Redtail Rise sojourner
Redtail Rise
191 Posts
Ooc — ‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅
All Welcome 
A rainstorm was coming.

Though it was currently sunny, Moon Runner could smell the changing weather. She found herself sat on a crag of rock that overlooked the vast plains – the eastern glacier stood proud in the distance… the sky becomming gray, there.

A hard rain meant hunting and traveling would be difficult.

Would Wealda find her way back?
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
New Snow paced the rendezvous. Certain the scents there revealed no breach, she felt a little more at ease. There was worry for Wealda in her heart, but then, the wolf was not only her own but Red Woman’s. Red Woman had come and gone many times. She had always been alright, and so had the Rise.

In the time between, those remaining would assimilate to the structure left behind. New Snow was not Wealda, but would keep the pack united in her absence and maintain the hierarchy. 

She followed now the trail of her daughter, nipping at her youngest brood to move with her. She would teach them to track, and revealed to them broken debris to be mindful of. Tufts of her fur. Where her scent was strongest and where it dwindled. 

It took time to get to her daughter, but after long there she was! New Snow grinned her satisfaction to her cubs before closing the distance between herself and Moon Runner, tail wagging and happy whines coming forth from her throat.
Redtail Rise
191 Posts
Ooc — ‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅
Many approaching paw steps made Moon Runner’s ears turn.

Her family! Mother! Gentle Mother, Loving Mother, Proud Mother…

And all three of her young siblings, soon to be six moons old. Every day they looked less and less like puppies. Pebble, in particular, was turning into a strapping young wolf. Soon he would need a new name, the spirit felt. Maybe a moniker to recognize the dark granite of his fur, or the gleam of his eyes… a proper hunting name.

Moon Runner’s body curled as she greeted her kin with happy sounds. Then, her muzzle pointed to the distant storm, as if to show the youngsters.

Moon Runner’s eyes flicked to Proud Mother, as if the spirit asked am I a good teacher, too?
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
New Snow grinned to see her daughter with her three youngest. There was approval there, and New Snow pondered what this next Spring might bring for her Moon Runner. New Snow hoped her daughter might stay, and find her future here. But she remembered also her own path that had led her to Mountain Boulder. Many of her brood had been called by the wilds beyond, as she herself had been. 

She saw then the storm beyond, watched as her daughter gathered their attention. New Snow could feel the gathering tension in the air, knowing the air pressure would build the closer it came. New Snow shared a look with her daughter that said in answer, yes!

One of her daughters playfully bounded towards the direction of the storm, pausing to look back. Storm Chaser, New Snow barked gleefully, mouth forming the shapes and sounds of her name in a series of warm woofs. Now she looked to Moon Runner, nosing her side, sniffing her cheek. You are content? she sought to find out. Much change had come to them!