Ocean's Breath Plateau I used to be a real go-getter, I used to think it'd all get better
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Ooc — xynien
All Welcome 
After spending so long running, settling down felt a little bit too much like procrastination. The kind that looms, promising consequences, and Marina found there was no relief from this feeling because there was no logic in it. Her past was far behind her now — but still, she hadn't planned to settle for a long time yet. It felt too soon.

She left her children with a babysitter and went to the outskirts of Moontide's claim. Briefly, Marina wondered what her life would be like now if she'd never found Sialuk. Would she still be running? But weeks had gone by, and she no longer worried about the stability of her home as she once had. She let those thoughts slip away as she continued her informal patrol of the borders, secure in the knowledge that she wouldn't need to run again.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph was reinforcing the borders, occasionally weaving in and out of them to explore further afield. She enjoyed keeping her skills sharp by continuing to venture beyond the now familiar nooks and crannies of the plateau. Her paws were swift and sure on their journey more out of practice than any intent and she mapped out any changes in her head without much thought.

When she saw Marina she considered the other wolf briefly. Though she had endeavored to be there for the mother as much as she could, hunting and bringing water, and then occassionally watching over the pups to give the other wolf a break she still felt a sense of distance. And now that the young ones were running amok themselves it felt she saw less and less of the entire family.

I ghosted some past interactions so let me know if you'd like me to change/adjust anything
137 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Marina smiled to see Heph, and after a brief hesitation, went to her. Hey. How have you been? It feels like forever since we talked last, There was a hint of apology to her tone; the confinement of those early days had kept her in something of a haze, leaving her little energy for anything beyond the demands of motherhood. Some days, hardly even enough for that.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph smiled, glad to have a chance to speak. She did not wish to impose but she did hope that the other wolf was well, or as well as could be. "I've been well, better for seeing your lovely face." As easy teasing light fell into her eyes in her answer. But her voice was soft and genuine when she settled on her haunches next to the other canine. "How about you? Your kids?"
137 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Heph's flirtations always left her cheeks warm and her eyes bright; feeling a little flushed, Marina broke into another helpless smile in response. We've been good. Great, actually, Her voice was warm with the thought of her children and their peaceful life. It's finally starting to feel normal. Weeks of glancing over her shoulder, wondering when it might all fall down around her; they seemed like a fever dream now, in hindsight.

She looked away from Heph, toward the sea. I didn't know what to expect when Sialuk brought me here. I didn't expect this, Her eyes found the Beta again, softer. I didn't expect you - or Samani and Rodyn. But I'm grateful.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph's smile gentled into the softeness of the speech. It was good to know that whatever mad scramble she and Rodyn had experienced, under prepared for Marina's birth the pack had managed to do something right in the wake of it to set the other wolf at ease. "I'm glad to hear you're doing well." Her head nodded in agreement, she felt herself settling into a rhythm she had not expected with Moontide. "And we're glad to have you here too." Her warm voice lilted into something teasing once more. "For more than just the scenery."

Her eyes glittered with thoughts of gossip as she looked at the other wolf, playful. "Now what do you think of all the new additions? Some handsome faces to be sure, and Iiana's back as well." Despite her words turning onto others there was no malice in the question.
137 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Marina couldn't help a small laugh at the mention of handsome faces; she was long past noticing, too wrapped up in her life, in her children. Sometimes she wondered what might have happened if Kukutux had been of more help in that area, as Rodyn had once said she would. Most of the time, she just didn't think about it.

I haven't met most of them, She admitted, ears flicking back slightly. My children keep me so busy. I did meet Chakliux. He's nice enough - but very serious. Marina was willing to chalk it up to the loss of his wife, but felt it inappropriate to say as much. And maybe Heph would have more insight.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph laughed and nodded, it made sense that if the other wolves did not seek her out that Marina might travel slower. "No rush, if they stay everyone will meet eventually. If the family's ever giving you the run around just give me a call. I'll be happy to tire myself out a bit." She had not been lying to Rodyn when she said she was looking forward to new life in Moontide even if young wolves were a lot of work.

"He's very genuine. But I think you started out the jokes he would be willing to prod back." Perhaps it was because he took his calling as a hunter so seriously or he was worried after his family. But he had always been willing to joke and flirt with her and declined with grace and politeness when he was not in the mood.
137 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Marina smiled gratefully. Thanks Heph, She murmured, thoughtful for a moment about what she'd said of Chakliux. Genuine.

