@Ameline for Lilia/Ameline <333 I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER ;w;
The girl went beyond the Creek this day, deciding to scout for potential prey or unusual activity in the surrounding terrain.
So far she found little in the ways of unusual activity...save for some passing scents of other wolves that wafted towards some curving mountains up ahead.
Sovereign recalled passing them when she and Ensio were wandering before joining Swiftcurrent, and at that point nobody was there, or so she was certain of, at the time.
With a cautious stride, Sovereign wandered through the terrain to follow a scent trail leading toward the one-entrance Valley, maneuvering through the Glade and occasionally snapping a few deadened branches due to her size and bulk, which the girl cursed at for the lack of silence to her presence, especially in this weather.
Coming closer to where the Mountains opened up, Sovereign paused to observe the area, golden eyes taking in the peaks and the barren, snow-covered meadow with ears and eyes on a constant swivel, attempting to keep herself alert for the presence of others.
In the back of her mind, she felt the pull to return home already, though she muted it to the best of her ability for now.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
January 19, 2024, 06:32 PM
Nar apologies necessary!<3<3
The days grew longer, and gave Ameline more of a chance to roam before returning to the valley by sundown. She wanted to maintain the trust she had with the girls, and knew that the only way to do so was to show them, physically, that she would follow through on her promises.
She stopped in her tracks at the valley's entrance, however, when she spotted a figure in the distance. It was the wolf's scent which had halted her first- as the alabaster behemoth was more difficult to spot against the snowy backdrop. When her gaze locked onto the woman, she froze, and bristled; she tested the air, flicking her tongue over her nose as she took a few more cautious steps forward.
She could hear Avicus' voice in the back of her mind- commanding them to attack. "Find her! Bring her to me!"
She could hear Ancelin's voice in the forefront of her mind. "Being nice might be the best thing in this situation."
Avicus' voice rang out again. "We muhh' kill her before womanh kill again,"
"We'll make overtures then. Gestures. Whatever." The reasonable voice of her husband.
The scent of one of the nearby packs was on her fur- a suggestion that she lived a different life now. Ameline did too; perhaps they had both shed their former selves in want of something new.
She shook out her coat to free the tension from her shoulders, and slowly began to approach, flicking her tongue over her lips. She fought to keep her inner, adolescent self at bay, though it was difficult. It would have felt delightful to kill this woman simply for the sake of being the one who finally felled the woman who had fled during the attack. That had been Lilia, though; self-proclaimed 'princess of Redtail Rise.' That hadn't gotten her far.
She walked forward, now, as a queen in her own right, ready to make her own decisions.
January 21, 2024, 08:45 AM
In the distance did a figure come.
Sovereign didn't recognize it at first, not until the figure seemed to be looking directly at her.
Then, Sovereign felt herself bristling.
She couldn't really see the stiffness of the figure from here, but Sovereign was far more focused on making sure nobody else was there.
Nobody from that damned pack to the north, nobody, nobody, nobody-!!!
The behemoth took a deep, slow breath to steel herself as she forced herself to calm down enough to sniff the air.
None of those scents were here, or so she could gather for now...
But by the time Sovereign was ready to turn and retreat, the figure was already walking forward.
Sovereign took another breath to steady herself, to ready herself for whatever might happen...
She would not run this time.
Sovereign didn't recognize it at first, not until the figure seemed to be looking directly at her.
Then, Sovereign felt herself bristling.
She couldn't really see the stiffness of the figure from here, but Sovereign was far more focused on making sure nobody else was there.
Nobody from that damned pack to the north, nobody, nobody, nobody-!!!
The behemoth took a deep, slow breath to steel herself as she forced herself to calm down enough to sniff the air.
None of those scents were here, or so she could gather for now...
But by the time Sovereign was ready to turn and retreat, the figure was already walking forward.
Sovereign took another breath to steady herself, to ready herself for whatever might happen...
She would not run this time.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
January 21, 2024, 02:37 PM
She could taste the woman's apprehension. She remained frozen to the spot and Ameline had to wonder if she would be recognized. She'd been little more than a scrappy teenager when she had joined the hunt, lanky and skinny still from being orphaned. The white wolf also looked to be in better health. She hadn't wanted the fight which had been brought to her pack's territory- she had fled. Ameline might have judged her for it, a year ago, when she had still been a weapon, training to defend a pack that she thought she could die for. But then- she had run, too, eventually. And it had been one of the best decisions she had ever made.
She told herself they were more alike than she'd thought. It helped her temper the urge to kill the woman just for the rise of it.
She came to a stop, and regarded the woman calmly, though there was something owlish about her gaze. She shook her neck, trying to loosen up the muscles and convince the bristling fur to settle; she didn't want conflict. Not when this wolf was one of her neighbours.
