
very welcome, the both of ya! <3
The fish were small but oily, which made them even more delicious to the wolf who barely chewed them before swallowing the slippery, fliopping fish down. She went from one beached fish to the next, taking delight in the sudden bounty, convincing herself that each fish would be the last one she'd eat before she'd start setting the rest aside to share but failing each time. Until, at least, her little sister showed up, eyes shining. She forgot that she'd called out to alert the other pack members, and now here she was, eating like a pig.
To be honest, though- there were enough for all of them. The orcas rushed the shore again, pushing their teeth through the waves and scooping up a mouthful of fish, beaching themselves only for a second or two before wave drew back, and pulled them with it. Suzu dropped a small piece of fish that'd been hanging from her mouth as she watched in awe.
She remembered her sister's question when one of the pack's newest members showed up. She gestured wildly with a paw. "Yes! Catch dem an' eat dem while dey flop on land!" She cried happily, before she froze for a second, and turned swiftly to hold one paw out in front of Astera just for a moment as she cautioned her. "But do not go in de water or you will be whale food, understood?" She paused for emphasis, before she waved her foot aside. "Now come on! Eat up!" She encouraged, for both wolves to hear before she began to grab at the fish that had been driven to the shores.
July 10, 2023, 11:56 AM
Astera was one to take reckless risks, but even her bravery had limits. One look at how the orca's large fin sliced through the water was enough for her to decide that today was not a swimming day. And yet she still felt the need to argue. Why? Don't they have fish to eat? Mischievous as ever, as soon as the pack's newest member arrived, Astera picked up the largest fish and flung it towards her. If she was successful, it would land right on Maleah's head. She quickly turned away, and resumed eating the fish, feigning innocence.
As of now, my life is quite irregular, even more so than usual. I may post frequently for a few days, then go slow for weeks. I'll try my best to reply within two weeks. Some threads, such as ones with many participants, may take priority over others. Thank you for understanding!
July 11, 2023, 06:12 PM
It was glorious. Large and small, scattered across the shore and swept by waves in droves. Maleah did not think of herself to be wasteful, but today, she goes from one to the next; Suzu's instructions a careful, but joyous guide. The white sands below are spattered with the pearlescent gore of fish carcasses, blood dribbling from a little black chin as jaws are wrapped around the next victim of the massacre.
She had hardly even noticed it when the top of her head is smacked with something wet and cold, violently thrashing and flopping as it rolls back to the ground. The creature is stopped with a paw and quickly consumed as pale eyes land upon the form of the youngling — the smallest hint of a coy grin upon her chimneysmoke features.
She had hardly even noticed it when the top of her head is smacked with something wet and cold, violently thrashing and flopping as it rolls back to the ground. The creature is stopped with a paw and quickly consumed as pale eyes land upon the form of the youngling — the smallest hint of a coy grin upon her chimneysmoke features.
You wanna play a game?she chirps to the girl with a push of her nose into her shoulder, eyebrows lifting in the direction of Suzu.
July 20, 2023, 02:44 PM
”Yes, but you would be tastier,” She said, grinning wolfishly as she licked her lips and clacked her teeth together. A joke- but a serious warning as well. The orcas looked hungry enough that if they ended up grabbing a wolf while they grabbed their fish, they might just swallow them whole as well.
She turned to the dark stranger, intrigued.”What kind of game?”
She turned to the dark stranger, intrigued.”What kind of game?”
July 20, 2023, 04:02 PM
Rather than being amused at Suzu's banter, Astera curled her lip, revealing a few of her small, but pointed teeth. She was surprised when Maleah suggested a game, having been expecting scolding for throwing the fish. Her sister put her thoughts into words when she inquired about the type of game, but Astera was happy to play anything. Yea! I wanna play a game! She abandoned the fish, waiting for Maleah's response.
As of now, my life is quite irregular, even more so than usual. I may post frequently for a few days, then go slow for weeks. I'll try my best to reply within two weeks. Some threads, such as ones with many participants, may take priority over others. Thank you for understanding!
July 20, 2023, 05:06 PM
apologies for the changes in formatting! still figuring out what i want for this gal lolol
Two yeses, in her book. Shuffling to stand at an even distance between the two girls, Maleah noses at a struggling fish flopping around in front of her, already coated with sand.
She bends forward into a bow, giving an excited wriggle of her torso at Astera's enthusiasm. Children were refreshing to be around — untainted by the world at large, excited by the prospect of simple entertainment. Oh, how she longed to be that small again.
The game's called toss the fish,a gentle smile as she latches onto the fish with her claws, holding it still.
you gotta toss the fish in the air, and then catch it. Whoever's fish goes highest wins, yeah?
She bends forward into a bow, giving an excited wriggle of her torso at Astera's enthusiasm. Children were refreshing to be around — untainted by the world at large, excited by the prospect of simple entertainment. Oh, how she longed to be that small again.
It's a little game I played with my mom in the river when I was your age. Kept me going for hours trying to beat her,a determined narrowing of her eyebrows to the youngling before she then shifts back to Suzu, sliding the fish toward her.
You wanna start us off?
all good! Glad to have her here :) just going to archive this so it counts for the BWP!
This was fine.This was her treasured little sister who had only once (this far) killed her cousin.
This was the wee sweet baby she’d brought home herself.
But boy, did that scowl ever make Suzu want to smack the expression off the fiery child’s face! She resisted the urge and instead laughed as her mother might, to see so spirited a child. Internally, she fumed. It was a good thing Maleah was there to be a distraction!
Suzu typically shied away from competition but this one did not involve running. Maleah seemed kind- she might be forgiving of Suzu’s complete lack of athleticism. She smiled shyly, and passed the fish to Astera.
”Youngest first,” She said with a wink, before they began their eating competition.
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