Bearclaw Valley Tell me why are you still so afraid?
Bearclaw Valley
917 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Her bladder was spent by the time she returned to the valley. She’d left markings from the edge of the meadow where the foothills began leading all the way up to where the land began to sink down, and the walls of the valley began to arise. If nothing else, she felt it would become a beacon for those looking for a home, and a warning for those who thought the Bearclaws had a weak claim.

She thought of @Viskani too- the stranger who had offered to join them while they grew their numbers. An extra hunter would make it easier for them to hunt large prey as well. The trail she left behind was something she hoped might reassure the kind stranger that she was, in fact, very welcome. 

She returned to her post on the sentry stone which sat in the entrance to the valley, and began to pluck the feathers from a wild turkey she had caught earlier.
Montagne de Ciguë
83 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Following the instructions of the stranger she had spoken to, Viskani soon arrived in the valley. She knew better than to enter on her own, however. After all, she knew very little of the stranger she spoke to.

Lifting her muzzle she let out a howl, hoping that the sound would reach the other. This seemed to be the safest way to reach them without completely entering the unknown territory.
Bearclaw Valley
917 Posts
Ooc — Jess
From the wilderness beyond the valley’s entrance came a voice that warmed Aneline’s heart. She was surprised to set such wild hopes for a stranger- and yet she could not tame them. Hope had been fed, and now it grew. 

She called out- inviting the woman to cross the meadow, and receive her welcome at the valley’s entrance.
Montagne de Ciguë
83 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Receiving a response that welcomed her forward, Viskani continued in. She followed the path the howl had left for her, walking until she spotted another she-wolf.

She nodded a greeting to the other. She could only assume that this was who she had come for.
Bearclaw Valley
917 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Ameline wasn’t sure what she expected the wolf to look like, but she was pleased to see a woman healthy and trim, athletic and in good health. A woman who was a mother to grown sons, one who offered advice to a stranger. A fine looking creature, who seemed to be even more appealing when her nature was taken into consideration as well.

Ameline hopped down from the sentry stone, taking the half-plucked wild turkey with her, though she left it behind as she moved forward to greet the woman with a waving tail.
Montagne de Ciguë
83 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She was glad to have been met in a friendly manner, soon letting her guard down.

"I'm assuming you're who I spoke to from the mountains, yes?"

Her tail offered a careful wag as she looked the other over. The scent of markings in the area weren't as strong as they should be, and the wolf in front of her certainly did look tired.
Bearclaw Valley
917 Posts
Ooc — Jess
I would thay tho, yeth. She said. I’m Ameline….An’ behind me ith my home, Bearclaw Valley. the path to the valley dipped down and out of sight, but the far wall of the canyon was within sight beyond the trees. The sunken valley grew lush and warm, protected from the wind. 

I nevuh caught your name, but I’m grateful you’ve come. You mutht be tired, or at leatht hungry- I got a turkey over here for you, She said, with a gesture of her paw.
Montagne de Ciguë
83 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Right - her name. How could she have forgotten something like that?

"I am Viskani, I apologize for not introducing myself earlier."

She then glanced to the offered meal. Ameline was right, she was hungry - but it felt impolite to accept without some resistance.

"Have your pack members been fed yet? I shouldn't eat before them."
Bearclaw Valley
917 Posts
Ooc — Jess
A light squint was the only sign that Ameline was disappointed in the woman’s name- not that it was a fault, but it would mean that yet another wolf in her entourage would have a name that Ameline couldn’t pronounce properly. She wasn’t sure she’d ever stop feeling guilty for her impediment- but coped by offering Viskani a smile. 

They have eaten, don’t worry. I could nevuh let my children thtarve cauthe they’d eat me ath thoon ath I fell athleep. She drawled. You go ahead an’ eat, I’ll tell you a bit about uth.
Montagne de Ciguë
83 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She gave a nod, taking the turkey in gentle jaws. It had been a while since she had the luxury of eating such a bird on her own.

"Tell me then - I'm here to listen."

She looked to Ameline, her knowing eyes burning into the other's skull; though her gaze soon softened to reveal the maternal figure she had pitched herself to be.
Bearclaw Valley
917 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She felt she offered much- but that there might be something to get in return still, if Viskani would help the pack grow. In the very least, she would aid them in hunting larger prey, and be another adult for her to talk to.

My mate, Anthuhlin- him an’ I grew up together. I wath orphaned ath a pup, but I got taken in by hith pack…Hith parent-th weren’t around either, tho…I gueth we jutht alwayth had a lot in common.

It made her smile to remember how she’d thought of him as her prince. 

I took over leadin’ when our pack’th leaduh went mithing…Theveral timeth, She said, casting her gaze out into the valley. She’d once worshipped Avicus. Now, however, she despised her. She thaw fit to try an’ untheat me…Name her own flesh an’ blood ath leaduh…Called her kidth to her tho they could chathe Anthuhlin an’ me out if we didn’t bow down to her, but…Aftuh all the timeth she ditched on her kidth, bailed on the pack or came back jutht…I dunno, not herthelf, I couldn’t to it. Nor could I fight her kidth ‘cauthe Anthuhlin an’ I helped raithe ‘em, tho…We left. About thith time latht year, She said. She shrugged. Doethn’t even feel like it’th been that long but…Time flieth, I gueth.
Montagne de Ciguë
83 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Viskani laid down to begin eating as she listened, eyes looking up to Ameline.

"You're a strong woman, it sounds as though you've been through a lot."

She tore into the carcass, considering her next words with care. "Your pack - is there anyone besides yourself and your family?"