"I recognithe you," She said carefully. "But we both left whatevuh it wath that we wuh a part of before. Tho...Maybe we jutht forget about all that." She said, with a slight shrug of her shoulder.
She told herself they were more alike than she'd thought. It helped her temper the urge to kill the woman just for the rise of it.
She came to a stop, and regarded the woman calmly, though there was something owlish about her gaze. She shook her neck, trying to loosen up the muscles and convince the bristling fur to settle; she didn't want conflict. Not when this wolf was one of her neighbours.
"I recognithe you," She said carefully. "But we both left whatevuh it wath that we wuh a part of before. Tho...Maybe we jutht forget about all that." She said, with a slight shrug of her shoulder.
January 25, 2024, 06:41 PM
Sovereign listened as the girl spoke, hesitant to trust.
But, she saw no aggression in the wolf in front of her, especially in the light shrug of shoulders as she suggested(?) they forget about the past.
Sovereign was silent for a pitifully awkward, long moment before she started speaking in return, careful, thoughtful, slow.
Really? Just 'okay'? Come on, Sovereign, have some spine, damnit!
"Uh...my name's Sovereign..." She started, a hesitant extension of her own olive branch, akin in a way to a cat test-tapping at something to see what would happen.
The pale girl's ears slanted slightly before pulling back forward.
"What's, uh...what's yours?"
But, she saw no aggression in the wolf in front of her, especially in the light shrug of shoulders as she suggested(?) they forget about the past.
Sovereign was silent for a pitifully awkward, long moment before she started speaking in return, careful, thoughtful, slow.
Really? Just 'okay'? Come on, Sovereign, have some spine, damnit!
"Uh...my name's Sovereign..." She started, a hesitant extension of her own olive branch, akin in a way to a cat test-tapping at something to see what would happen.
The pale girl's ears slanted slightly before pulling back forward.
"What's, uh...what's yours?"
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
January 30, 2024, 04:59 PM
The woman looked flummoxed; as she had every right to be. She had once been sought out and hunted by an entire pack of wolves that had spent over a month dedicated to that one task. Ameline looked at her now and saw a wolf who was not quick to trust, one who might have every reason to suspect that this was a trick. Fortunately, she seemed inclined to take a chance, and accept the unexpected.
"Ameline Bearclaw," She said. "Yuh with, uh....Thwiftcurrent now, huh?" She asked. Ancelin had been there, and had returned with the pack's scent for her to learn. "My huthband wath there a little while ago- met Akavir an' Eshe," She explained. It'd been uncomfortable, according to Ancelin, because the pair had known something of the Valley's history- but history was something that she felt could be left behind.
"Ameline Bearclaw," She said. "Yuh with, uh....Thwiftcurrent now, huh?" She asked. Ancelin had been there, and had returned with the pack's scent for her to learn. "My huthband wath there a little while ago- met Akavir an' Eshe," She explained. It'd been uncomfortable, according to Ancelin, because the pair had known something of the Valley's history- but history was something that she felt could be left behind.
February 05, 2024, 11:31 PM
"That's a cool name." Sovereign complimented, a tentative sway of her tail as she spoke.
To the mention of her pack, the pale giant nodded softly, "Yeah, they took me and my companion in sometime before the snow came."
Her voice sounded so soft in her own ears...
"Akavir and Eshe are really nice. Though I suppose Akavir is...a bit rough around the edges..." She shrugged her shoulders.
"Must be an old man thing." She chuckled awkwardly.
Ha ha...joke, anyone?
To the mention of her pack, the pale giant nodded softly, "Yeah, they took me and my companion in sometime before the snow came."
Her voice sounded so soft in her own ears...
"Akavir and Eshe are really nice. Though I suppose Akavir is...a bit rough around the edges..." She shrugged her shoulders.
"Must be an old man thing." She chuckled awkwardly.
Ha ha...joke, anyone?
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
February 09, 2024, 12:10 PM
"Awh, thankth," She blurted in a tone that was candid, but sincere. It surprised her, that she could be flattered so easily by someone who had once been hunting her down; but she took a great deal of pride in her name, having chosen it and having taken Ancelin's surname. She wanted to gush about it- but it felt like oversharing, especially while they were still just trying to be nice.
But...It seemed to be working for both of them. Sovereign's soft laughter coaxed a small chuckle from Ameline as well. "Yeah, my mate thaid the thame," She said. "Nithe enough, sure, but a bit thtiff." Old man thing indeed. "Ith your 'companion' your, uh..." She said, and raised her eyebrows. A little bit of girl talk could go a long way.
