Sunspire Mountains all the butterflies have turned to vultures in my stomach
fine as any blade
466 Posts
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Riley missed the sarcasm and transparent lack of awe in Esme's voice, instead taking her response at face value. He nodded like a regular Lenny, eyes traveling ahead. Just as he was about to explain the merits of this river Esme strode off. 

He realized being without support and her touch was a terrible thing. Sadness, and a bit of pining jealousy, lingered in his gaze as he watched her strut away, her tail stirring in the air with an attractive saunter. 

He pined for the feeling of her against him again. It tightened the looseness of his tongue. It locked his jaw. It caused him to look boorish and distracted, up until Esme spoke again. Another missed sarcasm shot flew over his head like a poorly aimed arrow; he only recognized she had asked a second  question and by the look on her face expected prompt answer. 

Shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other Riley gestured petulantly rowards the thinning line of trees. About an hour that way, give or take.

It was then he remembered why he asked her where she lived in the first place. Naively and without an ounce of shame or trepidation Riley focused his uneven gaze on Esme and asked - Can we live together?
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RE: all the butterflies have turned to vultures in my stomach - by Riley - August 05, 2020, 08:58 PM