Bearclaw Valley 'Cause you might enjoy some madness for a while
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
With a somewhat guarded expression she watched her mate and daughter as they looked at the children for the first time. With Ancelin, she couldn’t be sure if he was going to cry, collapse, or leave to go and work out his zoomies. Sure, she’d noticed the hurt in his features when she’d fended him off earlier, but she felt justified. She had a lot of work to do, delivering and cleaning and nursing the pups- the last thing she wanted was for their overwhelmed father to accidentally be in the way while they were being born. 

Athalia had been more possessive of her lately- something that Ameline didn’t really mind or discourage. She allowed her daughter these habits because she wanted her Athalia to believe whole-heartedly that Ameline did, in a sense, belong to her. 

She worried Athalia would not accept them, and the odd expression she bore as she looked at the children for the first time was concerning too- but Ameline trusted the girl, and within moments, her expression changed. Ameline’s expression warmed, and she thumped her tail against the ground. 

”Family,” She repeated after her daughter, tilting her chin up as Ancelin moved forward to greet her. ”Four new baby thithterth,” She beamed. 

Ancelin left, and she heard the sound of him crashing through the wilderness, noted it with a light chuckle. ”And we’re a pack now,” She said to her daughters, eyes lingering longest on Athalia who would be the only one to hear her words. Ancelin’s voice rang out; for Athens and Annorak to hear and to know that Bearclaw Valley had almost doubled in number, now. ”Thingth’ll be good, for uth. All of uth.”

Ancelin returned. ”Lookit how thweet they are, all tiny,” She crooned.
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RE: 'Cause you might enjoy some madness for a while - by Ameline - June 06, 2024, 10:07 AM