Stone Circle Sunday came and trashed me out again
Bearclaw Valley
917 Posts
Ooc — Jess
All Welcome 
A thin frost coated the grass and what was left for leaves when Ameline set out, made curious by the scent of wolves she had detected while searching the outskirts of the valley. Practically wedged next to the rocky rise that surrounded the valley, the pack’s claim felt uncomfortably close. She felt it was likely best to suss out their tolerance for neighbours before they were found out.

She came empty-handed. While travelling, she and Ancelin needed to consume as many calories as they could, especially leading into winter. Now that there were two children to support as well, she couldn’t afford to spare a meal just for the sake of being kindly. The wolves of the plains would have to accept her as she was- and she intended to be as tempered as possible, to appease them and appeal to their better nature. She waited patiently with hopes someone would come along soon.
The Protector
48 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Ulfhild came to the border, initially patrolling, when she saw a young girl standing there, as if waiting...
The Protector held the earth-toned youth in her golden gaze as she veered her path toward the girl with a chuff of greeting as she came to stand between the stranger and Kvarsheim. 
With a quick size-up, Ulfhild spoke with her thick northern tones;
"You stand at the borders of Kvarsheim. Why have you come?" The giant asked, ears perked forward for the girl's answer. 
Tauris or Taktuq would surely come soon enough...
Protect the Weak, Purge the Evil
Bearclaw Valley
917 Posts
Ooc — Jess
A stern, muscular woman came to greet her, leading Ameline to read her and wonder if the wolves of this pack were all such juggernauts, or if this was their prized guardian. Ameline stood a couple inches shorter, and felt envious of the woman's impressive frame and the easy grace with which she moved. Her tone was even and smoothe, everything a pack could want in a guardian, she thought. 

Now she would no longer answer as the Berserkr and scout of Redtail Rise- it felt a bit uncomfortable, having to introduce herself without the comfort of those labels. 

"My name ith Ameline Bearclaw. I'm travelling with my mate-" 

Something about the woman's appearance triggered an old memory in her mind. Her eyes narrowed suddenly. White fur, yellow eyes, massive in build. In her youth, she had hunted someone with the same description, and had caught a glimpse of her before the battle had begun. When she inhaled, it was a completely different scent that greeted her, so she told herself to lay those thoughts to rest; this was not the same woman, though she was somewhat rattled still by the intrusive memory. 

"We've thettled in a valley nearby." For how long? She didn't know. They hadn't expected to find children there. "I wath jutht out trackin' down thomethin' to eat when I found yuh borderth, and thought I'd come thee who liveth here," She said.