Redhawk Caldera Call the police
lord of the hunt
1,607 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
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Maybe a @Birk or a @Gannet? :D

Phox was feeling feisty (pheisty?) when twilight set in. There was a very interesting scent in the air, which Raven had explained was something he was not allowed to hunt. "Deer," she had said, "are too big for you." He groaned and complained, so sure that he would do just fine hunting them all by himself. How big could they really be, huh?

Slipping away from those pesky adults, he followed the scent anyway. "I'll just have a look," he thought to himself, but deep down he knew that just looking wasn't going to be enough. He had taken after his father more than he would ever know. Peregrine had been a hunter through-and-through, and his dark son had taken to it easily. "I'll be just like Dad," he told himself. His father was awesome, right? That's what Raven and Finley had said, right?
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worlds best dad award winner
351 Posts
Ooc — Pompoko
Lagan really did love his home.

For some reason the Blackthorn's mind kept going back to his conversation with Gannet, and how the older boy had asked if he was leaving. Lagan hadn't even taken a moment to contemplate, he already knew the answer; nope! First off he saw what Liffey leaving had done to mommy and the rest of the family, and he wasn't about to put them through it. Second, no place he'd ever gone had been as perfect as the Caldera. It seemed they had everything they'd ever need there. Plus he loved the wolves here more than anything else, and would be more than happy to chillax with them until his dying day.

He didn't think he would ever change his mind about that. He figured the only thing that could make him move was if he found someone he loved a whole darn lot, or if his family moved with him. Otherwise, this would be his home. He pondered all of this as he followed two familiar scent trails, one of which was that of a ruminant, the other, Phox. He soon caught up to the other boy, and the small dark male seemed to be equally lost in thought.

Lagan fell into step beside him, one small soft boy next to a smaller soft boy. Sup Phoxie, what're you doing? He asked, looking down at his younger cousin (who he sometimes still referred to as his nephew).
813 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Gannet was out enjoying the night as well when he stumbled across the pair; almost literally, as the sound of them startled the pale boy and almost made him lose his footing.  He was still getting used to pack life again.

This was also part of the reason he decided to join them, falling in step without asking or invitation, but giving both a smile of hello.  He assumed they'd keep talking.  He just wanted to keep enjoying this novel sensation of having family around again.

feel free to skip me if you wish, I'll jump in as I can/gannet has something to contribute ^^
Gannet's face and body are open books; you are more than welcome to distinctly notice any emotion written in his posts.
(Most thread titles come from Into the Fire from the Scarlet Pimpernel)
lord of the hunt
1,607 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Lagan asked what he was doing, and for the first time in his life, he realized he had a choice. He could tell Lagan what he was doing, which would result in him likely getting taken back to Raven, Elwood, and Finley, or he could tell his cousin something entirely different, which would probably not result in that stupid thing. Fidget told himself that this was pretending and it was totally fine, even though he was fairly certain it was not fine. Whatever, he wanted that deer.

"Nothin," he lied, right through his teeth, "Was gonna try and find some rabbits." It was immediately obvious to anybody who knew Phox on any level that he was straight-up lying. His posture and mannerisms suddenly turned nervous, and he darted his gaze over to Gannet, who had followed them. Phox didn't really know Gannet, but since Elwood (and/or Finley) had welcomed him, he was fine with it.
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worlds best dad award winner
351 Posts
Ooc — Pompoko
Lagan turned his head when he heard another set of footsteps, by his side now walked his cousin Gannet. Lagan's tail began to wag more, glad to have a little gang by his side. Hey Gan! He said in greeting to the other male, then looked back to Phox as the small black wolf began to speak. Lagan would've had no idea that the boy was lying, or that what he was actually doing wasn't allowed if not for the boy's sudden a awkward change in posture and manner. He went from normal to nervous in a matter of seconds, his eyes shifting about.

I really need to give him some lying lessons. Lagan thought (as if he were any better) then he said. Ok cool, but what are you actually doing?
lord of the hunt
1,607 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Gannet didn't comment, but Lagan sure did. Phox felt immediately flustered being "caught in the act," and he groaned. "Findin' some rabbits!" he insisted, tail lashing anxiously behind him. Of course, he probably did need a lot more lying lessons (or practice) before he was going to convince anybody that he was telling the truth.

When Lagan (presumably) still didn't believe him, he huffed and admitted the truth of the matter. "Raven said deer are too big for me, but I just wanna see them," he insisted. Okay, that was a half-truth. He wanted to hunt them down and be big and strong, just like his father had been.
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813 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Gannet smiled and nodded a greeting to Lagan, but fell easily and silently in beside them, not having much to add to the conversation.  He wouldn't have called out Phox's lie; he tended to assume others said things for a reason and rarely questioned them unless there was a reason to.  But Lagan called him out, and Gannet found the second reason a lot more interesting.

"Could chase 'm too," he said, smiling with a touch of daring.  He was well aware a wolf shouldn't hunt a creature so big alone, but surely chasing them was a completely different concept.  Wasn't as if you had to get too close, after all!
Gannet's face and body are open books; you are more than welcome to distinctly notice any emotion written in his posts.
(Most thread titles come from Into the Fire from the Scarlet Pimpernel)
worlds best dad award winner
351 Posts
Ooc — Pompoko
At first Phox insisted that he was just finding some rabbits, which was only more suspicious sounding than the first one, but then with a huff he admitted that he was looking for deer. Raven had told him not to? Well Raven was usually right, but surely looking at the deer couldn't hurt. Gannet brought up chasing them, and Lagan was a little wary of that, but maybe if he sat out and watched the chase, he could make sure everything went ok.