He's certainly very honest, She added a little wryly, tone hinting at the story behind the statement. Marina was a hesitant gossip, though not unwilling, so she waited for Heph to inquire.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph's eyes sparkled at the prospect of a story. "Oh really?" Her voice was light, as if telling a joke. While she was curious she did not wish to push too heavily. Gossiping may not have been the wisest course of action but she enjoyed the gentle give and take of the conversation.
137 Posts
Ooc — xynien
When we first met, he told me that he'd slept with Sialuk, the leader of Moonspear, Marina's voice turned slightly hushed as she explained. It didn't seem like it was a secret, and I'm not judging, but -

She couldn't help but laugh slightly. I wasn't sure what to say! Marina still couldn't decide how to feel about it, particularly after learning that Chakliux's wife had disappeared. It was odd to connect those two revelations with the same conversation, yet that was how it had happened.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph laughed at the revelation, indeed she had not known that of Chakliux but she had no doubt that the charming wolf had found his way next to Sialuk. She recalled Sialuk had brought Marina to Moontide and wondered if Marina knew much of Moonspear's leader - Heph had never met her. "Well you could have asked him to show you how exactly he beguiled the leader of Moonspear." The low suggestive tones of her voice were interrupted by laughter in her teasing.
137 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Marina laughed along with Heph as she spoke, though her face flushed with heat! Maybe I will! She exclaimed softly, but her tone was light; joking. She'd never been quite so bold as that. Still, the thought intrigued her. What little she knew of Chakliux indicated a man who was free with his affections. But was that really what she wanted?

But I do wonder if there aren't any - unattached men around. I think Rodyn spoke to the leader of Moonglow, Kukutux, on my behalf. But I'm not sure anything came of it, Marina went on with a thoughtful expression. Marriage was not high on her list of priorities, not anymore. Her children were growing quickly, and motherhood was not so intimidating anymore. It was something she could do alone, as she'd learned. No need to rush into something she might regret later. Her gaze turned curious on Heph. Is there anyone special in your life, Heph?
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
The last trails of laughter faded between them but there was still a smile on her lips. She listened intently and believed she remembered Rodyn saying he had gone to ask Kukutux on behalf of herself, Void, and Marina. Void had found a partner fitted for him on his own, but it seemed as if Marina and herself had not heard a response. She hummed thoughtfully and Marina startled a laugh out of her at the question. "Well I"m always running into pretty faces around here." Was her quick reply, tone sliding and eyes towards her companion.

More thoughtfully she leaned a bit her shoulders swaying as she recalled. "But no. I also asked Rodyn to ask Moonwoman on my behalf but have not heard anything. Maybe I'll go visit her and ask myself. I'd like to find someone eventually but I'm in no hurry." And that was the truth, she had met plenty of handsome and beautiful faces around, ones that matched her wit and she enjoyed speaking with, but nothing that had been more than a brief flirtation. Perhaps she was simply bad at following up, but equally none of those wolves had sought her out afterwards either - even if they were charming. "What about you? What would the perfect man be like in your eyes?"
137 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Marina blushed, questioning all over again what Heph meant by such flirtations! Was the Beta interested in Marina? Did she want that? She wasn't sure. It wasn't as if she'd ever considered what it might be like to be with a woman. She wasn't against it...

But was that even what Heph meant? She was looking, sure, but for a man or a woman?

Still struggling with the heat creeping across her cheeks, she considered Heph's question only for a second before she started to answer. Well, it doesn't have to be a man... Marina clarified a little shyly, and quickly moved on. Someone stable, though. Reliable. I've had enough chaos for several lifetimes! She laughed slightly as she said it. Someone easy to talk to.

A slight pause, then she added: Well, now you have to tell me what your perfect man - or woman - would be like.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph laughed, light with Marina, but listened intently. Such traits made sense to seek in a partner from a settled wolf and she found herself agreeing. "Good traits to have in a partner. I hope you find your match, man, woman, or anyone in between. You deserve someone who will be with you through thick and thin and won't make it too much of a trial to be with them." Her voice was warm and genuine. Wolves by nature were not stable, neither was the world, but she felt she understood the desire to have a partner who would buoy alongside you in a storm rather than drift away.

She thought for a moment, but she had answered this question many times now and she was slowly coming to realize the truth in it from each utterance. "Hmmm I'm not picky when it comes to gender, but I think I'll have to flatter your tastes by imitating them. Someone reliable, willing and able to keep up with me." She did not need someone to care for her, could handle herself, but she could easily see resentments creeping up if her partner wished to dampen her spirit, her tendency to explore or hunt.
137 Posts
Ooc — xynien
We should wrap and have an updated thread! <3
They were looking for the same things, then. Marina, who was perhaps reading entirely too much into this interaction, blushed further. She found her thoughts scattering and slipping away from her. Thank you, Heph. It's a nice thought, isn't it? Someone to rely on... I hope you find that too, She shot a glance over her shoulder, thinking now of her children. I should get back before Carl and Brock get into another fight. She sighed the words, but her affection for them was clear.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
"Good luck, let me know if you'd like some help!" She smiled, shaking the dust from her fur and setting on her own way.

Definitely! <3