Bearclaw Valley If you can keep your neighbours in the dark then surely God can close her eyes
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Ooc — Y2K9
Abel ran with great haste, sped along by the both verbal and physical snapping by his captor.  
He too could smell the ends of the territory. It was the only thing he could smell in his state of blind urgency. And in this state he failed to hear the thunderous footfall of a pursuer. It was only when she rallied the others with a call when Abel turned his head.
A fox-like woman was hot on their trail and soon there would be others. The thought of his freedom being torn away before he could even grasp it brought about more pain than any of the ursus wolves could inflict upon him.
He could sense the end was near. What little hope had built up was squashed as Æsilfír hurled himself towards her.
Abel came to a sudden halt. His face — twisted by shock and fear — could not mask the sense of betrayal that hit him. I should’ve known, he scolded himself as he braced for impact, I should’ve known she would never help me.
She was a liar through and through.
But the hit he thought he’d take never came. Abel’s eyes peeled open. His mind was blank as they stared at one another.
Then he ran.
Fuck her. And Indra — ! Oh Indra.. he could only hope Æsilfír had told the truth. He was closer to escape than he had ever been. He could not afford to go back for his sister  now.