But...It seemed to be working for both of them. Sovereign's soft laughter coaxed a small chuckle from Ameline as well. "Yeah, my mate thaid the thame," She said. "Nithe enough, sure, but a bit thtiff." Old man thing indeed. "Ith your 'companion' your, uh..." She said, and raised her eyebrows. A little bit of girl talk could go a long way.
February 26, 2024, 04:45 PM
Sovereign gave a soft but firm nod to Ameline's acceptance of her compliment.
And a chuckle came from her, too!
To Sovereign's delight, this interaction seemed to be working out...well...smoothly?
Smoothly seemed like the right word. Yeah, she'd go with that.
Ameline mentioned her mate, then, who Sovereign had no clue about until now, but the girl found she didn't mind, especially as the wiry-furred woman before her inquired as to the nature of her companion's, ah...company.
To the notion, Sovereign felt herself blush harshly underneath her fur and an awkward smile form on her face.
"We're not mated yet, but...He holds a lot of significance in my heart." She responded, "I imagine in the future, we will likely be a pair." She added, with equal parts hope and certainty, surprising herself with the tone of her answer to Ameline's question.
And a chuckle came from her, too!
To Sovereign's delight, this interaction seemed to be working out...well...smoothly?
Smoothly seemed like the right word. Yeah, she'd go with that.
Ameline mentioned her mate, then, who Sovereign had no clue about until now, but the girl found she didn't mind, especially as the wiry-furred woman before her inquired as to the nature of her companion's, ah...company.
To the notion, Sovereign felt herself blush harshly underneath her fur and an awkward smile form on her face.
"We're not mated yet, but...He holds a lot of significance in my heart." She responded, "I imagine in the future, we will likely be a pair." She added, with equal parts hope and certainty, surprising herself with the tone of her answer to Ameline's question.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
As soon as she saw Sovereign's face twist, she knew that she was going to get what she was looking for- a little bit of girltalk! She inched closer with an encouraging smile while Sovereign shared that the guy did have a pretty profound place in her heart- and that she figured soon they'd have a family together.
"Don't wait on that, then!" She said, with a shrug of her shoulder. "Athk him out yourthelf; it'th what everyone'th doin' nowadayth cauthe it taketh the guyth tho much longer to figure out what they want. Give him a little nudge and he'll figure it out," She said.
"Don't wait on that, then!" She said, with a shrug of her shoulder. "Athk him out yourthelf; it'th what everyone'th doin' nowadayth cauthe it taketh the guyth tho much longer to figure out what they want. Give him a little nudge and he'll figure it out," She said.
April 06, 2024, 08:41 PM
I'm so sorry I took forever ;w;
Sovereign was a bit surprised at the advice given by Ameline.
Ears slanting slightly, the girl considered it for a long moment...
"I think...if it's meant to be, then... the time will come. Regardless of if I say something soon, or not." She shrugged her own shoulders, albeit a bit sheepishly.
Perhaps she was afraid of if Ensio would reject her, should she act too fast.
Little did the princess know, that the time would definitely come - just not in a way she would be prepared for.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
Sovereign didn’t seem as forward as Ameline expected her to be. This was the young woman, after all, who had been sought after by a travelling army of wolves- the face that launched a thousand ships, so to say. And yet she preferred to wait for the right moment, or perhaps she subscribed to the notion that the man should be the first to make a move.
She was glad, now, that the Redtail mission had failed. This woman didn’t deserve to suffer the fate they’d intended.
”Eh, thuit yourthelf,” She replied casually, and cracked a grin. ”It’th kinda nithe when they’re the one to make a move,” For as much as she was a go-getter, she liked it when Ancelin seized authority as well.
”Well, I should get back,” She said, once their conversation had come to a close. ”Maybe I’ll thee ya around thometime. Good luck with yer man,” she said with a wink, before she trotted back for home.
totally ok! <3
Sovereign didn’t seem as forward as Ameline expected her to be. This was the young woman, after all, who had been sought after by a travelling army of wolves- the face that launched a thousand ships, so to say. And yet she preferred to wait for the right moment, or perhaps she subscribed to the notion that the man should be the first to make a move.
She was glad, now, that the Redtail mission had failed. This woman didn’t deserve to suffer the fate they’d intended.
”Eh, thuit yourthelf,” She replied casually, and cracked a grin. ”It’th kinda nithe when they’re the one to make a move,” For as much as she was a go-getter, she liked it when Ancelin seized authority as well.
”Well, I should get back,” She said, once their conversation had come to a close. ”Maybe I’ll thee ya around thometime. Good luck with yer man,” she said with a wink, before she trotted back for home.
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