Duck Lake Been to hell and back, I can show you vouchers
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Ooc —
His heart skips a beat as he registers Midar's faint smile, and he flushes further at the man's words. I eat danger for breakfast, He jokes, trying to sound casual despite the conflicting emotions rising within him. It's hard to keep his composure when Midar calls him hot, though — and damn near impossible when he sees that look. He shivers fiercely this time, apprehension and desire warring for dominance as they had the first time they'd met.
The question is a welcome distraction. I — He breaks off abruptly, frowning. I don't know, he'd almost said, but he remembers something now — I think that... someone tried to kill me? But I can't — ow! Sharp pain lances through his skull, cutting him off, and he buries his head between his forelegs. His head throbs fiercely, and as he rubs one paw over the area he feels the ridged scar tissue under his pad; an old head wound, not quite visible under his fur but there nonetheless. Suddenly he wonders how many times this has happened to him.
Messages In This Thread
Been to hell and back, I can show you vouchers - by Midar - November 30, 2018, 05:22 PM
RE: Been to hell and back, I can show you vouchers - by Alarian - December 03, 2018, 10:22 PM