Bearclaw Valley at your back door yelling 'cause I wanna come in
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
"Good," Another curt but satisfied reply. He was listening, and seemed to become more comfortable as they walked, being told exactly what it was that he would know. She believed that if he knew what he was walking into, it would be less daunting. If she explained the structure of the pack and its alliances, he would simply fit in and get to work. The fewer surprises, the better. 

"Now. Even clother to uth-and I mean like...Jutht beyond that ridge-" She gestured toward the Northern borders, "Ith Kvarsheim. Thmall pack, they mothtly keep to themthelveth. We're not on thuper buddy-buddy termth with them jutht cauthe they theem to be run by yearlingth nowadayth. They're not allowed in the valley but can call for a converthation if they want." She explained, and shrugged. "They theem to kinda want to jutht thtick to themthelves, which ith fine." She didn't care much for them, anyway. Out of sight, out of mind.

"We do a lot of hunting in the meadow jutht beyond the valley'th entranthe...Don't let anyone give you guff for huntin' there, cauthe it'th neutral territory but we altho don't want other packth huntin' there too much. If you notithe too much activity in the area...Let uth know." They'd established the meadow as their preferred neutral hunting grounds- but the wolves of the other packs seemed to benefit from it as well.
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RE: at your back door yelling 'cause I wanna come in - by Ameline - May 30, 2024, 11:51 AM