He didn't want to spoil things for them, so with a wag of his tail he said, I could watch to make sure Raven doesn't see. In his tone was the same daring touch found in Gannet's. He looked at Phox now, wondering what the boy would say.
lord of the hunt
1,607 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Oddly, instead of reprimanding him or calling for Raven, the two others actually encouraged his behavior, offering to help him chase them and even alert him if Raven came to scold them. Phox's posture quickly did a one-eighty, and he wagged his tail with wide eyes. "Yeah!" he agreed, facing Gannet. "She's such a party pooper!" he said to Lagan.

Without waiting for a second go-ahead from Gannet, Phox began making his way at a quicker pace toward the strong smell of deer. When they a bit closer to the deer, Fidget realized how intimidating they were. They were at least three times his size, and he shrunk back against Gannet in a moment of weakness.
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813 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Lagan was on board; it honestly never occurred to Gannet that he might not be.  His idea was fun! Why not?  It wasn't like they were going to be dumb enough to get too close.  The fact that Phox was too young to know what 'too close' was didn't occur either.

Gannet beamed at Lagan's suggested contribution, happy they would all three be in on the fun, albeit in different roles.  The idea that someone might catch them at the mischief only lent it even more suspense.

When they reached the deer, Phox seemed reluctant, and Gannet nudged him encouragingly as he shrank back against him.  "It's fun," he said with absolute assuredness, but a beat later added "just don't catch them."  He doubted the young wolf could, but best make sure.  

Without another word, Gannet let out a solid bark and sprang forward, hoping Phox would follow to join the chase!
Gannet's face and body are open books; you are more than welcome to distinctly notice any emotion written in his posts.
(Most thread titles come from Into the Fire from the Scarlet Pimpernel)
worlds best dad award winner
351 Posts
Ooc — Pompoko
After a funny comment about Raven, Phox took off towards the deer. Gannet followed, and Lagan was close on his heels. It didn't take long for the three boys to find the herd, grazing lazily in the open. Lagan's eyes scanned over each and everyone, already picking out which one would be the easiest kill, he had to remind himself they weren't catching them. He noticed Phox shrink back a little. Gannet encouraged him and Lagan nodded in agreement. Super fun, you got this little buddy. He added.

And then Gannet leapt out with a bark. Lagan watched the deer as they turned their regal heads, each and everyone looked like... a deer in headlights. Lagan leapt out too, the excitement causing him to abandon his Raven watch idea. He fell into step at Gannet's side, nudging his shoulder with a grin. He turned around, hoping Phox was still in for the chase.
lord of the hunt
1,607 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Gannet assured him things would be just fine, then jumped off with a bark to prove his point. Confidence restored, Phox chased after him, hot on his older brother's heels. When all the deer turned their heads to look at the trio, it only fueled the fire for the young hunter in training. He barked, too, and the deer in the headlights look disappeared, replaced by the whole herd darting away.

Caught up in the moment, Phox dashed ahead of both brothers, pushing himself to his limits as he sprinted toward the hoofed beasts. But when a stray hoof nearly clocked him in the head, Phox remembered what both of his mentors had said: chasing only; no catching, and he slowed his pace so they could get ahead of him a little bit more.
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813 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight

The deer were wonderfully responsive to their aims, taking off abruptly with a thunder that sent a shiver up Gannet's spine. His blood urged him to get closer, to tear at the legs of one of the rear creatures, but common sense held him resolutely back.

His joy was tempered only briefly, and that was in a moment's anxiety when he saw Phox dart past both older boys, seemingly caught up in the chase.  Gannet opened his mouth to let out a sharp warning yip when the younger boy seemed to think better anyway, a near miss sending him back.  No harm no foul, but a close one!

Gannet picked up his own pace a bit and tracked the movements of the rear deer himself, studying the way they ran.  It was useful to know how prey behaved in order to better anticipate how to avoid an accident, and he was by no means accomplished enough to let a lesson go by either.
Gannet's face and body are open books; you are more than welcome to distinctly notice any emotion written in his posts.
(Most thread titles come from Into the Fire from the Scarlet Pimpernel)
worlds best dad award winner
351 Posts
Ooc — Pompoko
Lagan was having a great time, his tongue lolling out of his mouth with every bound he took. He ran side by side with Gannet, with Phox a few steps behind until all of a sudden- Phox was a few steps ahead. Lagan's heart leapt in his chest, the sudden fear that something bad could happen to Phox filled his mind. The Blackthorn should've listened to his head, told them that it was a bad idea! Phox was too young he didn't know what he was doing. Lagan was about to tell Phox to stop, but the boy slowed down himself.

Pride swelled in Lagan's chest, maybe Phox did know what he was doing! Lagan allowed his worry to dissipate, and he glanced at his little bro, a smile on his face. Then he was back to the chase. He followed Gannet's lead and sped up just a tad. While his cousin was enjoying studying the deer's running patterns and stuff, Lagan was thinking about how funny it would be if Gannet tripped and fell on his face.
lord of the hunt
1,607 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
I'm gonna wrap this one up if y'all don't mind!

The deer sped ahead, and Phox began to slow. He was still young, and even a full-blown adult couldn't keep up that pace for too long. He went from a full-on gallop, to a lope, to a trot, to an amble. He'd gotten what he wanted out of this experience, and he had no plans to make it more dangerous than it had already been.

"That was fun!" he exclaimed, panting and looking to both of his brothers. Well, technically Lagan wasn't a brother, but he may as well have been. "I can't wait until I can really hunt them." Phox continued to beam and glow as they made their way back to the rest of the pack, and although he held his tongue about what happened around Raven, he was quick to tell @Towhee all about it as soon as they had a moment alone.
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