Bearclaw Valley Garderer to the rescue!
Bearclaw Valley
841 Posts
Ooc — Jess
”I will. Thankth,” They were neighbours, after all. Borrowing health services could be like borrowing a cup of sugar- all done for the greater good. Already, this life of peacekeeping had proven itself to have several benefits, and while she did not fear the day she would give birth, it was good to know she might have help if she needed it. 

Perhaps there might come a day when their children could play together, should Arlette’s season come soon. She toyed with the idea, finding it ideal to strengthen the bond between the packs by having their children become allies as well. 

”Yeah, they’ll be up thoon,” She said. Little green leaves poking from swollen buds promised her that the valley would spring to life after a few more bouts of rain. 

Arric and Arlette looked to leave, satisfied it seemed with their arrangement. ”Alright, well, thafe travelth; Thankth for thtoppin’ by an’ don’t be thtrangerth,”
Messages In This Thread
Garderer to the rescue! - by Arlette - March 20, 2024, 08:15 AM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Arric - March 20, 2024, 09:33 AM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Ameline - March 20, 2024, 10:00 AM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Arlette - March 20, 2024, 10:46 AM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Arric - March 21, 2024, 08:28 AM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Ameline - March 21, 2024, 11:45 AM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Arlette - March 22, 2024, 07:44 AM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Arric - April 04, 2024, 09:13 PM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Ameline - April 10, 2024, 10:38 AM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Arlette - April 12, 2024, 04:18 AM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Arric - April 12, 2024, 05:40 AM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Ameline - May 03, 2024, 03:12 PM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Arlette - May 04, 2024, 03:50 PM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Arric - May 07, 2024, 08:56 AM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Ameline - May 10, 2024, 10:30 AM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Arlette - May 11, 2024, 01:24 PM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Arric - June 18, 2024, 03:37 AM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Ameline - June 18, 2024, 10:51 AM
RE: Garderer to the rescue! - by Arlette - June 22, 2024, 11:42 AM